Are You "Plugged" In? If So, To What?

in #informationwar6 years ago

Many of history's most colorful characters, men and women who had genius level IQs, often said that they had no idea where many of their thoughts, ideas, inventions, and theories came from. In saying that, it is my firm opinion that they were telling us to read between the lines.
If their creations were not the products of their own invention, then who or what influenced them?
Some of the most brilliant minds that have ever walked this Earth, gave credit to some unseen an otherworldly intelligence, Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein both made similar statements to the effect that they did not know where or what their knowledge & intellect came from. Was it possible that they were in communication with a higher interdimensional intelligence?? The History Channel show Ancient Aliens has explored this theory in great depth so I am not the first person to have posited this question.
Below is a link to one of the better episodes, IMHO. It doesn't matter to me what your beliefs are as far as extraterrestrial life goes or even if you believe in a God or some other deity. All of those beliefs can neither be proved, nor disproved, so that is not the purpose of this post. Said purpose is only to explore the possibility of the possibility in the fun and fascinating realm conspiracy theory and paranoialand. Here, it's okay to speculate because I am not presenting anything in this post as 100% definitive fact.
So there is my little disclaimer.

Both Aleister Crowley and Helena Blavatsky claimed to have "channeled" much of their work from unseen entities. During 1918, Crowley claimed to have communicated with an entity named "Lam" which he said was responsible for helping him create the ritual " Alamantrah Working." When sketching out this entity one can't help but to realize that this was the forerunner to the alien greys that are so popular in fringe culture today.
This dark ritual involved blood & sex magick,
which both appeared prominently in a lot of Crowley's rituals.
He also said that he channeled his famous work the Book of the Law through automatic writing, meaning that he held the writing instrument but had no conscious control over what was written. It's as if someone or something else dictated the book to him as he penned it or typed it. Whatever the force was, Crowley said the spirit's name was " Aiwass."

Channeled material seems to be a common theme in both the New Age movement and with certain occult orders. A book in my personal library is called The Law of One: The Ra Material which was channeled by Carla Rueckert who then dictated to Don Eckhartl.
This is quite a fascinating read and I recommend it to anyone who would like to explore channeled material further...

The question I pose is where is this information coming from?
The Bible warns against practicing divination, soothsaying, attempting to communicate with the dead and anything dealing with the spiritual realm. There are people who are quick to tell you that it is wrong to do these things and that anything coming out of the unseen or spiritual realm is quickly labeled as evil or demonic.
Yet, I have seen dozens of cases where a psychic or medium has used their innate gifts in order to catch murderers of unsolved crimes when the police had no other leads and no one else to turn to.

There are people who claim to be able to communicate with the spirit world like the ones mentioned above. Those people are known as mediums, and they are a link between the living and the dead. They have helped bereaved family members cope with the recent loss of a loved one, sometimes a sudden and unexpected departure leaves the family in a tragic state of unanswered questions. A medium is a specialized type of psychic that can help give those families some closure, as they are definitely plugged into the universe differently than the rest of us.

It seems to me that if there is a dark and evil deity that thrives on chaos, death, and destruction, it would not allow perpetrators of heinous acts to be caught through the intercession of mediums and the spirit world.
I grew up during the 80s which I always thought to be a great decade, full of great culture, campy teen movies, and bad hairdos. However, it also saw the rise of the satanic panic which Ripple through the country in the wake of the Presidio affair and the Franklin cover-up. If you are unfamiliar with either of those scenarios, then you are greatly behind the eight ball as far as the research game goes.

Below are two links that I recommend for reading and educating yourself as to what is going on in every country on Earth. normal people do not indulge this type of behavior, but this is precisely the actions that are taking place behind the closed doors in the corridors of power. Does it seem like these people are "plugged in" differently?? In order for actions like these tohave been so well hidden and covered up for so many years, it has to be entrenched pretty deep into the hierarchical pyramid of power. Colonel Michael Aquino was a high-ranking army officer that oversaw the Army psychological warfare program and by him being involved in the Presidio allegations, it could have very well been a psychological warfare exercise map to target our own populations by trying to normalize pedophilia and satanic abuse. From my own perspective that I share with many other researchers, it seems there's been a gradual unveiling of horrible activity from the highest levels of society all the way down to the everyday people. I don't feel like I stand alone anymore in trying to expose evil and corruption, as there are now many of my brothers and sisters on the front lines, fighting the information war!!

While I am on the topic of the events that took place in the 80s and early 90s, I want to touch on a popular board game/toy? That received a ton of attention during that time as well. The Ouija board saw a resurgence in popularity during the 1980s, but its release was first popularized during the spiritualist and transcendental movement of the early 1920s. Released by the toy company Hasbro © Inc., board game sold millions but quickly found it's polar nemesis in the Christian community, they denouncing it as i a hallmark tool of satanism, by allowing the user to become susceptible two demonic possession!
That perpetual cesspool Hollywood even released an eponymously named movie a few years back so it appears they're trying to give it a comeback.
It also appeared in the AMC© series Breaking Bad®, used by the brujo cartel assassin twins some of you might recall...

The Ouija board is another form of automatic writing where the user uses a wooden planchette in the shape of a triangle with a clear circle in the middle (representing the all seeing eye?). I don't like using Wiki-anything as a source because many researchers and authors consider it to be unreliable as it is open sourced and unverified. I have a huge personal library and usually only cite reference sources that I have in my possession. That being said, according to wikipedia planchette writing dates all the way back to the Song dynasty in China, where it was practiced in the Taoist school Quanzhen
Interestingly, automatic writing as a form of Western occultism has it's roots in Eastern mysticism.

Probably one of the most famous cases of automatic writing in Western occult history is the work of Sir John Dee and Edward Kelley. John Dee was the court astrologer of Queen Elisabeth I and notably one of the most accomplished occultists of all time. He and Kelley are responsible for the creation of Enochian magick which they claimed to have received via channeling. Enochian magick is comprised of an angelic language of written symbols corresponding to the English alphabet.
In their partnership, Dee was the magician and Kelley was the medium. Just like the Presidio affair and the Franklin cover up, an entire post could be written on just the work of John Dee and Edward Kelley, by itself. Perhaps I will do one in the future.

Both men were influential in the revival of Western occult traditions and during the entire period of Elisabeth I's reign, the British empire saw tremendous growth and prosperity. Sir Francis Bacon had written his most famous work The New Atlantis and the secret societies' plan for the Americas was revealed for the first time. Bacon had envisioned an isolated power base far away from the prying eyes of neighboring countries. A land rich with fertile soil and natural resources could supply England the raw materials that it needed for shipbuilding, trade, and warfare. The stakes were high in the new world, both Spain and France had also claimed territories in North America. The Dutch and Portguese had only minor possessions in North and South America and were not considered as big of a threat to English imperialism.

I don't want to get too sidetracked from the main theme of this post, that being plugged in to the universe and those who have channeled their individual experiences into their writings and work. For that matter, the three religions known as the Abrahamic religions have all been channeled as well! So it doesn't matter whether you follow Judaism, Islam, or Christianity, each one has a prophet that gave their followers strict words and guidelines to follow on how to conduct their lives. Moses gave the Israelites the first five books of the Bible known as the Pentateuch or the Torah, and Muhammad's revelations from Allah became the Quran. Jesus Christ was the only one that did not write down his own words , instead, they come down to us from the writers of the synoptic Gospels. If all three claim to be the ultimate authority and arbiter on truth, then somewhere we humans are already set up for failure because the only truth that can come out of all that is the conflict that we already have in the world!
On that note, I will conclude this post as I already feel I've taken up much of your time. I hope I gave you all some food for thought and made each one of you question what it is that you are plugged into! What makes anyone right and anyone wrong is how we treat each other and our actions. No victim, no crime. Good day to you all...


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Just like the Presidio affair and the Franklin cover up, an entire post could be written on just the work of John Dee and Edward Kelley, by itself. Perhaps I will do one in the future.

Firstly I want to just encourage you to write about John Dee and Edward Kelley and all of the cases. Will read it.

Secondly, I really believe the same. I do believe that there is another realm with entities that we call demons. These entities can be called by certain techniques which we sometimes learn from even child cartoons. In fact, the people in control of Earth are contacting these entities for guidance. That is what I believe in. I have seen music videos from satanic panic and they are, to say the least creepy. I really think all of this is not a coincidence. It is made to as you say legalize paedophilia and satanic abuse. Making more people involved and maybe the end goal is to have an entire population of some kind of witches. We all see magick and the occult in Harry Potter and most of the cartoon have something to do with magic. Which is interesting enough for someone to research. I mean there should be a goal. A meaning to all of this. A meaning to all of the promotion of magic. Maybe the devil wants more people to go to hell with him because he had already lost the battle. Whether all of this is true we don't know. We the proles, as Geroge Orwell likes to call the masses, don't know shit because of the hidden knowledge. What I know is that something is up and I am glad you do research on the topic. Have a nice day. God Bless

As always, thank you for your feedback my friend. Your comments on my blog are always welcome and I think you and I hold similar spiritual beliefs. I look at the words of Jesus Christ as the ultimate guideline for my life and how I treat others. However, I also listen to my inner voice and follow my intuition. I am not the best example of living by the principles of Christ because I always have enormous difficulty turning the other cheek when it comes to being personally attacked or allowing evil to simply keep growing like a forest of weeds. I support vigilantism, and in my belief, I don't think we should just allow evil to go unpunished by just putting it into the hands of divine justice. I always hear people respond with cliche statements such as "Oh, well karma will make sure they get what they deserve." Or "Well who are you to judge people, only God can judge the wicked."
What I see are many people that think they are too rich and powerful to meet Justice in this life, and this is my key point here...-
Whether there is or isn't a hell , a heaven, or an afterlife for that matter, we don't know that for sure. It hasn't been proven with any conclusive evidence and having faith by itself just doesn't cut it for a lot of people. And after we are dead and gone, we may not know what is going on anyway, so why do we let evil go unpunished in this life. They're doing damage here, now, in the present and we aren't doing anything about it. We need numbers, we have the common purpose, we need everyone to have the same sense of urgency. How long must the deaths of children and innocents go on unretaliated??
We are Mortals in a Matrix and we have been promised no afterlife, only mere words written in books by other men. Even if their words were channeled by a deity or spirit, how do we know what the intent of that spirit is?

I'm not sure that the "common purpose" has truly been articulated; the anti-ponerocracy movement is fragmented and comes from different angles and often with different solutions. Until there is a strong bond that can unite against the divide-and-rule policies, and resist those fragmenting philosophies, I don't see the evil being cleansed.

There is also a related issue of the individual looking deeply enough to then summon the power from a pure source - this is not just physical power but mental discrimination about the relative reality of the manifested experiences.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:


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Yes, i am plugged in :) and thank you for pointing out that the Abrahamic religions were 'channeled', it is a great point that would make most followers uncomfortable simply because they have prejudices against the word 'channeling'. But it's true!

No problem, all religions are "channeled " when it comes down to it. Every single writer of the holy books can say that their work was divinely inspired but it's all the same, whether it be Mohammed, Moses, Daniel, or John the Revelator

Objective morality is a falsehood that only exists in dogmatic belief systems such as those of religious or political authority. I think that each an every individual should learn their own connection to source to determine what their morals/ethics should consist of.
Fantastic post, very comprehensive and easy to read. Thanks for putting this piece of work together. :)

I was wondering if you've ever heard of the Discord server the #Philosoforum? I am one of the admins and we are trying to gather more like-minded folk to gather for friendly chat and help promoting each other's posts. I think it would be wonderful if you joined us and shared your work as you post. :)

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read and respond, @alchemage. Getting work like this in front of yourself and others who share our like mind is the sole purpose that I joined steemit. I would love to join the forum and hope to contribute to healthy and productive discussions.

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