The Destruction of the Moral Family Base by Porn and the Enforced Immigration is Part and Parcel of the Same Plan to Destroy Europe and its Indegenous White Population !

in #informationwar6 years ago

The video titles I am posting today I know might not look on the face of it as being particurally related ! But I can assure you that indeed they are highly connected and part of the multi-layered planned and executed plan by our oldest enemies to Desrtroy once and for all our dominance over a World that they see as being relegiously depicted as being theirs !

Europe, our Culture and way of Life in under an attack the likes we have never seen. As indeed perhaps many are unaware of it or choose not to hear of it and its tragic consequences ! This subject does need to be addressed, and soon !As the demographic makeup of our only homelands is currently being changed to such a point where White people soon will have no home or land to call their own ! And will be I am sure if left to its own devices, be erradicated and removed as a race by the Invading Army of Weaponised Islam and its followers of Jihad against Christianity !

Social Marxists, Zionists and Islamists are an Alliance of Evil and we are to be their Sacraficial Lamb !

The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry

Mark Collett
Published on 10 Aug 2017

A frank discussion on the disproportionate role played by Jews in the porn industry. Whilst not all Jews are involved in encouraging and supporting pornography the West, leading Jewish authors on the subject admit that Jews have played a disproportionate role in the industry and their motivation is not simply financial. Whilst in the West we are seeing an increasing amount of sexualised material pushed upon society, in Israel family values take centre stage and by law internet pornography is blocked by internet service providers.

White Brits To Become Minority In Birmingham | Ethnic Replacement | "Super-Diversity" Scheme

The Iconoclast
Published on 29 Jun 2018

White Genocide is Real and Happening Right Now !


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !




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I think we as indigenous English currently only have our successive Governments to blame, they've allowed it to happen and are actively facilitating it. The general population who are consumed into the propaganda bullshit of MSM cannot see it coming...
With 50,000 people who do not speak English in one city? That sums it up. The foreigners cannot even live with each other... But i cannot see an end to it all. When you have the second generation being born here then thats it, they are infused as British citizens. I am afraid we are at the point almost of no return and the slow demise of Britain begins.
I will give it 15 years before the lid comes off, as we will see an increase of racial flash-points spriraling into violence and then our country will turn into their shithole country...
Anyone not believing my comments, then you need to get yourself to London, Birmingham, Leister, Bradford, Keighley (to name a few) and look/experience it all for yourselves.... i would look forwards to your comments then!

Yes i will I hope have popped my clogs before then 1 I dont want to see this happen and its truly beyond belief that i am literally witnessing the death of all that was Great in this world to become just another Shithole country like another in this world sent into a low IQ toxic soup of media brainwashing of minds and industrial poisoning of their bodies ! If Britain falls than so does this World 1 And this is why I think it will not get to that and I see even America coming once more to our resucue when these race wars or maybe more elimaation of the remaining whites by the bloodthirsty horde of Satan and the NWO ! Dont give up on Auld Blighty mate ))

I left Birmingham and moved to Poland, as most of Birmingham now is more like Pakistan, Jamaica or India, than the Birmingham I grew up in, each have their own areas, rules, laws, it is by design, and in no way any accident.

one wonders if porn reveals people's inner desires or if they are trying to promote deviancy.

Well the thing so well explained in this first video relating to porn is that one,s brain is very easily seduced by the quick gratification which easily becomes an addiction ! So porn becomes something like a fix and like all "junkies" they go further and further down the rabbit hole as the drug level needs to be upped ! So for me the orator of the film is correct in his assumption that the creators of porn know full well what they are doing to society with this "product" that does quite possibly need to have some serious guidelines maybe installed !! A big debate ! I mean Porn looks like its here to stay, but the question is in what form should it exist ! Are there some clear scenarios which are abuse and yes maybe clearly racially degrading ! So yeah maybe time to take out the evil agenda and make it what it should be, a very poor subsitute for the real thing ! But politicised porn does need to go as far as i am concerned !

pornography and war drive almost all technological advances. Remember the photo of the girl with the horse from Slaughterhouse 5?

this might surprise you but i have not seen slaughterhouse 1 never mind the 5 ??? lol So i am not sure of the imaging to which you are refering !!

lol, it's not a movie sequel, it's a Kurt Vonnegut novel. It's semi autobiographical and one of the best books ever written.

Well I am sorry for not knowing of this @funbobby51, you seemed so surprised that I dont ! I cannot pretend to heave read every book on the planet ! )

Its required reading in most high schools here, or it was, they probably have to read about the struggles of trannies and minorities now exclusively. It's a quick read and also remarkable from a historical perspective. I bet very few people would know about Dresden firebombing today without it. Vonnegut happened to be there.

Well that does sound pretty interesting, although I am not particurally interested in trannies @funbooby51, but then I doubt you are either ))

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