Why it is Really Different This Time (article review)steemCreated with Sketch.

Why it is Really Different This Time (article review)


So many outstanding articles and videos have been coming out recently with one common thread: the imminent collapse of the markets and fiat monetary system as we know it.

Previously, I’ve written a post entitled Financial Markets Imploding this Fall, Biggest Wealth Transfer in History upon us… which outlines a lot of these realities.

Two articles from October 14th though, really say it all:

– ZeroHedge.com – Central Bank Issues Stunning Warning: "If The Entire System Collapses, Gold Will Be Needed To Start Over"

– ZeroHedge.com – Underestimating 'Them' & Overestimating 'Us' (originally authored by Jim Quinn from The Burning Platform)

As for the first article above, I will simply mention that a central bank – in this case the Dutch Central Bank – making an assertion that gold will be needed in a system collapse is extremely telling. They wouldn’t be doing this if they didn’t feel it as a genuine threat. But, I really think what they are doing is telegraphing to their citizens (and to the world) of what is about to come.

For this post, though, I’d rather focus on the second article stated above, as I see it as extremely spot on. Don’t let its innocuous title fool you; it neatly lays out everything that is currently broke with the current system. Everything is laid bare.

Here are some key highlights from the article [emphasis added]:

During the summer of 2008 I was writing articles a few times per week predicting an economic catastrophe and a banking crisis. When the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression swept across the world, resulting in double digit unemployment, a 50% stock market crash in a matter of months, millions of home foreclosures, and the virtual insolvency of the criminal Wall Street banks, my predictions were vindicated.

Just a quick note about the author Jim Quinn: he is a gifted and prolific writer who I’ve been following for years and highly recommend you reading whatever he writes. About half a year ago I reviewed his article entitled Jim Quinn: America's "Dancing On The Crumbling Precipice" which is certainly also worth a read.

September 2008 marked the beginning of this Fourth Turning, with the global implosion of financial markets, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, double digit unemployment, six million home foreclosures, a 50% collapse in the stock market, the deepest recession since the 1930s, and shell-shocked consumers defaulting on credit card and auto loans to the tune of hundreds of billions.

Quinn has often referred to something called the ‘Fourth Turning’ in many of his articles (see his The Fourth Turning & War Of The Worlds, for instance) which is essentially a reference to a particular cycle or pattern we see repeated throughout history. Like clockwork, everything predicted by the authors of the book The Fourth Tuning (Strauss & Howe) does indeed seem to be unfolding before our very eyes. And it is quite hard to deny the reality.

I certainly overestimated my forecasting ability and underestimated the abilities of the ruling class to take outrageously reckless steps to retain their power and manipulate the masses into believing extreme abnormalcy was actually normal. The first outrage perpetrated by the oligarchs was passing the $700 billion TARP bailout of the feckless Hank Paulson lied and threatened to protect his billionaire buddies.

Citicorp, Bank of America, AIG, GE, Goldman Sachs, and most of the other “Too Big To Trust” goliath banks were bankrupt. They should have been liquidated using the bankruptcy process, with their good assets sold to banks who did not undertake fraudulent risks, and their executives and investors suffering the consequences. The fear mongering and fake accounting propagated by Bernanke, Paulson, Geithner, and their corporate media fake news propaganda machines had the sole purpose of shifting the fraudulently created Wall Street private losses to the taxpayers through deficit funded handouts, free money, accounting fraud, and throwing senior citizen savers under the bus. Wall Street became richer than ever while Main Street got fucked again.

All bolded parts from the passage above say it all. And we are witnessing the onset of the exact same scenario this time, as can be witnessed with the same liquidity/repo nonsense that has been occurring over the last month with these same criminal Wall Street banks (who own and control the Fed, by the way, in case you didn’t know).

The masses (one billion plus in North America & Europe) are being stolen blind, as they are the ones who are on the hook presently bailing out these banks without even knowing it. Gregory Mannarino does an excellent job at outlining this theft on a daily basis in his video broadcasts.

To this effect, Quinn states:

I overestimated the intelligence, critical thinking skills, self-restraint and math aptitude of the masses by believing they had learned their lesson after experiencing the second Fed induced market crash in an eight-year period. I thought the American people and their leaders would come to their senses and realize the parabolic increase in debt since the 1990s had to end.

I clearly underestimated the illegal lengths Bernanke and his fellow puppets would go to in order to save their Wall Street owners and corporate, political and media parasites reliant upon the ongoing Ponzi debt scheme being sustained.

By employing criminal and Ponzi debt scheme, Quinn is not incorrect. Every single agent/employee of the Fed and the greater International Banking Cabal are nothing less than criminal banksters.

Over multiple decades, they have colluded with corrupt governments to legalize and disguise their criminal endeavors.

If I had only believed in the power of massive debt issuance, nine years of zero interest rates for Wall Street banks, $3.6 trillion of Fed QE to relieve Wall Street of its bad debt, hundreds of billions of debt financed corporate stock buybacks, luring millions into 7 year auto loans, and allowing Wall Street hedge funds to buy up the millions of foreclosures and rent them back to those who they had booted onto the street.

Case in point for the above!

If you told anyone in 2007 the national debt would go from $9.4 trillion to $22.8 trillion in twelve years, they would have called you a loon and laughed you out of the room. Now the national debt is 105% of GDP and consumer debt exceeds $4 trillion. Millennials are enslaved with $1.6 trillion of student loan debt, up by $1 trillion since 2009. The ruling class and their propaganda machine have convinced the masses $1 trillion annual deficits are normal and sustainable. Nothing bad has happened – Yet.

Aren’t these numbers absolutely frightening? And totally unsustainable?

Quinn then shows how the current president of the United States, Donald Trump, has rendered himself an integral part of this criminal cabal by simply illustrating what Candidate Trump said vs. what President Trump said:

They’re keeping the rates down so that everything else doesn’t go down. We have a very false economy. At some point the rates are going to have to change. The only thing that is strong is the artificial stock market. The U.S. economy is in a big, fat, ugly bubble. I will get rid of the nation’s more than $19 trillion national debt over a period of eight years. I’m renegotiating all of our deals, the big trade deals that we’re doing so badly on.” – Donald Trump, September 2016.

The U.S. economy would grow more quickly if monetary policy were eased. If we had a Fed that would lower interest rates, we would be like a rocket ship. We don’t have a Fed that knows what they’re doing. Our most difficult problem is not our competitors, it is the Federal Reserve. The Fed raised rates too soon, too often, and doesn’t have a clue!” – Donald Trump, July 2019

That alone should tell you whose side Trump is on. He is certainly not on the side of his citizens, as Gregory Mannarino often reminds us.

It seems men who may have the best intentions to do what is right on behalf of the American people when they seek higher office or are appointed to positions of power, such as the Federal Reserve, are summoned into a dark boardroom and informed who are the real bosses and what truly makes the world go round.

Absolutely. This is likely what happened to President-Elect Trump during his first meeting at the Whitehouse with President Obama – a former traitor in himself along with Bill Clinton, et al.


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It no longer takes a rocket scientist to know that the members of the ‘dark boardroom’ that Quinn refers too are the very secretive elites running the International Banking Cabal as well as their more overt operating puppets in the Deep State/Shadow Government through their various methods of control.

The real question is whether the masses will yet again sit idly by and do nothing upon the next meltdown and introduction of the new “system” (likely a digital enslaving matrix that is undoubtedly in the works).

So here we are, entering Trump’s fourth year in office as the Deep State and their cronies in Congress, the CIA, and fake news media use impeachment as their last straw in their ongoing attempted coup, and the national debt is up by $3 trillion since Trump took office. At the end of his first term the national debt will exceed $24 trillion and interest on that debt will approach $600 billion.

The reaction by the big swinging dicks on Wall Street to the fake news trade agreement between Trump and China, along with the surprise Friday announcement by the Fed of $60 billion per month QE, was to drive stock prices skyward. I will no longer underestimate the lengths to which the establishment will go to maintain and expand their riches, power and control over our society.

He is certainly correct in saying that he will no longer underestimate, as we can see that the Fed is now engaging in permanent QE (i.e., money printing, bailing out the banks, ‘not QE’, or whatever you want to call it) to the tune of $60-100 billion per month with no end in sight. Question is, how many more months can they prolong this insanity? I predict only a few until the crack in the damn becomes too significant.


I will also no longer overestimate the ability of the American populace to see through this charade and come to their senses regarding their unsustainable use of debt to try and maintain an unrealistic lifestyle. Their willful ignorance, created through government education propaganda and social engineering, will not be extinguished until the inevitable financial collapse wipes them out again.

The populace has a great deal of culpability in this sordid affair, as they have sat idly by for decades doing next to nothing of significance to counter these Orwellian systems of repression and control.

This Fourth Turning certainly has not followed the path of the previous Fourth Turning. The existing social order has thrown every debt based “solution” at this debt-based crisis in order to avoid a 1930s like Depression. As we are eleven years into this Fourth Turning, the actions taken by the ruling class may have delayed the pain, but they have only assured the next leg down will be far worse than it needed to be.

I don’t think I’m overestimating the risk of catastrophe, but time will tell. Fourth Turnings have always swept away the existing social order in a chaotic whirlwind of death and destruction.


Get ready.

In Peace & Liberty,



True words again, my friend.
Gettin' ready...

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