Socialism isn't for wealth scattering but for the concentration of wealth in the hands of the state bureaucracy Part 1steemCreated with Sketch.

My Defence of Cromwellian Monarchism also known as Western Civilization

Unfortunately Politics Involves telling people what they want to hear and what people want to hear is that a certain kind of villainy can explain almost all of it.

Now there's no such thing as a lack of villainy among human beings, anytime you take any large group of people and you have an inexhaustible source of sins and if you want to look into all those sins you can go on forever looking into them.
The question is whether those sins explain the numbers your talking about - Thomas Sowell

Exploding institutional racism and institutional sexism as a cause of income inequality.

Firing Line - Thomas Sowell w/ William F. Buckley Jr. (1981)

Part of an ongoing debate between @openparadigm and @homerus
This is the first half of my response to your last article

I agree, cultural norms and traditions, and even mythology are subject to manipulation and studied for psy-warfare. I think any ideology can be used and has been/ is being used for enslavement.

Wrong Cromwellian Monarchism has broken the chains of millions and done the best out of any system to bring prosperity to the multitudes!

Agreed. Except we should add capitalism, particularly neoliberalism, whatever people call "democracy" in the hundreds of different countries in the world that consider themselves democracies, that works too.

That's not real capitalism, just kidding.
What does buying and selling things have to do with anything everybody does that.

I live in a monarchy, with a professional class of lawyers called politicians, with some oligarchic tendencies thrown in.
We often have large scale government corruption but have very little corruption when it comes things like the police and the military.
Our financial corruption is legendary with my city of Vancouver having it's stock exchange shut down due to irregular dealings.
Yet people are happy here. You can seek misery here and you will find it but misery is not waiting outside your door.
Here are some graphs to show you how wealth and prosperity have been spreading to more and more people ever since Cromwellian Monarchism took center stage in world affairs.

This is when Cromwellian Monarchism first got started, look at the prosperity up in Great Britain.


This is the GDP in the world after a hundred years of Cromwellian Monarchism


This is the GDP after 200 years of Cromwellian Monarchism look how much the poverty is less in the area that is completely controlled by Cromwellian Monarchism


The world 60 years ago more wealth for everyone


Wow look at everyone, look at all the wealth and prosperity increasing even in your country


It's pretty clear that England and her descendants domination of the world has allowed Scotsmen and Jews to get out there and show people what some gumption and elbow grease will get you!

Don't agree? check out Arthur Herman's book and article


How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's Poorest Nation Created Our World & Everything in It

(or The Scottish Enlightenment: The Scots invention of the Modern World) is a non-fiction book written by American historian Arthur Herman.
How the Scots Invented the Modern World - Wikipedia


Arthur Herman: Churchill understood that the Jews are the bedrock of Western tradition

A student of history, Churchill came to feel that Judaism was the bedrock of traditional Western moral and political principles--and Churchill was of a generation that preferred to talk about principles instead of "values." For Europeans to turn against the Jew, he argued, was for them to strike at their own roots and reject an essential part of their civilization--"that corporate strength, that personal and special driving power" that Jews had brought for hundreds of years to Europe's arts, sciences and institutions.

Here is a gif of wealth distribution over time to show you once again that things are getting better everywhere!


Maps and Graphs sourced from

I work for a small business but like most small businesses we sell the products of large corporations.

I will get to the cultural marxism or second half of @homerus's article.


Hmmm, just putting this out there: I think what is being referred to here as "socialism" is actually State capitalism.

I'm gettting to the cultural marxists hold your horse, outside.
This is just a friendly chat between one of those rabid anti-communists Noam Chomsky warned you about(Ever since reading Gulag Archipelago I can't help but heap scorn on anything marxist, shame on anyone who promotes that murderous ideology) and a maoist agitator(just kidding but I would like to know how much freedom and prosperity the Shining Path has brought to Peru)
This is the complete list of our repartee so far.




If by the end of this if you think there is a rock with some kind of marxism hiding under it that I haven't slandered then please let me know and I'll get right on it.
Or if you want want cause literal genocide with your words and support some form of marxism I promise I won't hate you😜

Ugh, I just don't have the time in my life right now to either read all that or get drawn into a never-ending to-ing and fro-ing debate!! However I thank you for the kindly and warm invite to the discussion!

What I really want to know is did you get my "Horse Outside" joke?

Also, as a side, it occurred to me that I rarely say "Hold on to your horses", I always say "Hold on to your knickers". Is that an American thing too?

No its a Canadian saying, we invented basketball too.

Technically Canada and South America can be referred to as American as well :)

If I can call you english you can call me american;]

Ummmm, no. Unless it's a really sideways joke about me being Irish and being a reference to the Rubber Bandits song "Horse Outside"... which in all fairness I'd be really impressed if you were familiar with that song.

What else could I be referring to

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:In Defense of Western Civilization

Great article! Somehow, I feel your truth-telling will upset a few communists!

Ever since I read Gulag Archipelago I've realized that Communists have no shame!

does anyone (especially socialists) ever consider WHERE wealth comes from?
notice on your GINI chart that they wealth is NOT being redistributed?

Their owed it because bad things happened to their ancestors and the fact that you don't know that proves its your fault for supporting institutions of oppression or some other nonsense.

can't read the chart can you..not even when it's right in front of you?
the chart plainly shows that EVERYONE IS GETTING richer. there need not be any wealth distribution when everyone is getting NEW wealth.

I know thats the whole point of my article.

good...other comments don't seem to get the point.
If I am reading them correctly.

I agree that people are coming out of poverty, but what is not clear to me is what you say about the Jews, because as far as I know, the Jews were the creators of Marxism and socialism in general, they are the that are behind the corrupt financial system and the marxism cultural.

Name any European endeavour and there will be jews involved for good or ill because the jews have been in europe since the beginning. Marxism was created by two Germans one of whom was jewish. I blame the germans (and those stupid german jews who thought that by helping germany become great they could be accepted as germans) any ideology that offered equality was supported by jews because of the two thousand years they spent under the nastiest form of Apartheid inflicted on them by the Roman hierarchy who stole their religion.
The Medici's were prominent bankers who funded many wars do we blame Italians. For that matter do you think Scottish, English, Irish, Swiss, French, German (etc) bankers are just a bunch of sweethearts or are Bankers in general a "bad" bunch?
A day off work(for animals too) jewish invention, the anti-slavery ethos jewish, modern medicine for good and ill, heavy jewish representation, Nobel prizes up the yin-yang, Christianity a jewish invention I think it would be easier to list the things that jews weren't involved in.
Jews get absolutely no credit when it comes to delicious european pork, bacon, ham, headcheese its completely jew free, and they won't try to take it from you either, win win !(liverwurst, pork rinds,schnitzel,boerwurst{bacon in your sausage!},YUM!)

Interesting note that you make about European companies and their Jewish association, because I want to ask you a question, how do you explain that Jews are always involved? In my country, for example, the Jewish community is estimated at no more than 8,000 people, however, a considerable number of Jews dominate the political scene, to the point where in the last presidential election we were choosing between two Jews. We know that the Jews are responsible for crony capitalism, as well as for socialism, in Russia for example, it was an arsenal of Jews they who accompanied Lenin, who was a Jew, and then they were with Stalin, who was also a Jew, now they are those who are after Putin and all the companys russian. You find out about the founding of the Bank of England, and the debt money and they will be behind, it was they who financed through this mechanism the independence movements of the different colonies worldwide. As I see it, when the Western Roman Empire fell, a German elite began to rule, and for that reason the Germans dominated science, art, politics, economics and any other aspect of social life, however, the Jews began to weaken the power of the crown and later they were gaining political power directly, being today the dominant elite.

I Blame the jewish culture of literacy and education, instead of wondering why jews are so successful copy them and demand educational excellence from your children.
Take another look at those "germans who dominated science" and you will see a lot of jews.
Any european country that has excelled has done so in partnership with jews. But if your looking for a sinister force that took over most of europe look at the Normans.
Germanic people still dominate europe look at how rich northern italians (Normans, Lombardi=longoboardo) compared to the southern italians.
How about the catholic church a force that tortured,enforced thought crime, Bankers? yes they are!
If you think Jews are behind it all then look at the graphs above and say thank you to the next jew you meet for bringing ever growing wealth and prosperity to more and more people every day!

Haha perhaps their success is due more to the Jewish solidarity they practice among themselves, than simply to education, because of different races and nationalities there are people quite educated. And no, the truth is I do not see how the Jews are for you the bearers of Western values or principles, from my point of view the West is born of the Greek culture that was later expanded by the Roman Empire, the Greek philosophy, Greek science, polytheist religions, Roman Law. And both there and after the fall of the Roman Empire, the West expelled the Jews from the various nations on repeated occasions. The progress and civilization of these nations always continued, in the case of the Spanish empire that reached its boom after expelling them for example. Modern prosperity is based on the fact that mass production causes cost reduction, making accessible any infinity of products that in the past were totally unattainable for ordinary people, all this combined with the relative freedom not only economic but also social that is experienced , like freedom of worship, allowed the free practice of science, which, in turn, applied to industry in general managed to maximize industrial performance and produce a wide variety of products with different characteristics, all based on the ideas of economic, philosophical, social and political issues of Adam Smith, John Locke and Montesquieu. The Jews did not discover the division of labor, nor did they invent the means of mass production, such as the assembly line by Henry Ford, which at the same time raised the quality of life of the workers. I am not going to remove the specific weight or the important role that Jews have played in our society, but to say that they are the bearers of Western values and that they are especially superior seems to me not only unreasonable but totally wrong.

And where is Spain now? Better off than England or Holland where all their jews went?

I don't claim superiority for jews, you do, I simply state that they have been part of europe since the beginning and are part of everything good and bad. The Roma stick together too why don't you see them in places of power.
Protestant Countries actually read the teachings of that jewish guy Jesus, Catholic countries follow Roman tradition which kind of country brought about the modern world which kind of country stagnated and declined?

Where is Spain? but if the Spanish empire was totally subverted by the movements of the British crown and financed by the Jewish bankers, Spain being the first empire to lose all its colonies before the twentieth century for that reason. The Roma? They do not have the same idiosyncrasy, nor the homogeneity, nor the history that the Jews have behind. It seems to me that there is a Jewish elite that works through the financial system and has deep ties in the United Kingdom. Both the media, such as Hollywood belong to them, with all that that entails. In my country, for example, there is an agreement among the people to define who are the two most incompetent politicians in the country, although both being Jews are the leaders of the most powerful political parties. As I see it, Jews are the creators and promoters of Marxism, socialism, communism or any other variant of it, as well as clientelist capitalism among others. The Jewish elite of today, like any other elite that may exist, are enemies of freedom and genuine free market.

Very interesting. Things were very different 60 years ago. I'm not saying ti was perfect, but they had something right because today there is something seriously wrong.

Good post

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