
One was antifa, the other one was a Satanist. These are liberal groups...and they always tell their minions exactly what to think and say, and infortunately what to do also.

None are even remotely Conservative groups!


Oh I know they aren't conservative but they have people so controlled that they can just tell them to go shoot someplace up and they'll do it?

No, they do this, and wait for the really crazy ones to take to heart!

They have been feeding them on crazy all their lives, and telling them that right is wrong, and wrong is holy!


Very true and you can never make a liberal understand that guns are not evil, they just can't see that.

If they did, they would also have to see that THEY are Evil, and the real source of these problems! So, ignorance is bliss....


Yeah, they'll never see that. They're hoping that Uncle Joe will fix things!

Benjamin Franklin said that

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”

Yes that's one of my favorite quotes! So true too.

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