Yemen Genocide is Finally Getting Mainstream Coverage! But Why?

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Yemen Media Blackout is Over, for now, as US-backed Saudi War Crimes Suddenly Receive Mainstream Coverage

On Friday, CNN confirmed what independent media had already been reporting on for nearly a week, and which I reported on in a post last week, that the bomb used by the Saudi coalition to target a school bus full of kids, which slaughtered 40 children, was a US bomb, both made in the USA by Lockheed Martin and supplied by the US government to the Saudi Kingdom as part of an arms deal. Even Jim Carrey was outraged by this news and created a piece of art he attached to a tweet which then went viral on Twitter.

Jim Carrey Art.png

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The bomb used by the Saudi-led coalition in a devastating attack on a school bus in Yemen was sold as part of a US State Department-sanctioned arms deal with Saudi Arabia, munitions experts told CNN. - CNN

Even MSNBC which refused to cover the Yemen war even once for an entire year, was for some reason compelled to cover this horrible war crime:

Why the Sudden Change from Total Media Blackout to Widespread Mainstream Media Coverage of US-backed war crimes in Yemen?

The humanitarian crisis in Yemen and related US-backed Saudi war crimes committed against Yemenis has now been pushed into the mainstream, but we shouldn't naively think it is because these corporate government shills suddenly developed a conscience and were no longer able keep silent in the face of US-backed genocide out of moral imperative.

MSM Conceded Yemen Defeat Headline.png

I would like to think, as @CaitlinJohnstone suggested in her recent post covering this, that it is due to the tireless efforts of independent media voices of dissent continually calling out the US-backed genocide of Yemenis and countless Saudi war crimes committed against the Yemeni people since 2015. However, this might just be a bit too optimistic, as there are more sinister reasons I can think of as to why the corporate media cabal would be covering this now, of all times, and not just because it was 40 schoolchildren on a bus recently slaughtered by a US bomb. Yes, this is a horrible atrocity, but these atrocities have been consistently carried out from 2015 to the present, some far worse than this attack, and the MSM has stayed mostly silent...until now.

Could it be that this coverage is being used to divert any attention of US foreign policy away from Iran and the US Empire's recent push for war on Iran and all the related warmongering by Zionist and Neocon officials? You're going to have to come to your own conclusions about that, but the signs are all there that war with Iran is on the horizon, and below is a recent video by Jake @morphonios of Blackstone Intelligence giving some excellent coverage of this very topic. Those helping push the anti-Iran agenda have stooped to using outdated propaganda pieces from back in April to create hype and fear, and Jake does a great job of comparing the recent political climate and events to those leading up to 9/11 and the Iraq war.

Is another 9/11 type false flag in the making to be used to galvanize support behind a coming war on Iran? It's possible, but one thing is more certain: Those in power are pushing for regime change in Iran, and as history has demonstrated, they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

(thanks @tlavagabond for creating this video)

Regardless of the reasons behind the recent mainstream coverage of the US-backed Saudi war crimes in Yemen, the truth of the current US foreign policy of death and destruction is being put in front of the masses, and because of this more people will certainly continue to wake up to this truth. It is only a matter of time before this mass awakening reaches a crucial tipping point, a time which seems to already be upon us, and the imperial powers working against humanity can only continue to successfully hold back the coming paradigm shift towards peace and freedom for so long.

Update - thanks to @cattledog for this find: Perhaps the Lockheed Martin failed Twitter campaign is even more evidence that the American People are now quickly waking up to the warmongering lies and corporate deception used to defend the evil racket that is war, and for the USA, perpetual war without end.

war is a racket.jpeg
War: "the only racket in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives." - former USMC Major General Smedley Butler, 1935

As Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge News rightly pointed out on Friday: "And now with CNN and celebrity figures belatedly spotlighting Yemen (after years of silence going back to 2015), next week’s White House and State Department press briefings are sure to get interesting."


Upvoted and resteemed. Another quality post that deserves way more views. Wish I had less bots and more human followers !

Perhaps Lockheed Martin's #WorldPhotoDay twitter backlash is another sign that more people are waking up.

Smedley Butler was right indeed. War is a racket.

Thanks! I appreciate any help to spread the message. And yes he was so right - "the only racket in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives." So sad but true, these warmongering psychopaths love money and power more than human life. Just wish America would wake up to this truth a little quicker, but this MSM coverage should help... It's sickening what death and destruction US taxpayer dollars pay for, but I am convinced a fully informed public will change this sad reality. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

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