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RE: There Will Be No Escape Without Permission

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Recently, it hit me while watching a true crime documentary that most crimes could be solved quickly if those who rule over us wanted to solve them. Or, perhaps they do solve them, and it would be better to say they could bring to account those responsible if they wanted to.

Have you ever seen the television show "The Wire"?

"follow the money"

"this game is rigged"

"these kids are profoundly damaged"


Haven't seen it. When I was younger, I was exposed to many from that lifestyle, due to their often simplified views seeing truth.

"these kids are profoundly damaged"

Some are, many understand those dictating the rules are on top and rich because they don't follow the rules. I was also exposed to law enforcement because of my dad when I was young, and cops also know whats up (at least then they did), despite the public mask. Amazing the things they felt free to discuss in the presence of a young boy.

I loved watching this show.

And I loved it even more when I found out afterward that it was written by a former Baltimore police officer who quit his job to become a school teacher.

Click to watch 40 seconds,

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