HEADLINES: Thursday, October 11th, 2018 - Thunder in the Aurora, Carbon Tax Math, Legalize or Not Legalize Sexwork, Voter ID, MRSA, Big Pharma FDA Scam, Prison Reform, Music Modernization Act, Manafort, Nikki Haley, and More

in #informationwar6 years ago

Triangulate the Truth! A News Aggregation service that aggregates from many different points of view. With a secondary mission of countering censorship.

Alternative Media - "Right" Leaning

Aurora Borealis aka Northern Lights finally caught making “thunder”
Watts Up With That
IPCC SR1.5 Carbon Tax Math
Watts Up With That
Study: dust guided by meandering jet stream has big impact on Arctic melt
Watts Up With That
McIntyre: ‘a reductio ad absurdum of tree ring chronologies as useful temperature proxies’
Watts Up With That
Australia’s Absurd Coal Exporting Climate Change Hypocrisy
Watts Up With That
Feminists should support a woman’s right to sell sex
UnHerd (For)
Normalising sex work benefits pimps and traffickers
UnHerd (Against)
Markets, Not Morality, Will Lower Drug Prices
City Journal
Disgraced Child Predator Anthony Weiner To Be Released From Jail Early
Freedom Outpost
Brown University Celebrates ‘Palestinians’ on ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’
Freedom Outpost
UK: Army Launches Investigation Over Meeting Between Soldiers & Tommy Robinson
Freedom Outpost
Flashback: Hillary Clinton: We Need People Like George Soros To Step Up & Get Involved In Our Country
Freedom Outpost
California: Despite Strict Gun Control, Mom Buys Gun & Protects Kids from Home Invader
Freedom Outpost
Leftists No Longer Merit Constitutional Protections
Freedom Outpost (Haste Generalization and Slippery Slope)
South Africa’s Zulu Nation Joins White Farmers To Protest Government Land Seizures
Freedom Outpost
How Democrat Rage Is Destroying America
Freedom Outpost
Supreme Court allows North Dakota to enforce voter ID laws
The Hagmann Report
Has the cure for MRSA been found? A traditional Côte d’Ivoire medicine shows great potential in treating the disease
Natural News
CLAIM: China infiltrated Apple and Amazon with a tiny chip surreptitiously installed on server motherboards
Natural News
SCIENCE under attack by libtards as physics professor may get fired for daring to say physics isn’t sexist
Natural News
Not a smoker? Doesn’t matter, because the SAME DEADLY CHEMICALS in cigarettes are also found in conventional food, medicine, and personal care products
Natural News
Despite their desperate tactics, Democrats cannot impeach Kavanaugh and remove him from the Supreme Court, reminds Dershowitz
Natural News
Big Pharma FDA scam allows drug companies to turn a $10 supplement into a $40,000 prescription drug while banning the supplement
Natural News
Breaking: Rod Rosenstein Refuses to Turn Over Subpoenaed Memos – Backs Out of Thursday’s Congressional Hearing
The Gateway Pundit
Media Montage: Photos and Video of Violent Democrat Mobs in Action
The Gateway Pundit
After the Fed Screws President Trump Again, He States the Obvious – The Fed has “Gone Crazy”!
The Gateway Pundit
UPDATED Photos and Video: Packed House for Trump Rally in Erie, PA – OVERFLOW CROWD OF THOUSANDS!
The Gateway Pundit
CNN’s Bakari Sellers: Kanye West Is What Happens When Negroes Don’t Read — Candace Owens Offers $100,000 for Debate (VIDEO)
The Gateway Pundit
HATE HOAX: Troubled Lesbian Sent Herself Death Threats That She Mysteriously Found in Her Own Desk
The Gateway Pundit
Judicial Watch Uncovers MORE Classified Material on Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server
The Gateway Pundit
MOB TACTICS BACKFIRE=> Republican Voters Now More Angry and Energized after Kavanaugh Attacks and Liberal Mob Violence
The Gateway Pundit
Pointing Out the Obvious=> Billionaire and Creator of Minecraft Says “The Left Has Been Taken Over by Evil – And I Mean That Literally”
The Gateway Pundit
Portland Police Want To Charge Driver With Crimes After Escaping Mob Protest – Violent Protesters Considered “Victims”
The Gateway Pundit
Shocking Internal Google Docs Prove Their Orwellian Goals and Desire to Squash Free Speech
The Gateway Pundit
Metal Gear Infowars: Memes of the Patriots
Conservative Facebook Employee Who Wrote Memo On "Intolerant" Liberals Quits
Trump Blames Market Rout On Fed, Says Won't Fire Powell
Disgruntled Amazon Workers About To Be Replaced By Fleet Of Robots
Trump Says Blocking Saudi Arms Sales Would Be "Hurting Us" When Asked About Khashoggi
Trump: Fed Is "Making A Big Mistake" With "Ridiculous" Rate Hikes
Donald Trump Endorses Prison Reform; Jeff Sessions ‘Overruled’
Watch: POTUS Signs Music Modernization Act
Trump & Kanye Meeting Live in Oval Office
Obama Activates His Domestic Army To Carry Out Terror Attacks – Former Attorney General Directly Orders Democratic Troops To Engage In Violence
Dem Senator Slams Clinton Call to Abandon Civility With GOP
Global Internet Could Crash in Next 48 Hours
Wall Street Losses Rip Through Global Markets
Trump Slams Holder’s Call For Violence: ‘It’s a Disgrace’
CNN Commentator Slams Media For Not Calling Out Antifa “Mob”
NY Man Plotted to Blow Himself Up on the National Mall on Election Day
Republican Leader McCarthy Files a 'Build the Wall' Bill, But No Action Until December
CNS News
NBC Excited by Michelle Obama’s Get Out the Vote Push for Democrats

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Alternative Media Section II - "Left" Leaning

Trump Ridicules Potential 2020 Opponents
Political Wire
Ellis Challenges Manafort Plea Deal, Wants To Sentence Him Promptly
Talking Points Memo
NY AG: Trump DOJ Is Misinterpreting SCOTUS Order In Census Citizenship Case
Talking Points Memo
Gillum Warns Florida TV Stations To Stop Running ‘Maliciously False’ GOP Ad
Talking Points Memo
Kansas Dems Face A Serious Roadblock To Defeating Kris Kobach In Gov Race
Talking Points Memo
“I Just Knew I Was Going to Surpass These Guys I Was Working For”
Why Won’t Parents Talk About Helping Their Daughters Get Abortions?
A Star Is Born Is Obsessed With Drag
Empire Loyalists Grieve Resignation Of Moderate Psychopath Nikki Haley
The Greanville Post (Most of them I know are glad she resigned.)
Brazil: Neoliberalism with a “Human Face”
GlobalResearch.ca (Canada)
The Shameless Opportunism of Nikki Haley
Bolivia: Pro-Morales Groups, 21F Protesters Clash as Evo Urges Citizens to Celebrate Day of Democracy

Legacy Media

Recovery Work Begins After Hurricane Michael Carves Through Florida Panhandle
Video released showing white Rochester Hills man shooting at black teen
Detroit Metro Times
Melania Trump says she's one of ‘most bullied’ people in world, doesn’t trust some White House staffers
Fox News
Trump: Saudi Arabia would turn to Russia, China if U.S. ends arms sales over missing journalist
Will Supreme Court kill Medicare for All? Maybe — Democrats should fight for it anyway
Trump bets there's no downside to campaigning as hurricane rages
Trump: 'I make the decision' on prison reform, not Sessions
Entire F-35 stealth fighter jet fleet grounded by military after crash in September
Fox News

Steem #News

Steemit:The parallels between Jane Roe and Christine Ford are really telling:
Steemit:"Geoengineering may be used to combat global warming, experts say." MAY BE USED !!! Are you bloody kidding me?
Steemit:Hillary, The Left-Wing Has Never Been Civil
Steemit:Ross Ulbricht Gets Republican Senator's Support
Steemit:ionomy Becomes a Multi-Asset Crypto Hub
Steemit:Senate Banking Committee Holds Hearing on Crypto - Oct. 11, 2018
Steemit:New Wikileaks Publication | Amazon Atlas
Steemit:The Ultimate Argument for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

Thank you for reading @newsagg. This is a news aggregator service for steemit. It is constructed daily by hand and does take some time. Many of us practically live on steemit now. As such we can often forget to check what is going on out there outside of steemit. This account was created as an attempt to help mitigate that some. This is experimental so the account will likely go through transitions as it is determined what is most useful to the community. Feel free to submit news tips as comments. They will likely not be looked at extensively until the next aggregation post to which they are most suited. We will try to limit the amount of these posts that we post each day to no more than 4, unless some breaking news warrants there should be more. With this account we will not do a lot of comment and reply unless it is necessary to verify or get further information on a tip. Those of us that work this account will use our personal accounts for interactions of a personal or opinion nature. We wish to remain free of bias and simply present the news on this account.

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