More liberal terrorists attacks are being used to steal our Second Amendment Rights, with GOP help!

in #informationwar5 years ago

We are in the soup again! The liberals have again sent their minions to murder the innocent, so they can take our only means of self defense. The attack is always the same; a minion of Satan (AKA Liberal) is released on innocent people, usually in a gun free zone; they begin killing everyone they can. The MSM grabs the story, and claims that the murder is a white supremacist, and a President Trump supporter, and they focus on the AR15!

Later the truth comes out, and they are always liberal, and anti-Trump; but the MSM never retracts their BS statements!

Insanity is catching!
pistols to be banned by liberals.jpg

Republicans begin to weaken on the first real threat of gun confiscation laws at a federal level:
The Republicans have always understood that real Laws restricting firearms, are illegal, immoral, and VERY Dangerous! Today, they seem to be running a race to bring in our destruction as fast as possible. Passing this red flag law,will END our Second Amendment RIGHTS!

This violence on demand the liberals are using was used in the same manner, for the same reason, by another socialists regime in 1930 in a country called Germany. If they are successful, a darkness will descend upon the entire World!

Red flag laws are a real threat:
These supposed laws, illegal though they are, totally bypass the Constitution and the Bill of Rights! US Citizens will be able to be imprisoned, assaulted in their homes, and have their property illegally confiscated; without any due process!

It shields the accusers from any visibility to those accused. This means that once in place, the government itself can originate the shielded complaint, so ANY person they want to come for, is reachable; it total safety, with mock legality! Then they can seize anything from anyone, with absolutely no legal reason; and no one can defend themselves from this French Law style of injustice.

Trump involuntary confinement comment in speech:

Disappointingly, President Trump is on board with at least a portion of this abomination! He has agreed to involuntary confinement (imprisonment with no due process), based on a claim of aberrant behavior. Since these claims can be artificially generated, as needed, this is total despotic power, focussed in DC!

They are also weaponizing federal government bodies like the FBI and the DOJ against POLITICAL Opponents:
They will define those who oppose them as aberrant, with the goal of involuntary confinement unto death; just like the Nazis they follow did in the 1930s in Germany!

This MUST BE STOPPED or our Republic is done, and a new dark age has arrived; and civilization as we know it, is done for! The end is coming with a whimper...with no opposition from our spineless Politicians!

The only chance is if WE the People; Rise up and force our politicians to DO THEIR JOBS, or fire them!



Sir smithlabs! How do we know these mass shootings are done by liberals, do you think they are under some kind of mind control?

One was antifa, the other one was a Satanist. These are liberal groups...and they always tell their minions exactly what to think and say, and infortunately what to do also.

None are even remotely Conservative groups!


Oh I know they aren't conservative but they have people so controlled that they can just tell them to go shoot someplace up and they'll do it?

No, they do this, and wait for the really crazy ones to take to heart!

They have been feeding them on crazy all their lives, and telling them that right is wrong, and wrong is holy!


Very true and you can never make a liberal understand that guns are not evil, they just can't see that.

If they did, they would also have to see that THEY are Evil, and the real source of these problems! So, ignorance is bliss....


Yeah, they'll never see that. They're hoping that Uncle Joe will fix things!

Benjamin Franklin said that

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”

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