I love to share intelligent people like these people because they destroy the narrative of the mainstream media and the left...

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

I am seeing more and more people like those I want to share in these videos. I am not going to say much, I'm just going to let them do their own talking.

These are the "Token Black People" that the mainstream media likes to talk about. They are NOT Tokens, they are not Uncle Tom's and they are not Coons, though Candace Owen (aka Red Pill Black) does call her show the Myth of the Coon just to challenge the narrative.

No. Let me tell you now media, and left leaning people. I'll tell you what these people are. Intelligent Human Beings that can think for themselves and are not afraid to challenge things that don't make sense.

They don't cower and attack and regurgitate talking points that they know very little about. Yet there I went. I was talking. I said I'd let them do the talking. So let's get to that...

Harvey Weinstein, Eminem, and why the left can't stop losing - Red Pill Black (Candace Owens)

Brandon Tatum's epic response to Eminem! - Brandon Tatum (until this week a Police Officer in Arizona)

Now I Have Had Enough - Brandon Tatum Destroys the NFL - Brandon Tatum (This launched his new career)

Let's Talk Gun Control - Brandon Tatum

Viacom Blocked My Video About Eminem's BET Hip Hop Awards Anti-Trump Freestyle - Anthony Brian Logan

Intentionally Transmitting HIV No Longer A Felony in California (REACTION) - Anthony Brian Logan

Harvey Weinstein's Kerfuffle Has Revealed The Dark Side of Hollywood - Anthony Brian Logan

Trump Fails To Certify Iran Nuclear Deal; Kicks It To Congress (REACTION) - Anthony Brian Logan

Eminem Bragged About Raping Women In His Songs But He Trashes Trump: He's A Drug Addict - The Doctor of Common Sense

Las Vegas Shooter Hired Prostitutes And Enjoyed Violent Rape Fantasies: He Was A Democrat Right? - The Doctor of Common Sense

The NFL is Anti American? - Red Pill Black


Candace owens is great. I recently saw her on an hour or so interview with Stefan Molyneux. Highly recommended.

E.T. Williams is good too. Bit clownish at times, but his content has been pretty solid from way back.

Yeah I saw the Stefan Molyneux interview and several others she has been on.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: The people mentioned in this post pay a very high price for standing up for their beliefs and deserve recognition.

I totally agree with her! I hope this doesn't sound rude,but she almost sounded word for word like last nights episode of HANNITY on Fox News...I had to stop and realize what i was watching for a second lol The double standards are crazy in the world of leftist...but I do love me some Jimmy kimmel, and Eminem!

I don't watch televised news unless I catch it online somewhere so I didn't listen to Hannity.

You are one of the lucky ones!! It's the contract joys of cable lol

If I try to watch TV somewhere now the commercials, the content of the commercials (especially the pharmaceutical stuff), and how often they play them drives me crazy. The longer I go without being exposed to that the worse the experience is when I am subjected to it. :)

The whole thing is crazy...because when I don't watch cable and regular televised tv, I think to myself "I am so dumb for not getting cable"...then when I get it..I end up appreciating not having it so much more! I just need to start thinking more like dwinblood:)

It's getting easier to cut the chord. More and more people are doing it. The benefits are you watch what you want, when you want. If you can't find it to watch then you're not really missing anything. :)

I totally agree with her @dwinblood ...upvoted

i 100 % Agreed with her. Thanks for sharing @dwinblood !

Great Words to live by!!!!

What no Thomas Sowell?

Heheh... I only learned about him awhile ago. So I am no expert. He did not influence these thoughts for me. He did bring new information that supports my thoughts on Culture being more the problem and not Race when it comes to the issues BLM and such complain about.

I recommend his examination of Irish American culture( which seems a lot like Black American culture now) and compare it with his examination of pre-1960's Black Amercan culture.
I agree with you about Culture being the problem(and the solution) and I base this on meeting many black people from different cultures and the success of Harlem Charter schools.
I would like to point out that another overlooked factor and that is early childhood nutrition.

I agree. It is why I think BLM is aiming for the wrong culprit and the wrong solutions. I get what they are saying, but the correlation is not the causation.

I have many friends who have experienced police brutality(white people) they all provoked it usually by attacking the police a couple from extremely insulting language.

Yep. There are bad cops. Yet it is not as endemic as the media and some people are clearly trying to make it seem. It also typically doesn't seem to have anything to do with race. There are of course exceptions but, they are rare.

Culture definitely seems to be the issue as I look deeper. It explains a lot of the statistics and events that racism cannot explain.

Individul peoples temperament is also a very important consideration. We are certainly born with our temperaments. This I can attest to from raising two naked apes and ten Bandogs. Both of those groups had the same genes and yet the individuals differed markedly from each other requiring different strategies to lead.

Hell all you have to be is a parent of more than one child (I have 6) to learn that. :) Every single one of my children was very different and what worked with one often would not work with the others.

Wow that lot would be more videos that I've watched in the past year!

I'm guessing they say America is owned and run by a bunch of perverts..

Check out Ben Garrison's Three Amigos political cartoon. :)

she's smart, hot and has something to say. That's how I like it.

i have listened to almost all of the videos. thus far the content creators are amazing.

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