The Informationwar Logo - Let's come up with an idea

The Information War Logo

@openparadigm has suggested a logo for the informationwar account. This is an excellent idea. What I am going to do is to open the floor to suggestions on what the logo should be.

I will pay 10 SBD for whoever puts together the final logo I choose for this account; artists may submit their suggestions in the meantime. I'm not in a big hurry, but if I see a design I like, I'll jump quickly.

However, I will not go against a consensus on the final logo either.

Basic Theme

I would like the design to be simple, as the above symbol. It should convey the idea of information war simply and clearly. My wiseass suggestion is crossed pens with a hand shooting the finger centered under them.

Basic Symbols

What should the basic symbols of the logo be? Some possibilities below, but what else?

  • A mind, or brain
  • a pen
  • definitely some sort of weapon( to represent war), or perhaps a fist
  • an ear or an eye
  • a globe
  • a computer screen, keyboard
  • A megaphone
  • Cameras
  • please, no guy fawkes masks! (guy fawkes tried to blow up Parliment to RESTORE mnoarchial rule LOL)
  • I think we should avoid incorporating the steemit logo, but I'll listen to suggestions with reasoning otherwise

Color schemes

Other than simple, I have no suggestions, but am open to ideas

some NON wiseass ideas to get us thinking

  • A tower with a computer screen in the center and binary running across it, with a camera pointing outward on one side and a megaphone pointing outward on the other
  • A pen crossed with a spear and an eye centered underneath (hmm, I kinda like this one)
  • A globe with a fist centered within it, and a computer, a camera, a TV, and a megaphone at the compass points ( a little busy there?)

other memes and illustrations

I don't want to steal these, but I'll throw them out as a represenation of how other folks have represented the idea. Some of these are too complicated for our sysmbol

Sort: is my submission for your logo challenge:

My problem here is that the 'finger gun' doesn't really work vertically. It doesn't look like a finger-gun at first glance. I like the color scheme (especially the gold shield with the black eye and hand... Hrm....

I like all of these!

give us a couple of days to check consensus, and I'll let you know!

in the meantime, if you want to run a blogpost with these, I'll be happy to resteem and upvote from my main account - OR- - we can do a post from this account...your choice!

also, comment your website, and I'll add that to the post!

thanks for your appreciate.. :)

you can post from yours..all yours..

my website?

cool, I just logged off form that account, but I'll come back shortly, and run it as a post, and asking for consensus!

its fine..take your time first..

does the hand gesture have a significance?

hand gesture show "the gun"

I like this, but I'm not sold

could you take a shot at this idea

A tower with a computer screen in the center and binary running across it, with a camera pointing outward on one side and a megaphone pointing outward on the other - maybe megaphones on either side.

same color schemes work, but INFORMATIONWAR should be in black across the board. thanks!

I'll pay you 5 SBD for the effort, and if I run w/ it, of course the 10 SBD

thanks..and sure, i will try on tomorrow..

I had an idea for the logo I really like; I'm giving you first shot at it:

So. I'll pay you 5 SBD for the work you have already done, and 20 SBD for cleaning up and finalizing the design I want to use. I'd like a logo, and a commenting banner based on that design. Thanks! Steve

okay...will check it now..

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Glad I am not make the choice. Not everyone will be happy with the selection. human nature to be contrarian, well he didn't like the one that I liked go figure. There I got that off my chest. ;- }

anything look good to you? anything you'd like to suggest?

My number 1 preference would be something subtle. I think we have enough scream at the top of the lungs look at me logo's, especially on the internet. Something that shows bringing information to the people and people bring information, and false information being sot down, so yeah I know hard to figure out, and why I went with a joke

exactly; simple and clear! I do like the element of shooting false info down, but can't think of anything to symbolize that

We also want a commenting banner, maybe

yes, and a background

yes and yes!

gooder idears!

One suggestion is to pay a graphic designer to simply design the logo. I have graphic designer who worked on my logo for "Gold Goats 'n Guns" and the final cost was like $25 bucks.

He's mexican and works incredibly cheap but does great work and is fast.

Let me know if you like the idea @informationwar and I can put you in touch with him.

I ( @openparadigm ) suggested @orcheva another great graphic designer, he's going to enter the contest now.

he had some bad ass suggestions! I'll post them as a post of thier own

I did want to get some community feedback for an overall feel; once we have a little consensus we'll move on and let an artist actually put it together.

I was thinking we'd run it by steemgigs at that point

Is your designer on steemit already? (if not, recruit him LOL)

No, I sincerely doubt that he's on steem. As far as help goes on the design.. I'm pants at that stuff, so I'll bow to greater wisdom... but just reach out if you want to take me up on the offer.

my email address is [email protected]

will do! thanks for input.

tell him he's missing out on some gigs, and some new revenue from his already completed work ;>

I like the keyboard world picture with the jack running into it.... turn that jack into some det-cord and and rename the keys "control" "submit" "TV" "FB" etc... and I think we're onto something.

nice concept; getting close to "too busy", but I'd have to see it. It does express the concept of #informationwar clearly

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