
in #informationwar6 years ago

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As a part of our effort to provide Steemians with an alternative to the MSM narrative, #informationwar will be doing a state by state analysis of the candidates and their stance on important issues. Anyone that wants to participate, please leave me a comment below... This will be conducted in an IMPARTIAL manner, if you want to use this to advance your or someone else's agenda please don't waste my time and yours. Our intention is to provide voters with accurate unbiased information to assist them in making an informed choice... this will be non-partisan.

Our only purpose in doing this is to help voters make good choices on issues they feel are important. If you're one of those people that thinks that voting is irrelevant, please just keep scrolling and keep your negative comments to yourself- frankly, we're not interested in your opinion. If you want to help, please let me know in the comments... Thank You.




here in MA we have a couple of great alternatives to fauxahauntus, I can't decide between the Eagle Scout and the Indian guy who invented email and was called a white supremacist by the Antifa.

Looks like I may be an army of 1... I'll get around to MA. I'm originally from the North End

Trump's the first relevant candidate I can remember in fifty years.
Will there be anyone else like him...or just more lying politicians?

Frankly, I haven't even started investigating yet. The only guy I've really looked at is a Rep out of VA who looks good.

I rarely find anyone to vote FOR...most of the time I vote against.
wish I could vote against both candidates sometimes.

They should redo the ballots so you can vote against people... make them come up with a new batch of candidates.

How about changing the rules so that if a certain percentage of the eligible voters don't turn out then the election is declared null and void.

I believe the word is 'quorum'.

Also an excellent idea!

I'm in! Michigan US Senator Debbie Stab-me-now is up for re-election and I like John James, an air force vet to replace her. I just donated to his campaign.

My kids live in Harrison and there's a sign in the middle of town saying "Go Back to Canada!" I lived there for several years (went to CMU).

I'll save everyone the trouble.

They are already part of the system.
They have already drunk the koolaid.
Either they have already played ball, or they aren't even allowed to run.

So, vote for none of them.

Good bye... Strike 3

Strike 3 doesn't make any sense without a strike 1 or 2.

Better than 90% of the politicians in DC voted against what i care most about.
So, if you'all made a list based on that one criteria, it would be a long list of nope, won't vote for that person.

What i would like politicians rated on is warm empathy. Do they have any?
This would be my only criteria on a list composed today.

Sorry i missed the line about not wanting any "non voter" arguments.
I will just stop commenting.

I want a politician that wants there to be no politicians. I can only think of adam kokesh running for president in 2020

Beep! Beep! @shadow3scalpel at your service. I am here to assist all military members on Steemit. This HumVee will be scouting posts from a list of Veterans that is maintained by @chairborne. If you are a Veteran and new to Steemit, and you have questions or want to join the Veterans community, reply to this comment. We got your six, unless you are in the rear with the gear. Ooh-Rah!
Comment by @inthenow. This is a opt-in bot.

You lost me when you said the following:

"If you're one of those people that thinks that voting is irrelevant, please just keep scrolling and keep your negative comments to yourself- frankly, we're not interested in your opinion"

Way to open minded for me.LOL

In case you missed the rest of the post- we're looking for volunteers not opinions

I loved that part, those people are so annoying.

I got a feeling I'm going to be muting a few today!

if they were chewing gum they couldn't walk.

Not to be a ass, but don't you need the peoples good opinion of what you are trying to accomplish if they are to volunteer? To get cooperation from conscious individuals of course you need there good opinion?

With out the good opinion of those who would volunteer the informationwar stated moral goal will not be accomplished and such closed minded thinking will be its end.

I would rather it grow and be successful in it's goal of informing and rewarding those who put sweat equity into their post trying to accomplish the goals. When I determine that the stated goals are not being accomplished my support will end and so will the support of those who see this closed minded interference happening in your meetings and post.

This post is a P.R. disaster for the informationwar. I hope you see that I am trying to inform so as to enable actions conversant with the stated goals.

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