Back Into The Rabbit Hole: The Obama Connection

in #informationwar6 years ago

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This past week I went a little further down the rabbit hole than I wanted to go. I contacted a friend I first met in Vietnam, he was Air Force Intel officer, a linguist who reads and writes over 10 languages including Russian cryptography (he spent the last 5 years of Nam in Cheyenne Mountain deciphering Russian intercepts). He went from there to the Pentagon and finally as a contractor for the DOD. I had heard about the Hillary/Huma sex tape and wanted confirmation. I DID NOT see a child getting her face peeled... as far as I know that is false. The pictures on Twitter of people on ping pong tables supposedly at Comet Pizza, are also false, I believe. What I did see was bad enough and I'm not going to say what they were... only that I've spent a good deal of time trying to go back to being myself- and not having much luck.

What he did say, is that this is much bigger than you think. We all want to see Hillary brought to justice, but it won't just be her. My friend's words were, "think guest list of Epstein Island." That leads me to believe that this is where the videos on Weiner's laptop originated. Jeffrey Epstein is a Mossad agent and Zionist, in addition to being a place where unspeakable things happen, it's also a honey trap where people are filmed and blackmailed, run by Mossad, CIA and MI-5 and MI-6. British Secret Service, the CIA are run by the Crown. Who is the power behind the Crown- the Rothschilds. Who pushed for the independent Israeli state- the Balfour Declaration begins with Dear Lord Rothschild.

Q post 1215 has this picture...
Google Images
followed by: >>1124212
You can’t imagine the size of this.
Conspiracy risk.
Planned for later.

The woman circled is Sarah Nixon mother of Maggie "Wendy" Nixon, the girl in the photo with Barack Obama. The other woman may be Nora Maccoby, daughter of Michael Maccoby and sister of Alefantis friend and lawyer Max Maccoby.
Both of the Maccobys were involved with Friends of the Orphans, the organization Laura Silsby was working for when she was arrested smuggling children out of Haiti. Also, Allison Mack, a B list actress in Hollywood was recently arrested for being a "procurer" of children for Hollywood elites... and she has begun to talk. There has also been allegations about children like Maggie Nixon being victims of MK Ultra mind control... this brings us back to the Maccobys- Michael in particular. Nora has admitted- in fact she did a video (see at end)- to being raised in the CIA.

Michael Maccoby, a psychologist, and fellow psychologist Erich Fromme did trauma based mind control experiments in Latin America during the 1950's & 60's. This is where the techniques used in MK Ultra and the Monarch Program were developed. The connection between MK Ultra and many celebrities will be coming out soon I believe. Q says in an earlier post...
1203 Apr 20 2018 20:30:58
Mack is naming names.
Big names in H-Wood / Gov’t (local/federal).
The ‘Standard’ Hotel.
Helicopter crash.
All related.
Future will prove past.
Feeling ok today?
Why is the MX border / Long Beach Port so important?
Tick TOCK (LLC).

1209 Apr 20 2018 22:12:34

Over the target.
Expand further.
Open source.
Apr 20 2018 22:17:04
This door will be opened later.
The choice, to know, will be yours.

AS refers to Adam Schiff, as does the reference to the Standard Hotel. There is also this Tweet from Allison Mack...

These people are into some pretty sick stuff and as Q points out: "You can't imagine the size of this." I've been saying for the past year and a half that the name Maccoby is the key to all of this... which causes me pause when Robert David Steele, in an interview, says "leave my friends the Maccobys alone." Why would he say that? Michael was Alefantis biggest defender when the Pizzagate story broke. Q's exposing Obama confirms much of what my friend told me: "This is fucking huge." I apologize if my writing hasn't been very coherent for the past few days, I still don't feel like myself. I keep hoping I can write my way out of this funk- but it isn't working so well so far!


You love rabbit holes.

Admit it.

Have a good week man, I hope you feel better soon.

I am happy you are always doing well on here.

Thank you my friend. I think I need about 50 more EOS... I have a feeling after the June 1 conversion it will skyrocket!

...the epstein island as the ultimate honey for the rich and powerful to ne manipulated, trap makes sense now...

...if you can't talk about the horrible shit you have seen but want to get it out - let me know -- I will - I have a cast iron stomach and will do...
...this shite needs to be outed..

Thanks, I might take you up on that. I'm working on a post now- The history of the Rothschild Zionism. That's who's behind all of this... Epstein is a Mossad agent and these type of Jews believe that all Gentiles are animals, that's why these crimes are allowable. To them they're not crimes at all. I don't want to paint all Jews with this brush, there are many good ones. These are the children of the Pharisees, who Jesus called "Children of the devil." They're Satanic Jews.

Thanks, I might take you up on that

We can talk on discord for that anytime .. - I have been in the adult- industry for along time - nothing abusive coercive or illegal or anything 'dodgy' in the slightest - or anything sick like we are hearing about .
But is possibly means I'm a bit more 'hardened' in respects to some this sicko crap shit...
It isn't something I wish to see ... but if it's the difference between getting shit (truth) out or not .....

I posted this a few days ago, which is very relevant to what i'm saying....

I'm working on a post now- The history of the Rothschild Zionism.

I did a few posts on this subject a while back - feel free to plagiarize/take anything -if you think the content is worthwhile for your post. (Your stuff is better than mine. lol).

I don't want to paint all Jews with this brush, there are many good ones.

Absolutely not - to do that, would be to play 'the zionist' game of division.

There is a judical watch judge + laura loomer, + host of the you tube show.

( I can't find the you tube link - soz -I only saw it yesterday - it's new - part of it is laura loomer asking comey at his book launch some very uncomfortable things!-she got kicked out.

.... But all three of them are Jewish - and you should hear them rant about zionism and political corruption...

I very much appreciate your going an extra mile to seek to confirm the HRC/Abedin video. I have been struggling to maintain a position that such videos are likely, although that particular video, as described, may or may not exist.

I see the claims as potentially disinformation intended to discredit truthseekers, since it remains unconfirmed despite being reported to be released in the wild.

I hadn't heard the allegation that Epstein was Mossad before, but it makes a great deal of sense. I am aware that Weiner has been alleged to be Mossad, or associated with them, so it also makes sense that Epstein and Weiner didn't mix socially, despite the close connections between them via HRC/Abedin.

It is a difficult thing to wrap your head around, and I'm sure exposure to the gritty details is discomfiting. I have no desire to see as close as you say you have looked. I hope the worst of it is behind you.


Thanks, most of what I'm seeing reported on social media is false. The pics at Comet Ping Pong for example, aren't a part of the HRC/Huma video. Also the face peeling may or may not be true- I don't think it is (just a gut feeling). That one was not confirmed by my friend.

It's heavy material.. and the twisted information you find can be draining.. I recognize it when I am doing the same.. I try for now not to dive into the mind controlling info (outside steemit) because when I search I find all kinds of scary and related information which I can't cope with now. Just keep writing you will get back in the flow!

This is crazy stuff. I bet the rabbit hole goes through a tunnel straight to hell. Thanks @richq11

A place I very much want to stay out of!

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very nice and informative content for this post i have one imoji i hope you like it.....

very nice and informative post....thanks for sharing

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