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RE: A short analysis of Elizabeth Warren's education plan for free college, Sander's plan is similar but smaller!

in #informationwar5 years ago

false flag attacks are only deceiving voters and allied countries... they are an attack on us aswell...

europe is not an oppressive regime. i can say whatever i want, and people can get a gun licence and go to a shooting range if they wanna practice shooting, or even own a gun at home... if people have a gun at home and not running around in public with it, it could still prevent a "democide"...

I saw USA today on the news blockading WTO appoint new judges, which might destroy world trade as we know it... Europe needs to become more agile in politics to keep up with US putting everything in disarray and replace all US "world" institution with relyable ones...


We agree on False Flag attacks.

Europe IS limiting free speech. Just try to say something not Politically incorrect.

I posted this yesterday:

I posted about six months ago, on a US Citizen in the UK; who THOUGHT she had free speech there, until she was jailed. DO AS YOU ARE TOLD, and you are fine; step over the line, and get stepped on. Empirically, Europe is NOT free...only deceived. If they know where Every firearm is , they only need to collect them up, before they kill you....

Europe is welcome to the UN Police force spot. Of course if the USA begins support for the UN that Equals everyone else, the UN may go away. Enjoy it....

We disagree on Europe replacing the US in Police work. It is no more YOUR business than it is OUR Business. Let them take care of their own problems, it is after all, THEIR business. Providing the elected government with wepaons to defend themselves is okay with me, but keep our troops home in case they try to go more socialists here!


its strange to hear that europe limits free speech from a country that sentences journalistic methods like used by assage with 175 years prison time... its dangerous to be a whistleblower there...
check the freedom of press index. A lot of european countries rank first and Germany 13th...
i can say whatever i want anywhere in europe... germany might give issues since it is illegal to deny the holocaust (for obvious historic reasons), and an employer can fire you if they dont align with you politically... but otherwise you are free to say what u want... in UK u might get your career ruined if you say anything against israel, but the same problem is in the US, and UK is soon outside europe...

UN is not equal. its a fighting ground between the 5 "winner" nations, hence UN is unable to make decisions and becomes useless...

Europe has much more business there, as we are connected by land to the countries US is waging wars at. Europe is not oil hungry, gets a steady supply from russia and aims to be carbon neutral by 2050, yet we get all refugees from US their wars. peace is in Europes interest, not the US interest. still US forces european companies to participate in the Iran sanctions, and uses nato to force european countries to participate in the illegal bombing of syria. compared to russia, US hunger for war has become a much greater threat to the peace on our continent.

and US is not providing weapons to elected government, but terrorists and cruel dictators (yemen and FSA terrorists in syria)... provide weapons to countries attacking other nations (saudi, turkey and israel attacking syria and yemen)... US funds the war against russian separists, despite the electrion from the ukrainian peace agreement minsk2 turning out in favor of them wanting to join russia.

I don't like what they did to him, but he published classified materials. We have had liberals in charge for too long, so they are ignoring our Constitution, and need some retraining by way of prison. Working on that right now, then we can get him out by pardon.

You can be arrested in Germany for voicing an opinion against Islam. Give them time to affect your government, and they will erase the Holocaust too....
The firing over Politics is disturbing, since it has no effect on job performance.

The UN is not functional, and is expensive for no results. All the UN seems to do is censure Israel for being hit by Hamas rockets....

NO ONE has business there, unless they are Living there. Proximity gives no special rights, and the ability to drive there does not mean you have the right to run their affairs. The USA is exporting oil, so I can NOT understand why they keep messing over there! You guys are the oil hungry bunch....

NATO is the reason you are not speaking Russian, I am just tired of carrying the load. Europe has recovered, and Russia has been dismembered; so you guys should be able to handle your own problems. I do NOT understand why anyone would buy from those who want you dead. You buy from Russia, we buy from China; both ideas are insane!

The providing weapons to elected governments is on MY want list. I also want us out of the Middle East, with the exception of assisting Israel, IF WE had not limited them in wars they have fought; there wouldn't be as many neighboring countries, and Israel would be a lot larger.


they dont accuse him of publishing classified data, as some big news pages did publish it aswell... if they did they would have to imprison them reporters which would look really bad on freedom of press...

you can voice your opinion against islam in germany, but you cannot do hate speech against any group of people asking for violence to be done against them (due to obvious historic reasons with the jews)... also the dignity of the human is protected by german constitution, so even insulting someone over the internet can have legal repercussion. insults are not contributing to a constructive free exchange of opinion, so i would not see that as a limitation of freedom of speech.

also they are not erasing the holocaust, as it is even illegal to deny the existance of the holocaust. you cannot downplay the holocaust either.

I agree current european troops need to pull out since they are not in line with local governments or public opinion in syria... also the afghanistan seems pretty useless as currently they are only doing their best in keeping their military base alife while unable to make a change... i can support the mali mission but i dont support that they bribe the government to keep refugees from escaping... but i admire how russia resolves the turkey syria (being allied to both) conflict, and i wouldnt mind if europe was there under consent and collaboration of the local government and russia to establish peace in syria (almost how anti-rape laws are not against sex them self). thats my opinion about european military intervention. US has a history of funding local terrorists and destabilizing countries, including in syria and afghanistan (taliban and isis are US creation), thats the difference here.

so u are also against the annexation of westbank and syrian golan heights and further expansion of israel, as it is currently planned by netanyahu and ganz? i would hope that who ever the next president is, he/she will use the military aid as pressure to make israel treat palestinians with dignity. gaza as it is now is just a prison without propper access to jobs or water.

They are practicing selective enforcement of law, that is not acceptable. The US is working on holding them accountable for crimes committed with classified leaks. Hopefully they will prosecute some high level criminals, soon.

Hate speech is a fluid definition that varies enough that you can NOT express discontent with islam. All they need do is fudge their understanding of what you say, and you go to prison. Insults are accurate truth to some, and insults to others; again a fluid definition. Here you are able to "insult" someone, as long as it is the truth. I have had positive transfer of information while being insulted, or when I am insulting. People are too thin skinned these days.

As soon as they get enough percentage to force sharia law upon you, they will begin to erase the Holocaust, because their hate is that great.

ALL troops need to be out! How can they work out their problem any other way? I am stunned that you think it is possible to treat with the Russians, since they say publically that agreements are a tool to gain advantage, and then be ignored. Oh by the way, they still hate Germany; that has not changed!

You would NOT like me in charge in the Golan etc. Israel entered an agreement with the palistinans, who swore that Israel would be safe from attacks from the Golan. They immediately violated that agreement, and now there are daily rocket attacks. I would move them out, and bulldoze the entire Golan. This problem is our fault, we reigned in the Israelies when they had routed their attackers. IF we had Not intervened, they would have taken Syria and friends....

The palistinians are there because no Arab country would give them a place to stay. They are the rejects, and Palestine was the only place no Arab wanted. When Israel was formed, all of a sudden they were "palestinians" instead of rejects. It is telling to note that the Arab nations STILL offer no place for these people!


for the example of edward snowden, he never published anything. He only informed a selected few journalists about what is going on and gave them evidence, and then fled the country. yet he fears for his life when going back.

id prefer a civil conversation without insults. many conservative on steem i argued with often immediately reply with "fuck you" without stating their arguement. our discussion here is quite civil i believe. no insults. critizising ones religion is not attacking an individuals dignity, hence is legal. critizising a religion is also not saying you want violence to happen to that religion, so its not hate speech either. they might get annoyed though, since u do seem to have a very bad perspective on islam, not based on what islam truely is, but from what you see on the media from people who call them self muslim. Just because the LRA claims to be christian, does not mean all christians are terrorists. many non context quotes that are used against islam are also in the bible.

You must purge the evil from among you. The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done among you. Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
--Deuteronomy 19:19-21

only a small minority of muslims want sharia law... look at democratic muslim countries... there is a small minority asking for sharia law, but usually they fail against an annoyed facepalming majority... democracy is in our constitution... under no circumstance we can allow another holocaust, which is why im so annoyed at my country for ignoring chinese concentration camps for trade benefits...

solving problems in countries better than what NATO does is easy: simply dont fund and support terrorists and destabilize the country, just because you dont like assad. Russia is ally to turkey and syria, and their peace is important to them. Russia is also helping train the army of the central african republic to surpress violence. mali would have been taken over by the african isis if it was not for foreign troops being there. its not because people want it, its just isis taking advantage of very misserable situations in the sub sahara region where food and water security is not there. also globaly germans are not as hated anymore as americans are now for their wars of destabilization in many countries.

there are no palestinians in golan. golan is part of syria that was conquered in the 6 day war. it has been occupied territory since decades and israel plans to annex it. remember annexation is a very strong international crime, and reason currently russia is under sanctions. if you were talking about west jordan, how would u justify them being treated everyday without dignity without the freedom of movement in their country. thats not according to the treaty is it. and i did mention that any activity of hamas is met with a disproportionate higher response from israel. The bible said a life for a life not many lifes for a life, so you cannot possibly agree to that.

Anyone who injures their neighbor is to be injured in the same manner: 20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. The one who has inflicted the injury must suffer the same injury.
--Leviticus 24:19-20

Why would Palestinians need to ask for another Arab country for a place to stay, when they have land to stay already. Who gives Israel the right to take away the land underneath their feet? There are already an overwhelming amount of Palestinians refugee in countries like Jordan, and refugees have no freedom of return to their land either.

Honest journalists are protected in our Constitution. We are fighting to restore the rule of Law; too much liberal politics here, has caused significant damage.

Most interactions with liberals on steemit consist of flagging with no comment to censor posts, or vile and disgusting responses that often don't have anything to do with the initial posting.

Sadly violence against infidels is part of their 'holy' book. They are required, by their political system; that they Call a 'religion' decapitate us! Here in Oklahoma, we passed a Law that stated that no external source of law could be used to make law here. The only source MUST be the US Constitution. Listed along with International law sources was sharia law. When it was added to the ballot, local muslims said there was never an intent to use sharia law here, so it was unnecessary. When it passed by 75% of the vote, they filed a discrimination lawsuit the next day because it listed sharia along with other sources. It will be overturned at significant expense!

Here we setup a Constitutional Republic that avoids mob rule, and provides rights to individuals against the government.

Leave all countries to their own control. Much easier that way....

Taking land in war seems to only be a crime, if it is Israel. If it were me, and I had allowed settler back in the golan on promise of security; and they lied and began attacking, I would throw them out. They deliberately lied, and used the position gained to attack Israel.

As far as response, why is no one worried about those under rocket attack? Is Israel supposed to count their dead, then get random people of the exact same number, and kill them. I actually agree with defensive fire; they do not originate the killing, they are simply moving to stop it. All that is needed to stop the violence, is to stop firing on Israel, as they agreed to do before moving into the golan. The treaty was they could live there as long as they protected Israel's security from the golan.

There is no such thing as a nation of palestinians. These people were ejected from all the other Arab nations as undesirables. The went to land that was equally undesirable, because they had nowhere else to go. They are still unwanted....

When Israel was formed, they offered to share the land with these ejected people living there, and were turned down flat! That was the best deal they were offered in the last century!

As far as "their" land; that is NOT how it reads in my Bible! In point of fact, that country name is not there either....

assage was an honest reporter, and he is not protected. snowden did not even report. there is no legal safe way of whistle blowing in USA

i see a few liberal flaggers but ive been heavily flagged by conservatives before. some of my articles are greyed out cuz of powerfull conservative flaggers that did not like my articles. some accounts such as @mitrado have given up on steem due to conservative voters...

violence against infidels is not part of the holybook, infact those who are not believers like christians jews and muslims are protected by the book saying they should not be mistreated for it, or else these people will end up rather resenting god than actually follow god.
here is the wikipedia article for muslim arritutes towards terrorism
"A number of surveys over the years have found that majorities of Muslims oppose attacks against civilians"
also most muslims will tell you sharia is bad.

the constitution cannot be possibly the only source of law, as many things the founding fathers did not for see, such as the abolishment of slavery or that women get to vote. the constitution is also changed over time.

israel does not need to count their dead to see their attacks are excessive... israel has the iron dome, that protects them from missiles, and more missiles to begin with... most hamas missiles dont even make it to israeli ground... still everytime israel goes all out on palestine. and what about them trying to live their life in normality? also its not the palestinian people are mostly against hamas, and are innocent victims of israeli cluster bombing of civilian housing. the bible does not say if ur neighbor shits in ur lawn you may have diarrhea all over town. no you may only shit back on that specific neighbors lawn.

and name me an example where annexation is not considered a crime. you are falsely painting israel a victim. its only when israel annexes, that the west is not tripping balls. golan is more about the oil not the "security". if you could do illegal stuff for "security" reasons why not give nukes to iran, since israel has (also illegaly) nukes and they need to defend them self. the same reason no one trips balls when pakistan got nukes, because they were afraid about indias nukes.

palestine was a thing when the ottoman empire was broken up and colonized by the brittish and other european countries. syria for example was french colony, after the ottoman empire. the people of palestine was a thing, and they were promised their freedom in exchange for them fighting for their brittish in the world wars. basically israel is the 3rd in a row opprossive regime under which palestinians are forced to live.

it was the brittish that screwed them over and said "argh nevermind the land we promised lets give it to the zionists". the promised land was promised to palestinians

also muslims are according to the quran "children of israel"... not only that but also the arabs are more closer related to jews from back then genetically... the only place where they even still speak the language jesus (one of the jews from back then) spoke is in syria... they are basically the true ancestors of the jewish from back then... the jewish coming from germany were mostly converted and just because of their religion does not mean that they own the land... also jesus and the jews back then were brown...

its like saying if anyone converted to the religion (because maybe it becomes a popular religion) of the native americans, they can migrate as native americans back into USA and get citizenship, because with their religion they proof ancestry.

I dont understand how you can be against military intervention, while at the same time against the people of honduras, el salvador and guatemala seeking refuge in the USA?

they are seeking refuge because USA's brutal intervention during the cold war... dont you not feel guilt or indebted to them? germany has a strong sense of guilt for all the refugees that had to flee during the second world war, so germany takes in currently 200 000 - 700 000 refugees in per year (we manage quite well despite what fear mongering trump says) while US despite its greater size and population less than 20 000. because of the second world wars jews that fled to america, america signed the geneva convention to not allow refugees to be sent back to conflict zones, despite americas great resentment of that time towards the jews. isnt america not honering the geneva convention also a slap to the face towards the jews that fled during the second world war?

daughter of holocaust survivor talking about american guatemalan military genocide of mayans

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