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RE: This month the Homeless meal we have done monthly, for almost a decade per the Tulsa Mayor; are now illegal!

in #informationwar4 years ago

Depends on the light frequency (color) and the intensity. The frequencies that kill bacteria, are bad for us also. The UV units I was using on the RO water system, killed as the water pumped through; but it was SEALED to protect people's eyes. This light is also the right frequency, and sealed within the AC system.

The doctor is a fool, if the lights he put in really worked quickly, they would blind his staff. They could sterilize the facility with the low grade frequencies, and low power levels; because of the LONG exposure time.


That's what was so great about this new light, it is not harmful to humans but kills viruses instantly, it's a brand new invention.

This virus is so delicate you can probably kill it with a hard stare....

But, light affects on pathogens doesn't vary much. If it kills pathogens quickly, it will hurt us too. They must be counting on duration of exposure cleaning their office.

BTW, If the light doesn't reach the pathogen, it won't hurt it.


Well, here is the video where the doctor talks about this breakthrough product, it's right at the very first of the video:

And here is the company that makes it:

It will sterilize, it is UV C (the right frequency) and they only run it when people are gone at night! That would be safe....

But you don't want to be exposed to it!


I ain't scared of a little light. Hey let me ask you a question since I'm kinda dyslexic when it comes to numbers. I was looking at a trading site and they had the results of their trades. They had 405 winning trades and 201 losing trades. How does one figure what their percentage of winning trades are?

I have no idea what these trades are BUT:

there were 405 'winners'
and 201 'loosers'
the total trades are then 606

So winners / total = % ... Therefore 405 / 606 = 66.8% winners

No reason to worry, that UV C light, it will only blind you with cataracts, and trigger multiple skin cancers.

Good trade to protect us from this chronavirus boogieman, right? I wouldn't be caught dead around this lethal contraption when it is running; but I bet I could kill it before it killed me if I was!


uh..I think you may be a little paranoid about that light contraption. I mean, how can they market it if it isn't safe? Doesn't sound like a good plan for their future success! lol.

As far as the math...thanks.. I knew there was a simple way to figure it but I've always been half retarded when it comes to numbers. That's why Mrs. J. always does the finances. Luckily she is really good with numbers.

The only thing that has her stumped is how so many dummies in one place have survived for so long in OK!

They only run it when the office is empty, no risk to people that way.

Neither of us is good at math, we're on steemit aren't we?

When when we run into a really bad one, we just send them south!


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