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RE: Venezuela Officially Drops the U.S. Dollar on all Oil Trades/ Will the U.S. "Bring Democracy" in Retaliation?

I must admit I googled Columbia, I was sure you were mistaken... how can this be true? This only shows what a joke NATO has become, totally doing the US bidding. I think this trend started with the war on Serbia, which the world has forgotten.
Anyway, great post! I am surprised how many people in the West buy into the communist menace propaganda. Communism has been dead for a while now, China and Russia supporting the regime in Venezuela has nothing to do with ideology. It's all about economy and strategic interests.

I hope to God they leave South America alone!

I'm pretty sure you are well aware of the US involvement in South America during the Cold War. The many dictators supported by Washington in the region are proof of that.


Well, if China and Russia are supporting the Venezuelan economy, I would hate to see what it would be like if they weren't. It's hard to imagine worse than 1.4 million percent inflation.

You guys are all forgetting about the Petro cryptocurrency that is supposed to be tied to Venezuelan oil, that rumor has it is actually a Russian plot all along. One that all crypto enthusiasts should really be embracing as it provides a ridiculous amount of liquidity and a potential stable price tether

I'm not going to trust it if it is run by the Venezuelan government. Or any government for that matter.

While I understand your sentiment, I'm still hopeful. I'm not heavily invested or anything, but I do pray that this a successful power play for BRICS as It would increase faith in crypto if they are able to pull it off.

It is also worth noting that if Russia is behind it they wont let anybody just step in and start killing people. They've already successfully kept everyone out of Africa in regards to oil. Thats why nobody is intervening in South Africa

I believe the cold war coups pulled off by the CIA in Central and South America is what saved Venezuela and unified the region in terms of not buying into a war for regime change, Columbia joining NATO wasn't a popular move either, I wish I knew what the Venezuelan people's opinion is on what is going on with their Country, I don't trust any news sources for a true opinion about Maduro and for all I know Maduro may have a majority of support, and if so it's none of our business in the U.S., thanks for the comment and reviewing my post LadyBecka😀 I appreciate it!

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