Cause & Effect... Vaccine Deep State Doubling Down on Mandatory Vaccinations

in #informationwar5 years ago

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 The more evidence supporting the damage done by vaccines, whether it be autism, brain damage, neurological disorders, or even death, the harder Big Pharma and the Vaccine Deep State fight back using whatever propaganda they can come up with to bolster their arguments. Recently a measles outbreak in California has lawmakers considering removing religious and philosophical exemptions and forcing families to submit to the will of the state. One group that is bound to be affected is homeschoolers. The fact that these diseases are being brought in by illegal immigrants is never brought up- only trampling the rights of families affected by this plague is given consideration. 

  In general, the public is opposed to removing parental consent to vaccines, and most bills seeking to remove parental authority have been met with stiff opposition and been defeated at the state level. 

 One bill that was successful, was SB277 which was passed in California in 2015 removing the religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccines.  

 However, the pro-pharmaceutical lobby in California has not been satisfied with the results of SB277, and are now going after doctors who write medical exemptions for vaccines.  

  While a lawsuit against the California State Medical Board for illegally targeting medical doctors who write legitimate medical exemptions to vaccines for their patients makes its way through the legal process, most doctors in California now fear writing medical exemptions to vaccines as they would risk losing their license to practice medicine in California.  

 Submit to the will of the state (Big Pharma) or pay the price with the loss of your medical license, or custody of your children.  It should come as no surprise, therefore, that the vaccine extremists, who believe that ALL vaccines are safe for ALL children ALL the time, by force if necessary, are now targeting homeschool children. And it doesn't stop there- more states are jumping on board. Oregon Governor Kate Brown supports mandatory home visits for the parents of newborns just to make certain that they are fit to raise children- newspeak for toeing the government line. 

 In Massachusetts (another state whose name should be preceded by "The People's Republic Of") the Attorney General has greenlighted the MSM publishing death threats against anyone not supportive of mandatory vaccinations. 

 The mainstream media has just been given a green light by the Massachusetts Attorney General to openly publish death threats against so-called “anti-vaxxers” (a derogatory term which means anyone who questions the sanity of injecting children with mercury, a brain-damaging heavy metal and known neurotoxin). Proof of this is found in the letter shown below. 

  BACKGROUND: Following the Boston Herald’s call for anti-vaxxers to be “hanged to death”, Natural News issued an urgent action item for readers and fans to report the Boston Herald to law enforcement authorities. A wave of complaints hit the Boston FBI, Boston Police and the Massachusetts Attorney General, requesting criminal investigations into the Boston Herald for its unabashed call for anti-vaxxers to be executed in the same way black slaves were once lynched in America.  

 In other words, the Massachusetts government has just told anti-vaxxers that you must now take up your own self-defense against journo-terrorists, since the “authorities” in government refuse to apply the law to those who work at the Boston Herald. Your lives are now in danger. You are being targeted by the Boston Herald and any number of psychopaths who may be motivated by the Herald’s call for mass murder. The government has now declared it will do nothing to stop the calls for murder by “journalists” as long as they are targeting people who oppose toxic vaccine ingredients. 

 In other words the 14th Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection under the law" does not apply to anyone who questions Big Pharma and their sycophants (writ: paid shills) in government. America does indeed have the best government money can buy. Mike Adams, The Health Ranger and publisher of Natural News has declared war on what he describes as the journo-terrorists. 

  This all explains why I plan to publish the home addresses of the journo-terrorists working at the Boston Herald, in order to warn local Bostonians that they might be living next to murderous, sociopathic mental health miscreants who are a danger to society. Since the Massachusetts government refuses to take any action to protect the public from these dangerous psychopaths, it’s obvious that we must take action to protect ourselves. The right to self-defense, after all, is one of the most sacred rights we possess. 

 Our non-profit division is also launching the public education site where journo-terrorists who deny that vaccines harm children will be named and shamed, providing a permanent record of their crimes against children and humanity.  

 Similarly, others such as investigative journalist Jeffery Jaxon have taken up the mantle: 

 Beta testing, sometimes referred to user acceptance testing, is defined in the computer world as a technique in which hardware is subjected to small trial environment before full implementation. Establishment media outlets and government health agencies have ramped up the pressure and targeting of families, parents, and children over the past few years. Vaccination, once a choice after careful deliberation over the dangers by way of full informed consent, has been painted as an authoritarian demand by the state. The removal of full informed consent, public health debates and medical choice has been superseded to make way for the ever-expanding profit margins of pharmaceutical corporations.  

 Media outlets now regularly attack and dehumanize anyone who does not subscribe to what can only be described as a religious-like dogma of the failing tenets of the medical-industrial complex. Humanity has witnessed governments and their mouthpieces, often with corporate collusion, attempt to divide and conquer their populations for the purpose of greater control and, in extreme cases, extermination. The slippery slope practice of painting innocent subgroups of society, often used as scapegoats for failed government policy, as a danger to the collective is well-documented and extremely dangerous.  

 To pave the way for California Senate Bill 277, marinated in Big Pharma money and political corruption, The LA Times ran the article titled “Rich, educated and stupid parents are driving the vaccination crisis.” Such a headline now seems tame in today’s accepted media landscape ever since the Boston Herald labeled public debate about questionable health practices and parents talking about their children’s vaccine injuries “a hanging offense.”  

 The backlash, as you can well imagine, was swift and severe... the Mass Atty General's Office of course doubled down." Paralegal Bethany Brown, officially replying to the civil rights complaint on behalf of the office of the Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey writes:" 

  “Please be advised that after reviewing your complaint, the Civil Rights Division has decided not to further investigate or intervene in this matter at this time.”  

 The real facts surrounding the matter- something lost on the journo-terrorists and profit-hungry mavens of Big Pharma- tell another story altogether: 

 Regardless of the corporate media’s waning influence, funded to the tune of an estimated $5.4 billion in Big Pharma ad revenue, an exponentially growing number of people are now questioning and discussing the long-documented dangers of vaccination. Just recently, a pilot study has entered the discussion adding even further credibility to parents, medical professionals and researchers who have been warning about the dangers of the ever-increasing US vaccine schedule. The study titled ‘Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year-old U.S. children‘ showed the following results for vaccinated children:  


  • 4.2-fold increase in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  (ADHD);
  • 5.2-fold increase in Learning Disability;
  • 3.7-fold increase in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDD) of any type;
  • Preterm birth and vaccination was associated with 6.6-fold increased odds of ND

 Never letting inconvenient facts get in the way of profits, the WHO (World Health Organization), the medical arm of the UN jumped in. 

 The deep state is utterly petrified that the general public is finally waking up to the Great Vaccine Hoax – so much so that, in a desperate attempt to scare people into still getting vaccinated, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently put out a fear-mongering claim that vaccine refusal represents one of the biggest global health threats of 2019.  

 So refusing chemical agents, many containing heavy metals such as mercury, is a threat to global health... this doesn't begin to pass any test for common sense. But then again, common sense has always proven an antidote for propaganda and the Big Pharma propagandists have many powerful people on their side, among them the WHO. 

 In addition to things like air pollution, “climate change,” a global influenza pandemic, and dengue fever, “vaccine hesitancy” is now classified by the WHO as a global health crisis, as “vaccine hesitancy threatens to reverse progress in tackling vaccine-preventable diseases” – vaccine hesitancy, as defined by the WHO, constituting any refusal or delay in getting vaccinated, assuming vaccines are readily available, according to official government guidelines and schedules. 

 According to the WHO, somewhere between two and three million deaths are prevented every year as a result of vaccination – though concrete data to back this up remains murky, if not completely non-existent. If more people were to agree to get vaccinated, the WHO contends, upwards of 1.5 million more deaths could be avoided – though, again, there’s no valid scientific evidence to back this claim, either. 

 “Measles, for example, has seen a 30 percent increase in cases globally,” the WHO claims, ignoring the fact that MMR vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella not only cause more measles, but also cause more deaths from measles, compared to non-vaccinated individuals who contract measles naturally.  

 Since when has measles, a common childhood disease that most of us that are over the age of 40 have survived, been a health threat? Moreover, what statistics support giving the MMR vaccine in the first place? I for one have never heard of anyone dying from measles. Aren't there more virulent diseases that need addressing, or is this supposed to be a slam dunk for Big Pharma. 

  It’s important to keep in mind that measles is much like the chicken pox in that it’s a relatively harmless disease when contracted naturally. As depicted in an old episode of “The Brady Bunch,” for instance, contracting measles has never historically been all that big of a deal – and once a person recovers from it naturally, he or she has lifelong immunity, unlike the temporary “immunity,” at best, that’s afforded by MMR vaccines.  

 While addressing a 30% increase in cases of measles the WHO admits: 

  “The reasons for this rise are complex, and not all of these cases are due to vaccine hesitancy,” WHO states. “However, some countries that were close to eliminating the disease have seen a resurgence,” it adds, suggesting that this automatically points to people not getting vaccinated.  

 But once again, there’s no evidence to prove this – just hearsay. And that’s why parents are increasingly deciding to forego vaccines for their little ones, instead choosing to allow them to develop natural immunity without the need for deadly chemicals, aborted human fetal tissue, and the many other toxins found in government-sanctioned vaccines.  

  Flu shots are also declining in popularity, as revealed in a recent report published by the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH).  

 And here is the cause and effect... An increase in people refusing vaccinations is causing a decrease in the bottom line for Big Pharma- hence all of the propaganda and vitriol from their allies in the MSM, as well as actions taken on their behalf from their sycophants in government. After all, a political campaign ain't as cheap as it used to be! 

  People ultimately believe what they see. No matter what the flawed, bought-and-paid-for “science” says – most of which has been conducted by pharmaceutical companies who themselves have a vested interest in producing vaccines – anecdotal evidence carries a tremendous amount of weight. As more and more people see the previously normal, healthy children of friends and family develop health problems after being vaccinated, they become nervous about allowing their own children to receive vaccines.  

  And this “hesitancy” is spreading globally, across cultures, countries and different socio-economic groups. An increasing number of highly educated, well-respected politicians, lawyers, medical professionals and others have voiced their concerns about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. And for this reason, the anti-vaccine movement is gaining more and more traction. This scares organizations like the WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) because it means that they are losing their control over people.  

 And that's what's really scaring them- loss of control. People are waking up and the more that do, the more precarious the elites in government and their corporate allies such as, but not limited to by any means, Big Pharma. For Big Pharma, there's no money to be made from a healthy populace- nor is there any profit in curing diseases, only in treating chronic conditions that they themselves create with vaccines much of the time. They have to keep pushing their lies so that people won't become aware that their vaccines aren't sometimes dangerous, but there's no guarantee that they're going to prevent the disease they were designed to prevent. In an incident in New York City in 2011 a measles outbreak was caused by a woman that was fully vaccinated. The MSM only tells of the success stories, never the failures. 

  As published in the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal, the 2011 measles outbreak in New York has been confirmed to have originated from a fully vaccinated woman, according to a study conducted by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Westchester County Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). … [S]he went on to infect four other people with the measles, two of them also fully vaccinated. Tests also confirmed that the other two people infected, though unvaccinated, had previously been exposed to measles and therefore should have had natural immunity to it.  

 In the end, the decision to vaccinate or not should be left up to parents and individuals and never the state. I remember when Ronald Reagan quipped that the scariest phrase in the English language is "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." I did my undergrad work in Political Science and my Masters in Economics and I learned in my years of research that involving government ensures that whatever the issue is; it will take longer to solve and cost many times more than the private sector. My observation is that there is no problem so bad that government won't make worse... especially if wealthy corporate interests have a finger in the pie. 


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Thank you @richq11, for spreading this truth about the vaccines and how terrible the pharma industry is and how they only care about the money.
Without them making us sick, they would not be able to make any money, so they have to keep us sick in order to keep on making more and more money.
Sick. But that is the truth.

I've seen memos that even say that there's no profit in curing people!

It does not surprise me they're doubling down. It's about money and control. Big Pharma can't make money if they cannot push drugs and vaccinate. Our bodies should be God's Temple and we must be careful what we put in our bodies. They preach about our bodies our choice when it comes to abortion. I guess it just depends if it fits their agenda. Thanks for sharing @richq11

No money in treating healthy people! Thanks my friend!2005f87eee3c19bda1a29807db820c78.jpg

Are you implying and believe that big pharma is intentionally spreading disease with vaccines to make money?

That's part of it- there's population control and other factors

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