Offering your services when you can't tell anyone what your service is.....

in #blog6 years ago

That sound's kind of stupid, doesn't it?

But it really isn't.
Think of a 'V' type figure - but without the intelligence or being shit hot tough...( in fact, it's nothing like that 'V' image-just my romantic side coming out)

I have some life experiences that are pretty unique, though...
Unique in areas 95% of people never encounter. Or would probably even want to.
Areas definitely not within the scope of 'normal life', but it has been my life.


Areas of life that could be very useful in uncovering....whatever....

I could access get into places that many people just couldn't.

Why ?

I'm a really nice guy.
I am the rat without being the rat.(obviously).
But I can smell as bad as the best of them..

And here in lies the problem.
I fit in seamlessly to the 'dark underbelly of society'.

And I raise suspicion among the people who are my natural allies. (of the political spectrum, for example).
I don't fit into any obvious 'place'.

While my lifestyle has been anarchic, hedonistic, and chaotic in a very trues sense, the 'anarchy people' and the 'libertarians' I know of, all seem very...well... decent.
They pay their tax in between protests and everything.

These people would be sniffed out in minutes..
'Smelling a rat' is a sharp and sensitive tool for 'the enemy'. I have seen it in action.
I smell like a rat, though...


BUT - I'm also really really crap at politics and the 'games of men'.
I know I could be played by people politically smarter than me. (that's most people aged 5 years and older).

Fortunately for me, the cost of these 'games of men' that I have lost over the years, to the more politically astute than myself - were nothing more than money or position, etc.

Not life and liberty.

What I have to offer is pretty unique.
But I can't talk about it - because politically adept manipulators (of both sides,) would find it easy to play me in a game that isn't just money. The stakes are much higher.

'tis a conundrum.

Swimming with sharks will get you eaten, unless you appear to be a shark. (I've moved on from the rat metaphor).
I'm able to live in a world that I would imagine that 99% of the people on 'my side' have never been immersed in...Never even dipped their toes in, truth be told.
...but I have....And that has value.... somehow...

So the question is..
How do I...

Approach these people to offer my services? It's not exactly a standard job interview.
Convince the people on the right side, that I'm not on the wrong side?
I.e. A stooge? ('cos it would appear like I'm on the 'wrong side' to many people. I have seen this reaction to me, so many times that I have lost count).

I'm rambling, - but it's a question that has been mulling around in my head for some time.

To make a real difference would be worth possible sacrifices...

Well hopefully that's crystal clear, but I fear that it's about as clear as mud.


hahahahaha...nice naked party ,but my question is why boys are not naked only girls are

That's from Eyes Wide Shut.

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So you want to sell me something, but you can't tell me what your selling. Hmm, that's a tough sell. Okay, I just upvoted you with currently my highest voting power, which ain't all that much, sorry.

You can't tell me what you're selling, but can you at least tell me how much it's going to cost me?

science fiction, fantasy, erotica

Cost? - that's a very 'elastic' concept, and not really applicable (too much) in this case.

The investment in the use of my services? I can'1 imagine less than 12/18 months minimum. Investment costs - not very high.
Returns..? Very, very high.This isn't about t money - but Just the money? , massive amounts could well be a bi product..

Think of it as a snake catcher without any protective equipment...or even a bendy rod thingy that they have. Hands only - and then going into a snake infested area.
(I don't know what it is with the animal comparisons, and this post. weird)

a project veritas for grown ups, maybe...?

..for example, if I hired me - I would insist on a closed loop environment - a '2 month observation period ' of myself, before I hired myself...

Which raises a very good point , sir. - you ( a general 'you', not a specific you) would not even have thought as to why I would insist on that 2 month period.
(if I was hiring myself)
But it does highlight why I could do a job many people wouldn't be able to.

...clear as mud still?

Right-i-o, I see now.
Just one more question, does this involve Vaseline?

lol - not especially, but I can it might have it's uses at times .lol

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