
I like inflammatory language sometimes I find lyrically appropriate. And this post started out as a reply to @drdave who I've had a few back and forth talks and I feel that he would know that my insults are in good cheer.

Well, how could I have known :)

And I'm a big fan of Irony, check out the @informationwar curation comment.

Hey @rocking-dave - I'll confirm what @openparidigm said regarding the "good cheer"... It's good to have a alternative viewpoint so you don't get your ears blown out in the politics echo chamber - figuratively...

He's knowledgeable, articulate, and most important willing to engage in conversation - I consider him to be a worthy adversary. Maybe a little misguided (Ok a lot misguided), maybe a little "off" sometimes, but I'm working on it... Believe it or not, I have started to really enjoy my interactions with him.

Oh, I certainly get that and I do make an effort to spend time outside the echochamber.

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