The New Banking Model Will Be Based On Behaviors

We are about to enter a full-fledged Dystopia, and the gates will slam shut once we pass the portal. Evil is hiding in plain sight: they tell us right in our faces what is going to happen, and people listening to the speaker (@20:10mns) show no sign of discomfort whatsoever when told how will work the new banking model. Apathy still is rampant and we really should be appalled and frightened about it.

Ditch your phone or if you cannot, just turn it on and off according to your use!

There is no need to keep it turned on several hours at the time and tell your contacts that you can no longer answer right away. That would be a good occasion also to spread the word about wireless radiations and share your concerns. Only turn on "data" when you really have to go on the internet, and turn it off immediately after closing up all tabs. However the less data they have the better.

The proliferation of smartphone is central to the rise of mobile banking. Of course being internet wired 24/7 is going to help greatly. Please check the Toronto article at the bottom page, mobile banking (and other brand names) will extract data from people so easily.

Don't expect any human rights orgs to defend us because if it has gone that far already, they just cannot do a thing about it. There are way more people working in IoT departments than those willing to protect our privacy, because that is where the money is: data is the new oil!

No One Is Coming To Save Us

Wake up, folks, this is the commodification of human emotions! The inevitable aftermath of treating life as a commodity. Until the beginning of the last century (1900s) , we couldn't see what was wrong with the premise because technology was very basic. It is now obvious that the premise is at the core of the problem. Society should have promoted a global and systemic "degrowth" after WW2 to avoid the hyperconsumerim trap and turning people's energy into currency, but didn't.

We have set ourselves up for losing everything we hold dear in term of materialistic possessions in the process of freeing ourselves from such machinations if we act upon, but the challenge is definitely worth it because after that we will be able rebuild completely anew and implement RBE (resource based economy)

Here are a few highlights of the video right below: the last 10 mins are the most important is you really are in a rush.

  1. Big Tech is going to change the nature of banking itself, and that will start with a basic bank account, a VALUE store.
  2. From the perspectives of saving and investing, they will be looking at behavioral mechanisms behind saving and investing. It is a behavioral framework around the VALUE store.
  3. They monitor your behavior in terms of portfolio to produce a very detailed risk model , so that they have eliminated the risks profile questionnaire as apart of the investment process.
  4. Let's monitor your behavior and learn how risky you are, and if that risk is a problem for you, then let's change the behavior by educating you, by giving you the right behavior triggers (!!!)
  5. Behaviorally, we create a behavioral saving process, not a savings account.
  6. Your idea is going to be this collection of data about you that makes you uniquely you (!!!) And this is how we'll combat identity theft

You Are Being Groomed

One-third of all workers earn less than $12 an hour and 42% earn less than $15. That’s $24,960 and $31,200 a year. Imagine raising a family on such incomes, figuring in the cost of food, rent, childcare, car payments (since a car is often a necessity simply to get to a job in a country with inadequate public transportation), and medical costs. Even in households that combine income from two wage-earners, it’s rarely enough to live on without anxieties about money. It takes an average of a little more than $100,000 per year now for a household to be able to live without anxieties about money.

66% of Americans Earn Less Than $20 An Hour

'City of surveillance': privacy expert quits Toronto's smart-city project (2019)

“I imagined us creating a Smart City of Privacy, as opposed to a Smart City of Surveillance,” she wrote in her resignation letter. After initially being told that the data collected would be wiped and unidentifiable, Cavoukian told reporters she learned during a meeting last week that third parties could access identifiable information gathered in the district.

Wired neighborhood planned by Google sister company has raised questions over data protection
When it was announced last year that a district in Toronto would be handed over to a company hoping to build a model for new tech-driven smart city, critics were quick to voice concerns.

Despite Justin Trudeau’s exclamation that, through a partnership with Google’s sister company Sidewalk Labs, the waterfront neighborhood could help turn the area into a “thriving hub for innovation”, questions immediately arose over how the new wired town would collect and protect data.... MORE


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