Dissenter Radio podcast: delving deep into the Nazi ties binding America
I got frustrated; I can admit it. Making vids for YouTube lasted only so long, because I stopped appearing in search results. Let's face it, YouTube rewards mindless fluff and pigeon holes actual sustenance.
Same for Steemit; once it was sold, my views dropped dramatically. Writing novels? Takes much longer, and then there's the whole marketing thing (which, really, goes for all forms of communication on the world wide web; so many voices trying to get some attention) which is particularly gnarly for publishing as the vast majority of the publishers are owned by a mere six entities-- and going the self publish on Amazon route? Let's not forget that Amazon and the CIA have a deal... and if the truth I'm spitting is a little to real for them to permit? I've got no doubt they can lose anything I publish in the noise.
So, now, there's DissenterRadio, my podcast project.

cusswords are confetti. truth with a beat.
Episodes 1-4 cover the rise of Nazi power, aided by American businessmen, and then focus on the way humanity can be manipulated (through false flags, aka The Big Lie, and through technology) by crapping on the Geneva Convention and wiping their arses with the Nuremburg Code by engaging in unethical human experimentation.

Funny (not really) story: As I was recording episode 5, my mic stopped working (and now no longer works with the app I was using) after I read the title of the December 2014 Senate Presentation regarding Civil and Human Rights in America. Seriously. 45 seconds in, I'm cut off mid-sentence, while the beat rolls on.

So, here's a link to the presentation. It's well worth the read because it's a world-wide issue: the "behavior modification" of activists, scientists, whistleblowers, and other unfortunate souls who have been targeted with electronic and psychotronic harassment.

You can listen to all episodes FREE at Dissenter Radio

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Ways you can help the @informationwar!
That thing with the mic sounds remarkably “coincidental” 🤔
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