The More Things Change... Pizzagate Comes Full Circle: Part V- Hollywood, Music & The Media

in #informationwar6 years ago

1 John 2:15 King James Version (KJV)

15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 

Hollywood has always been about one thing- culture creation... so too is the music industry and other mainstream media. Using illusion biblical teachings have been inverted. The name Hollywood itself is of Druidic roots- the "magic wand" has always been made of holly wood to cast spells. It is an illusory culture of self-absorption performed by the self-absorbed... a culture of youth and beauty. A place where good is evil and evil is good- the ultimate celebration of self- hedonism and narcissism run amok. Remember, Lucifer was the morning star- the most beautiful of all the angels. Hollywood also has its roots near Rome- "all roads lead to Rome"- in a place called Nemi (Holy Wood) where the Cult of Diana (Lucifer's feminine aspect) sacrificed people in a lake. Sacrifice has always played a seminal role in the occult, be it Baal worship, Moloch, Diana, or Satan.

Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general have also been an integral part of culture creation by the US and UK security Services, particularly CIA and MI-6 through Tavistock Institute, using both sound frequencies and lyrics in music and light and sex magic in the visual arts. This is done to splinter society into subcultures. It was Tavistock who brought us the Beatles, who themselves brought more than their atonal music... they came equipped with their own mode of dress and their shaggy haircuts. There was nothing at all organic about this, neither was the Laurel Canyon scene which spawned bands such as the Byrds, Doors, Mamas and Papas, Buffalo Springfield, Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention and others... all of these bands had family in military intelligence and ties to the East Coast establishment.

Rap, Hip Hop and other modern genres of music are no different- all have a "look" and mode of behavior and all are just means of disseminating different modes of propaganda... and all put forth a message that is decidedly anti-Christian. Hollywood and music is used by the CIA to destroy American culture and the nuclear family using Satanic rituals and imagery. Satan despises humanity and seeks to destroy it employing any and all means necessary. The CIA (along with MI-6 and other security agencies here and in the UK) seek to destroy America and replace it with a Satanic oligarchy- a new aristocracy served by willing slaves. "Do what thou wilt" is their mantra. This is more than just cultural warfare- this is spiritual, a war for the soul of America fought on a cultural battlefield.

The young for the most part act as unwitting pawns. Beginning with Aleister Crowley who advocated pedophilia and child sacrifice, to Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan and now entertainers like Beyonce and Jay-Z, Katy Perry and many, many others, they are leading the youth of America to their spiritual (and physical) destruction. For decades young people have emulated their entertainment icons- from Sinatra in the 40's- to James Dean and Elvis in the 50's- the Beatles in the 60's and now a new pantheon of "stars" who have sold their souls for the treasures of this world. Concerts and movies are full of Illuminati and satanic symbolism and many of the young people don't look past the flashing lights and sex acts emulated on stage to the real symbolism behind it all.

Hollywood- Music- Mass Media has all become, at the behest of the CIA, public relations for the Beast System. Pedophilia, cannibalism and child sacrifice are all being "normalized" through art, just as homosexuality was 10-20 years ago. The mass media is the bridge between politics and society- a mechanism of mind control. The election of Donald Trump shattered their perception that their victory was complete.

 From 1832- Aug. 10 2018
Re_read drops re: Haiti.
At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.
Fake News?
The World is WATCHING.


Anyone in Hollywood or the music industry who speaks out is immediately blacklisted (or worse). The reason that the news media hasn't reported on Pizzagate/Pedogate is because many are complicit- birds of a feather flock together. Many of the Hollywood elites have already been "outed" as pedophiles, with allegations coming out now about A-listers such as Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg. But there's a much darker side to this as well- the fixation with children's blood and adrenochrome. Actor Keanu Reeves has come out and disclosed this practice expressing his disgust with Hollywood in general...

As more and more comes out about this, the more Satanic and depraved it will get. It's difficult to believe that anyone could kill a child just to get high, much less pay exorbitant amounts of money to do it. Think of all the children that money could help. Satan is determined to invert God's plan and he will use anyone willing to help, giving them riches and power in this world for their assistance... all they have to do is give up their soul. What surprises me is that there are so many willing to do it!


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The LITERAL Satanic influence over movies and popular music has always been UNDERSTATED and overlooked by mainstream Christianity. Most American pastors are so weak in this area, that they and their kids are active participants in much of what has literally been dedicated to the Devil, and they remain ignorant. I even had a decent local pastor encouraging his own kids to read J. K. Rowling! It was so pathetic, I couldn't even respond. I was speechless.

Thanks for continuing to make these powerful truths know, Rich. You are a true treasure to, and to America, overall.

The churches are awol... they've been infiltrated. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. If Satan wants to attack the world, what's the most logical target? For millennia religion has provided mankind with a moral compass- do away with the church- do away with morality.

Thank you so much for your kind words me friend. Somebody once wrote that if you tell the truth, you don't have to keep track of anything. Telling the truth is the easiest job I ever had.

Exactly. The liars-in-charge often slip up because their lies are so complicated and interwoven. It takes their super computers to spit out their lines for public consumption now.

The truth is so much simpler... maybe I'm just lazy and don't want to put in all that extra work.

I'm reading Edward Bernays book on propaganda... This is insane!!!

Oh yea...old Edward will get you enraged!

Hey Rich,

Can you have a look at my article/question about a big drop off in "#informationwar" revenues today and yesterday? Are you seeing that too, or...?

A BIG TIA, for any information on that front, brother.

A lot of it has to do with the price of steem which fluctuates. I'm not making anywhere close to what I usually make. The other thing is posting 7 times a day. I never post more than 2 IW posts a day and even then only 1 will get an upvote. The curators have to be fair to everybody. Even if you post 7 times a day without the IW tag, it will take away from your overall rewards.

I hope that helped.

Sure did, Rich. Thanks!

Wow the things that everyone from Sinatra forward has been part of the plan to demoralize American and bring in the satanic agenda. If only more people were awake and yet how do we wake him. Thanks my friend @richq11

Thank you Brother! I hate to think about Sinatra and people of that era in a bad light BUT WWII was a set up, it could have been avoided. Pearl Harbor was a false flag- they knew about it 2 weeks in advance. All of Hollywood supported the war effort so I guess they've been complicit from the beginning.

Hollywood and the entire American art industry, are creators of culture, and they have promoted spiritual and moral degeneration since its existence, you just have to go back to the time when Hollywood was created to see that.

Yup... and with the advent of the OSS/CIA it's become even worse- all part of a plan!

Right, I like that you know that everything is connected, and that Hollywood is just one part.

That's what makes it so hard to analyze... in fact it was planned that way. I call it the Kudzu effect, it just spreads out and keeps going and going.

Great post! The addition of the Keanu Reeves article (video) is powerful.

Thanks Buddy! Now I'm going back to the CIA and break down the psy-op angle... It's all about mind/culture control and the NWO.

Looking forward to it and will be very relevant in the near future. You do an awesome job presenting in such a way that anyone can follow along and be inspired to look into things themselves. Your work helps people understand that what we see and hear is manufactured for our servitude pleasure. I look forward to your psy-op work. I email links to folks not on steemit sometimes of really good research posts. I doubt I'm the only one on here who does that so your efforts are not in vain. The information does get out there.

I appreciate that, that's what it's all about- the information. My good friend Steve asked what I want my legacy to be and I told him, to inspire one person to carry on and make a difference.

And there are thousands still wanting to sell their souls to be prominent in Hollywood and Maunstream media, vanity, all is vanity!

That's right... it's a superficial world.

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There are many good articles in your post which come in a lot of ways

The Qillary spy-op Exposed - The Days of Darkness - Humanity Makes It´s Last Stand!!!

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