The level of insanity continues to increase, but where does it become non-recoverable?

in #informationwar5 years ago

The arrogance of the liberals knows no limit! While they blame President Trump for the shooting violence that killed 31 people in the last week, yet they are publishing posters calling for the death of all Trump supporters!

This is insanity! 100% of this weeks violence was from LIBERAL Minions; yet they blame the very people who are NOT responsible! They continue to foment violence against their political opponents, and to use that same violence to disarm those same opponents; in an effort to make them more easily murdered. Where are the white coats for these people? They are a danger to the public, and to themselves!

Image from article
I think THIS would be a good place for the FBI to focus, instead of looking at the intended victims!

Article on sign calling for the murder of Conservatives:

Not only is it hateful for the left to blame Trump for the actions of two people who not only had nothing to do with him, not only didn’t support him, but actually themselves hated him, in the case of the Dayton shooter at least, it is crazy.

They continue to blame US for this continued increase in violence, but in fact, posters like this are causing unstable liberals to kill! Since 100% of today's focus, is taking firearms from law abiding citizens (who just happen to disagree with liberals) ; while 100% of the murders are done by liberals, who ignore the law to commit the worst crime since Cain!

So we ignore the real source of the problem, to attack political opponents, knowing that it will not help the original problem? Is this a way to solve a problem, or simply a low risk method of gaining total political power?

These new laws will do NOTHING to reduce this senseless slaughter, and in fact will increase it by reducing those able to resist! The only thing it will do is weaken the position of those who disagree with liberals politically, as has always been the intent!

Within a month of banning the AR-15, every other firearm will be deemed to be equivalent to the AR, and will be included in that ban! So the day they ban one, they ban them all....

Relating to the Red flag laws and the French Law (Guilty until proven innocent) with a focus on mental problems: the same thing will occur here. Once a standard is in place that bypasses our Constitution, every political opponent will become insane, overnight! Our FBI is already doing the ground work, and those not politically correct, using Free Speech (which is their Constitutional Right); are being investigated for their speech! WTF? This is illegal, and they do NOT have the authority to do this! Sounds like it is time to fire the top ten levels, and replace them with honest patriots!

Apparently, one of the antifa loonies respected Them enough to follow their advice:

WHIO TV reported on Tuesday that Connor Betts attended an armed Antifa rally against the Ku Klux Klan in May.
Far Left Betts was carrying the same gun he used in his mass killing on Saturday night.

So the liberals are training terrorists now! But they also blame President Trump for the violence they themselves are causing! Are you okay with this?

We already have enough insane violent people in the World; why do we accept the liberals using their total lack of morals, to confuse their minions to make more terrorists?

Since antifa is a defacto terrorist organization, they need to be listed as such; and hunted by the Police, before they can murder more innocent people!

I would like to see honest people working as Reporters, and reporting facts! We deserve better than we are getting today, they disgust me!


Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation, and Liberty. We are a peaceful and non-violent movement that sees information as being held back by corrupt forces in the private sector and government. Our Mission.
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Ways you can help the @informationwar!

Thanks for the curation @wakeupnd, These are violent times, brought on by violent people! Many people I know, think it is too far gone for recovery; but I am still hopeful....


This is some very alarming stuff going on!

This is why I have been prepping...and still am. They will become extremely violent, when they begin starving. There are specific consequences for worshipping the government!

I still hope it doesn't work out this way, but it is looking bad.


Who is going to become violent when they begin starving?

The liberals, when they begin violence on a large scale, food shipments will stop. They are 100% dependent on others to survive, so they will be out of food quickly. Then they will get mad when they get hungry!

Sad to say, but there is a high likelyhood they will turn to eating each other.,,for a while, SMH!


Well if it comes to that they'll wish they believed in guns.

There are a lot of things they will wish they had done differently about then...but it will be too late! Perfect for the Faustian deal they made with their Master.

I actually feel sorry for them.


Excuse me? What is the Faustian deal?

Selling one's soul to the Devil for perceived immediate gain or power.


That is a liberal fantasy, they would be in trouble right away. You can't just pick up a gun, and be instantly good with it! Competence requires practice, not just hate!

But it is a good warning, just like these posters!

How did you get your rep numbers down so low? I had trouble finding you.


Bernie and marky voting me into oblivion for standing against their hate. They sicked their multi accounts on me. I am just patiently waiting and building to buy more steem to fight back better.

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