Must see video that proves beyond doubt there was no chemical weapon attack in Syria!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

This is 100% PROOF the strikes by the UK ,USA & France had no legal precedent.

Every source says the same thing, no chemical weapons.

No matter where I research this from here, every article says the same thing, that the white helmets burst into a hospital, screaming chemical or gas attack, they had pulled people in off the street with them, they started hosing these people down with water, and the doctors joined in thinking they were helping.
The white helmets had cameras at the ready to record the whole thing, this could possibly go down as the cheapest (to stage) false flag attack ever!.

Let's sift through some (I hate to say this) MSM articles that state the same thing, you may note the top article is veterans today.


All aboard the truth train.

What is most encouraging is the amount of people willing to embrace the truth now - I see more people year on year wanting to see through the veil of lies, and that can only benefit us all in the long run.

I am sitting here nervously waiting for a message from our man on the ground in Syria Tom Duggan, he took the decision last night to go and cover isis withdrawal from Jaramana on the outskirts of Damascus. here
They were shelling (isis) civilian areas to try to retreat from the area, and Tom made the decision to go and video it, if all goes well we should have that video uploaded by tomorrow evening. (fingers crossed)

Have a fantastic week one and all, keep right on track saying it the way it is, and call out the msm for the frauds they are bbc, cnn et el.

image from pixabay

Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates


All sbd earned from this go to Tom's camera fund.


The truth is winning, so nice to see, thank you for the knowledge you share, it is time to end the msm lies for good.

most welcome, hope you stick along for the ride, much - much more to come yet.

There is no doubt that humanity will win.
Allah will not forgive the persecution of Syria.

thanks for stopping by, you just hit rep 26. :-)

it is not war for saving Syrians its actually about oil there

Oil, gas pipelines, greater Israel project, take your pick, so many many reasons it seems.

and i am agree with you

Thank you so much for reporting the truth

More than welcome, and thank you for the massive donation, honestly I nearly fell off my chair, that is so generous of you, Tom will be over the moon, I shall get him to thank you in person, in a future video.

It's Iraq and their "weapons of mass destruction" all over again.. when will the people see the repetition?? It's time to stand up and say no more! These are innocent lives being wasted or damaged beyond repair, it is not fair!

I see this meme everywhere lately "What is Russia and Syria decided to bomb the USA for the poisoning of the waters in Flint, MI ??" It makes zero sense! The REAL sense is we want their land, oil, resources, currency, mainly the zionist world banks want their money - of course!
Thanks for sharing the truth - as always good sir!

Iraq how many times? Libya, Afghanistan, the list is endless now, I would need more characters than this window allows, in fact I am going to write a post about it, thanks for the idea. :-) And thank you for another (as usual) top quality comment.

you're welcome for the idea and I'll be looking forward to seeing your post !

Hey just letting you know, I had a donation today of 100 steem from a nice lady called evehuman, I have never met her before, it came out of thin air.

oh wow!! that is beyond amazing!! I'm going to give her a follow just because she must be awesome to donate like that! woohoo!! getting closer! :)

Hell yeh, though I felt a little sad when I looked on steemd and noted she had left herself with only 5sp.

I went to give her an upvote (the least I can do) but saw she hasn't made a post in 8 months. But glad to see she is still active on here.

no evidence no facts, CNN screams chemical attack and thats just enough to kill innocent people, CNN's reporters should go to jail

Government screams alleged, some news services on tv say alleged but most say "chemical attack, with zero proof, then all newspapers scream chemical attack and lose the "alleged" part all together, it has worked like that for more than 20 years now, and it is getting so "obvious" a child can see through it.

yes, and the alleged reports are pre chewed in news letters, from press bureaus that get copied by 'news' outlets all over the world who don't even bother to fact check. They seem to auto translate with google translate, and auto publish without decent spell checking.

Our newspapers contain more typo's then my steemit blog LOL

Same in the UK, newspapers do not do spelling any more it seems, most articles are copy pasted from Reuters, who are Rothschild's owned.

Typos's are so damn trendy that I also developed spell checker blindness. It's just crazy how bad this has become. Our native Language is completely phuked up already so we don't even notice grammar mistakes anymore. But all of this add's to the problem if no longer being able to understand anything that is written in the newspaper. It's just a bunch of meaningless words.

If you need a newspaper, tv, or government to tell you the news, you are fucked anyway, stop drinking the fluoride.

It's a double edged sword.
We conspiracy reasearchers need that FRAC!RAW to have facts that the fake news is fake. It's a no-brainer.

As soon as the news is obsolete then we may become obsolete as well. Let's hope we soon will be obsolete, all then need to do is tell the truth and show us the facts.

But that seems to be their problem. They drink ReutersBull

Real journalism is hard to find in this day and age. It's a tough job and scary I'd say. Good reporting to be sure.

You are spot on there, most journalists are just copy writers now, there is no need for a brain, just for a parrot, hence they are looking to AI journalists as we type.

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