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RE: This month the Homeless meal we have done monthly, for almost a decade per the Tulsa Mayor; are now illegal!

in #informationwar4 years ago

I thought you were asking if i prepped for this....

IF it were a serous contagion, I have a full RBC Suit with all the goodies, and I can seal the house and positive pressure the house. I would also activate the UV sterilization unit to hyper clean the internal air.

But this is not worth it, not a dangerous enough virus!



sir smithlabs! Oh, you have a UV unit? What does that look like?
Yeah, for as weak as this virus is supposed to be ...I can't figure out why so many are getting killed off by the complications, I guess because it is so easy to get infected.

The regular or Influenca A is much worse but it must not infect so many, is that right?

Yes they are about $100, and look like this:




Secondary infections is short hand for poor health. When you get down to it, Covid 19 doesn't kill anyone. It just opens the door wide for other pathogens!

They modified it for Slow maturity, so it doesn't make people feel sick while they spread it! That is the danger, thank GOD it is a weak contagion....


Right. Where do you put that UV unit, in the air duct?

Yes, for the basic installation. I will use it differently; but they include installation instructions.

If you decide to, I will give you a number to get a wholesale price. I don't know what the retail is....


I haven't really thought of using one. But I guess it's a good idea.

If there is a real contagion, it is useful. That is why I have it here. Debbie is at risk, because of the immune problems related to the MS, so I may set it up anyway.


I thought the air had to be exposed to it for something like 15 minutes but it must not take that long. I heard an interview with a doctor last night who was talking about a new type of UV light that a company developed that kills any virus in the room, anywhere the light hits, he's putting them in his office.

He explained it but it was too technical for me to understand. But at least I understand that it works better than the regular UV lights.

Depends on the light frequency (color) and the intensity. The frequencies that kill bacteria, are bad for us also. The UV units I was using on the RO water system, killed as the water pumped through; but it was SEALED to protect people's eyes. This light is also the right frequency, and sealed within the AC system.

The doctor is a fool, if the lights he put in really worked quickly, they would blind his staff. They could sterilize the facility with the low grade frequencies, and low power levels; because of the LONG exposure time.

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