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RE: A short analysis of Elizabeth Warren's education plan for free college, Sander's plan is similar but smaller!

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

assage was an honest reporter, and he is not protected. snowden did not even report. there is no legal safe way of whistle blowing in USA

i see a few liberal flaggers but ive been heavily flagged by conservatives before. some of my articles are greyed out cuz of powerfull conservative flaggers that did not like my articles. some accounts such as @mitrado have given up on steem due to conservative voters...

violence against infidels is not part of the holybook, infact those who are not believers like christians jews and muslims are protected by the book saying they should not be mistreated for it, or else these people will end up rather resenting god than actually follow god.
here is the wikipedia article for muslim arritutes towards terrorism
"A number of surveys over the years have found that majorities of Muslims oppose attacks against civilians"
also most muslims will tell you sharia is bad.

the constitution cannot be possibly the only source of law, as many things the founding fathers did not for see, such as the abolishment of slavery or that women get to vote. the constitution is also changed over time.

israel does not need to count their dead to see their attacks are excessive... israel has the iron dome, that protects them from missiles, and more missiles to begin with... most hamas missiles dont even make it to israeli ground... still everytime israel goes all out on palestine. and what about them trying to live their life in normality? also its not the palestinian people are mostly against hamas, and are innocent victims of israeli cluster bombing of civilian housing. the bible does not say if ur neighbor shits in ur lawn you may have diarrhea all over town. no you may only shit back on that specific neighbors lawn.

and name me an example where annexation is not considered a crime. you are falsely painting israel a victim. its only when israel annexes, that the west is not tripping balls. golan is more about the oil not the "security". if you could do illegal stuff for "security" reasons why not give nukes to iran, since israel has (also illegaly) nukes and they need to defend them self. the same reason no one trips balls when pakistan got nukes, because they were afraid about indias nukes.

palestine was a thing when the ottoman empire was broken up and colonized by the brittish and other european countries. syria for example was french colony, after the ottoman empire. the people of palestine was a thing, and they were promised their freedom in exchange for them fighting for their brittish in the world wars. basically israel is the 3rd in a row opprossive regime under which palestinians are forced to live.

it was the brittish that screwed them over and said "argh nevermind the land we promised lets give it to the zionists". the promised land was promised to palestinians

also muslims are according to the quran "children of israel"... not only that but also the arabs are more closer related to jews from back then genetically... the only place where they even still speak the language jesus (one of the jews from back then) spoke is in syria... they are basically the true ancestors of the jewish from back then... the jewish coming from germany were mostly converted and just because of their religion does not mean that they own the land... also jesus and the jews back then were brown...

its like saying if anyone converted to the religion (because maybe it becomes a popular religion) of the native americans, they can migrate as native americans back into USA and get citizenship, because with their religion they proof ancestry.


Muslim attitudes toward terrorism
There is a wide range of Muslim attitudes toward terrorism. A number of surveys over the years have found that majorities of Muslims oppose attacks against civilians, and some have found greater support in specific countries and situations.

I agreed with you on these honest Journalists several times now. I have also told you that we are working on returning to the rule of Law here, hoping that force of arms is not the only route.

As far as the conservative "flagger" you list, his voting reputation is a (-5), so I don't see how he could do you any damage, and has been effectively silenced, undoubtedly by liberals.

I have seen the continued violence that is NOT opposed by the rank and file muslims, not even vocally! Because in islam, those in opposition are killed First, before the Jews and Infidels. This is the only "Religion" (really a political system) that preaches convert or die! Violence is the core of islam, and to prove me wrong, all they need do is denounce those doing violence, as you claim they are supposed to do!

I have heard the Iron Dome argument before. Just because they were forced to build a system to protect themselves; to compensate for a treaty violation by those in gaza, does not make them the aggressor! the rejects you call palestinians have the option of building the same system, but they will NOT because it is defensive, and they have no interest in defence!

EVERY nation in Europe, as well as here, was taken by use of force.

Everything "annexed" by the Nazis Before Poland was considered legal....

As far a the golan being about oil, do you believe that they worry about oil more than daily rocket attacks? Oil can be purchased, Death is permanent!

Palestine is a PLACE, not a people. There were a lot of crimes done in the name of politics, promises done and ignored. That does not magically make a bunch of rejects from all over the Middle East into a 'worshipped' people misnamed "palistianians"...into a country! No Arab Country wants them, even now; they are still just rejects.

So there is anti Semitism there, SMH. The muslims Are the sons of Israel, so that gives them some special right to kill their Brothers, and refuse to live with them in peace!

No conversion does not directly affect ancestry, but you can also ask your treasured palestinians where their people were thrown out from, and get a lot of interesting answers! It is like a squatter claiming a house because he has lived there, then attacking and killing the owner when they return.

Lastly, the Constitution is a framework which has procedures in place to allow changes as needed, BUT those changes must remain within this framework. It is a document that is designed to Limit our federal government, not our Citizens. THIS is what these liberal scum vermin have violated by attacking the two journalists you mentioned, they attacked the Constitution! Treason takes many forms....

Areas annexed by Nazi Germany
There were many areas annexed by Nazi Germany both immediately before and throughout the course of World War II.

i listed a victim of a conservative flagger.... mitrado is quite liberal in his view point. he could not post anymore because of that flagger

the silent majority opposes the violence. similar to most issues, where the sane side is most of the times the silent majority. u do see usually after attacks imams talk out against it saying this is not islam... and let me remind you christianity used to be much stricter on "convert or die"... i can give you a christian example to many things.

let me remind you since when annexation has become illegal: it was as a result from the second world war to stop wars. didnt stop them from annexing half of german territory right before making it illegal. ur second world war example hence does not hold as an example of an illegal annexation.

and yes i believe they care more about oil than about rocket attacks. look at gazas fishing areas, which just so happen to be decreased and restricted as soon as israel found oil there, not caring for the turmoil they cause by taking their fishing areas.

the people of palestine, are people, who live at the place. and now palestine has country recognition from most UN countries.

its not like no country would take them in as refugees, there are just too many of them to be displaced from their own land. its an entire country being displaced because of the sympathy towards the people displaced from germany, while these same people could have gone anywhere and be recieved with open arms like USA or USSR.

about the iron dome. please see the argument. its not cool to shit in everyones lawn just because ur neighbor shat in your lawn, and do a collective punishment northkorea style.

anti-semitism was introduced from the west. religios discrimination wasnt even a concept before western colonialism and wars. look at pakistan and india for example, they learned from the brittish to discriminate against muslims, and relocated the muslims to pakistan causing conflicts until even today.

native americans are then by your standard squatters. native americans also never had legal right to ground because there was no legal entitiy. yet you argue that the german jews are the true natives there which seems out of this world.

You waste a lot of my time by jumping all over the place. This is a normal tactic liberals employ. NONE of this has anything to do with the post.

That said, I do NOT approve of flagging, and I have use it sparingly, in Defense only! IF you ran into a conservative flagger, it was likely also used in defense. 100% of the offensive flagging I have seen comes from liberals, as does most violence.

Annexation is just a bleached name for taking by force. I can think of one off teh top of my head I am sure you will approve of...Vietnam.

Oil more important than people? No you are wrong there, you will not be able to buy people until islam takes oner Europe.

100% of the UN recognition you speak of, happened after Israel was formed, and is a direct result of intense hate for Israel. One more reason to dump support for that body!

There is no Arab country that, having thrown them out already as undesirables; will welcome them back! Besides they want to use them to drive Israel into the sea. They were offered coexistence with the Jews when Israel was formed. They refused to 'breath the same air' was the refusal I read.

On Iron dome, you were so busy crapping on this post, you missed the truth that your treasured "palestinians" could make their own Iron dome. They will not, because they put all their hate into rockets to kill Jews!

Anti-Semitism was introduced by Ishmael, and has festered since then. You people made a good stab at it too as I recall; but the hate carried by muslims is visceral and all consuming!

My Wife is half Native American, They are US Citizens, you argument is specious. I do see that you still hate the German Jews, interesting....

i usually respond to your replies paragraph by paragraph, so i would not say im jumping all over the place. i believe you use a similar method, as the topics remain separated by paragraph

i agree on flagging but even defensive flagging can result in a flag war. if you get flagged you can claim your rewards and reputation back by simply asking to get a countervote from the freezepeach discord channel (sounds like free speech), but they require you to not actively flag... they counter flag all kinds of topics no matter if left or right... even antivaxers (despite them spreading false information and causing a massive amount of harm by doing so and not get vaccinated)...

yes vietnam was a bad annexation and i agree its bad and a lot of things the russians and USA did and supported during the cold war was bad aswell (almost how saudi and iran are today).... the cold war was a proxy war shit show..... but similar to palestinians, south vietnamese have no government that actually represents them... many have fled to germany or chec republic...

islam will not bring slavery to europe period. oil is to governments more important than people, which is why US soldiers also die in the middle east for US's oil conflicts... similar golan, its all about oil. if it wasnt about the oil, then why illegally tap in syrias oil resources in golan occupied territory... israel has no rights over the oil there as the land belongs to syria and is currently occupied by israel...
are you saying south america, africa, east europe and asia hates israel? what did israel ever do to new papua guinea or sweden?

many offers you speak of were either with unfair conditions or when they are agreed on broken to further the expansion of israel. jews lived in harmony next to arabs before and they welcomed the world war refugees (while US was at first not so welcoming and many thought of the jewish refugees similar how you are thinking about the central america refugees at the southern border)... the land wasnt supposed to exist in the first place, but brittain decided otherwiese...

how can palestine make their own iron dome? not even israel made its own iron dome, they bought it from US... u think US would sell an iron dome to palestine? there are only a few countries that can produce that advanced weapons, as weapon production needs continuous research, that only US, russia and europe is willing to invest, while china saves research money by hacking US and copying US weapons...

antisemitism was introduced in some arab nations by hitler and brittish (also westerner)... also catholics... the vatican hates jews for some reason since like always...

then ask your wife when her family was able to get US citizenship.... i believe it was in the 20s when native americans were allowed US citizenship... also compare the land the native americans own with what the immigrants from europe AKA americans own, and now you tell me their ownership of their land was respected????

and i dont see how you see that im supposed to hate german jews, because jews are just normal people just like you and me... i would prefer if israelis came back to germany instead of their government causing havoc in the middle east. there are a few already returning now, but there is still a strong right wing in germany doing anti-jewish attacks unfortunately....

International recognition of the State of Palestine
The international recognition of the State of Palestine has been the objective of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) since the Palestinian Declaration of Independence proclaimed the establishment of the State of Palestine on 15 November 1988 in Algiers, Algeria at an extraordinary session in exile of the Palestinian National Council. The declaration was promptly acknowledged by a range of countries, and by the end of the year, the proclaimed state was recognized by over 80 countries. As of 31 July 2019, 138 of the 193 United Nations (UN) member states and two non-member states have recognized it. Furthermore, Palestine has been a non-member observer state of the UN since November 2012.As part of an attempt to resolve the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict, the Oslo Accords signed between Israel and the PLO in 1993 and 1995 established the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) as a self-governing interim administration in parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

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