Bias in this account - First curator @stevescoinssteemCreated with Sketch.

Information War must be based upon critical thinking.

Critical thinking, in turn, is based upon an understanding of biases.

It should come as no suhprize, then, that my curation itself is biased.

I don't have a lot of problem with that...all information is must be analyzed to become information

So I tell you of my own bias, and let you analyze from there.

I am a far Right thinker, based upon my definition of the Left-Right Continuum; I'm one of those Minarchists/Consittutionalists.

The TL;DR to that article is this:
There is a continuum in the amount of State control involved in any political system.
The farther to the left, the greater the amount of State control.
The farther to the Right, the greater the amount of liberty protected by the system.

ASOLUTE LEFT/Open Communist
LEFTIST/Socialist/Progressive/Democrat Party & voters
CENTER LEFT/ Republican Party
PURE MODERATE/ "Perfect balance"/"Somewhere in the middle"/Unicorn
CENTER RIGHT/ Republican voters
RIGHT/ Minarchists/Consittutionalists (Me)
FAR RIGHT /Libertarians (not currently the LP party though)
ABSOLUTE RIGHT/ True Anarchists, i.e AnCaps

I despise leftism as a religion of liars, leeches, and suckers.

I have met one or two people who call themselves leftists, but when drilling down to values actually turn out to be voluntarists. Otherwise, "argument" with the bulk of leftists usually turns out to be rehashes of dogma and dishonest argument.

Islam means "submission"

IMO, Islam is a religious/politcal system which is based on xenophobia and tyranny. No, not all Muslims believe in that, and there is dissension within Islam. Until Islam has been internally reformed, I consider it an ideological enemy as a generality

I have distrust of any system which claims...

to based on the "inherent goodness" of the human being, or the "inherent goodness" of the State. It doesn't matter who is making the rules, you as an individual have to keep an eye on the bastards.

Conspiracy thinking

Any attempt to explain what is going on behind the curtain is by nature conspiratorial. These attempts to explain those events are going to be shaped by the individuals prior experience:
Understanding What We Can't See - Conspiracy, "Debunking", and Absence of Evidence - Part One
Understanding What We Can't See - Conspiracy, "Debunking", and Absence of Evidence - Part Two

I tend to dismiss those theories which fall outside what I consider plausible, but will consider a theory if it is plausible.

As far as the level of corruption in the world?

There are regional kakistocracies which are stronger or weaker individually which do control some countries, industries, or companies. These groups may cooperate. You could use the prevalence of pedophilia in Hollywood as an example at this level

I do not believe there is a single source of evil and corruption in the world, but that our own toleration of the corrupt allows it to flourish.

People want there to be ONE source of evil because that would be an easier nut to crack

I'm not going to claim that One Source theories are impossible; I just find them unlikely.

So I do share some posts which I don't agree with; the more plausible I find them, the more likely I'll post them.


I am half-Jewish. I am not all that religious to begin with, and I'm not a Jew religiously; the Jews think I'm a goy, the goys think I'm a Jew LOL. I get annoyed with The Jews did it accusations, and I tend to discount such explanations fairly quickly, if not responding with a comment like

I'm sorry your mom had to suck Jew cock to pay the rent.

This leads to theories of Israeli sources of corruption. First, I understand that Zionism is not Judaism, and that anti-Israeli opinion is not necessarily anti-semitic opinion. Even so, I don't find "Israel as the one source of evil" theories to be plausible, even though there have been several cases in which Israel hasn't acted in the United States' interest. I don't see AIPAC all that different from other special interest corruptions, and the majority of Jews I see on the Left are fiercely anti-Israeli.

I don't think we should provide any aid for the Israelis, or for any other foreign country when it comes down to it, but I'm willing to sell them all the weapons they need.

From the tag line

The ultimate purpose of InformationWar is to provide you with the tools to defend liberty within this mode of war.

This line, combined with the other information I share via the account, should be the key in understanding why I share items on this feed.


My BA is Government (aka political science), and my MS is in Criminal Justice, with a Homeland Security specialization. I spent 4 years as a LAV crewman in the USMC, and left the service as a Corporal; in that time I took additional courses in Intelligence through MCT program.

I have studied intelligence since my undergrad years, and had a chance recently to take part in some formalized training provided by Forward Observer Magazine.

My focus started in national security, and over the years morphed into study of the politics behind security as a whole (including crime and justice); my specific focus has been in the COINTELPRO programs.

    Database focused on subjects like COINTELPRO, domestic security/intelligence, the security vs liberty balance, Constitutional (American) law re:security, leftism, islamism, propaganda, police intelligence, morality, neoconservatism, globalism, Information War, propaganda, and the Deep State

Political attitudes and personality

I am by nature a little on the confrontational side; old age and general fatssery has made it much more of a drag on me physically to indulge myself that way.

In addition, Steemit encourages courtesy, and it works here.

So I try to spend extra effort to play nice. As evidenced by the rent remark I have used on this platform a couple of time, I recognize that I fail at this occasionally.

One of my pet hypotheses is that a person's personality plays a large part of their politics.

Once I have noted a person as dishonest, I tend to ignore them completely. although I may lose self-discipline and mock them.

I started out as a Reagan Republican as a kid, and have despised the democrats since I learned to read. You didn't really need the internet to see what the democrats did was wrong, even back then. Over time, trust in the republicans became distrust with the first Bush, and by 2006 that distrust of the repukes had turned into the same kind of hatred I have of the democong.

That was at the same time I stopped regarding myself as a neocon...
I was once a neocon - why neoconservatism failed, and why it will ALWAYS fail

I have been wrong before, I will be wrong again

You always have to keep in mind the possibility that your entire world view is wrong

The neocon thing points out my greatest failure in critical far!

So there you have the basics of HOW I choose stories, and the purpose of the feed. I hope this helps in your own analyses of information.


Oh Lordy... I can't tell people I'm Absolute Right... That'll scare 'em off. Appreciate what you are doing with the tag.

So glad I read this. I've been arguing with someone about how anarcho-comunists are a logical fallacy, and I really didn't feel like it would be worth it to spend all of the time educating him on such. Now i can just link him to you article

also sorry that i wasnt here to upvote this @stevescoins 7 months ago... at that time i was debating going all in on steem. Something i should have done because at that time I still had money and due to the power down I probably would still have a decent amount of money

Very detailed and great write up, I always enjoy reading your content because you take a lot of time to put the details in and context(we need more of that in the news).

Important that we all know our own biases and put the information out there.

Going by the scale you have above, I think I am more like a center moderate/right. I will always orient myself to the truth eventually, though it can be hard to do because the massive amounts of information required to process and read before it can be done.

even when we arrive at common truths, we dont always arrive at the same solutions to problems.

the leftist impulse is to fix poverty is redistribution and economic control
the rightwing impulse is self-discipline and volunteer action

I used to tell my liberal friends they could have far more of an impact by helping out a poor family or poor person than bugging me about it...none of them ever tried. /shrugs

Are there any prominent US politicians that you back whole-heartedly? Ron Paul, perhaps?

How can you claim to be an anti-war libertarian and still support the intensely-militarised state of Israel?

Are there any prominent US politicians that you back whole-heartedly?

nope; although Trump comes close

How can you claim to be an anti-war libertarian

Never claimed either; I happen to be rather pro-war, when it's necessary IMO

support the intensely-militarised state of Israel?

easily. I look at the intent of the Palestainians in the charters of the PLO and Hamas; also see Islam above

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