The Truth about Government and our Criminal Agencies ? American's don't have any toes?

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Lots of people make the mistake of saying our Government is corrupt. I know that they mean the Agencies of Government are corrupt and I know that in truth this is so. In this post I am going to show you what the difference between Government and an Agency is by highlighting who the Government is. In doing so I am hoping to show why it is important to use the right terms when exposing Agency corruption. Let me start out by making a statement about government, that once you comprehend what I am actually saying ; you may get mad at me. Hopefully after thinking about it you will understand me and you may even agree. 

The Government in America is extremely ignorant.  

Would you say that a person who does not know the difference between a piece of paper that represents a fiction and a living breathing being is ignorant?    The Government in America does not know the difference between living breathing beings and a piece of paper? The difference is that the living breathing being can be harmed and they can feel being harmed. If you take the piece of paper that represents a fiction, it cannot be harmed. Another truth is that a piece of paper cannot act in the real world, so any claim that it can is fraud.  In fact the purpose of claiming such is to commit fraud in fact. The Government in America is ignorant of these facts, thus making the living breathing beings that comprise the Government ignorant. 

Would you say that a person who doesn't know their own power within the society they live in, is ignorant? I am not sorry to say that I do! If you take the above information about fictions and the fact that the Government of for the United States for America is supposed to as Jurist know that a piece of paper is not a living being and cannot be harmed. Thus they are supposed to find all defendants not guilty, when, a piece of paper is supposedly claiming to be harmed, but they don't? This is proving ignorance of the law and their living breathing power and thus ignorance, don't you think? It also proves that they do not comprehend and so cannot understand that they are the Government. They prove this every time they claim the Government is corrupt and thereby prove they do not even know they are the representatives of the Government.

Words have power even when used incorrectly.

So every time an American who doesn't know they are the representative of Government says that they are destroying our democracy, the American using words power are really shooting themselves in the foot. Yeah I  know when they say 'they', that "they" means the Agencies, but I also know if you asked them they will say "You Know, the Government" proving they don't know shit. This is why I say Americans don't have any toes. They use words to shoot them off. This is because one they are supposed to know through self education that we are a Democratic Republic. Which is entirely different from a Democracy. Hopefully if you didn't know any of what I have shared you will take the time to find out the truth.

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I agree that bureaucracies tend to confuse humans from pieces of paper.

Sadly, your post fails to make a clear distinction between agencies of government and government as you claimed you would in the first paragraph.

I couldn't find much on this distinction in the links on your post.


yup, with so many levels and branches and elected and appointed officials I always wonder what THE government is they are so upset at. It would be wise to be more specific.

Every time they shoot themselves in the foot, they do so because of not being specific and not really comprehending. Making it impossible for anything that they do or say to be an understanding of their fellow Americans.

It's funny too because I think they have a lot in common with anti gun rights folks, they only look at the harms and deny there is any benefit when its pretty easy to quantify it.

Yeah and prove that the law abiding must have gun's or else there really is no point to being law abiding.

Wrap the banner in an <a href, like:

<a href=""> <img src= ""></a>

be sure to use your referral link instead.
If you used steemit to upload the image, then you just need to remove the brackets around it and replace them with quotation marks for the < img tag

Which works like this:

Wow and thanks @builderofcastles. I didn't even know it wasn't working right. I think I have it working right now. The referal link keeps taking me to the free play bit coin page. I will have to see if there is some reason that is the case.

Thanks again it is very much appreciated.

P.S used another browser and found that it is working. Thanks again for you help.

I believe that is because you are already logged in.
The entire site is just one url.
And it remembers you and your original referral.

I like the way you think, and agree with your intentions, insofar as I am correct about them.

But, that being said, I would split a few hairs regarding the specific words you use.

First, while the rhetoric claims that I and other Americans are the government, after a few beatings I have learned that the rhetoric isn't true. I do not have the power to effect government in practice, despite scribbles on paper saying I do.

Also, agencies are no less pieces of paper than any other, and it is the agents of government that commit the depredations and crimes - not the pieces of paper. People can be, and often are, corrupt. Pieces of paper and rhetoric are just words without life or volition.

You state we are representatives of government, and even in the rhetoric this isn't true. Representatives are specifically referred to as elected to office, and neither you nor I have been elected to office. We do not represent government, we are what is represented (theoretically). It is our authority to govern that is delegated to representatives.

We, in theory and not at all in practice, are the government. In practice we are the governed, without recourse against corrupt and unjust depredations of Representatives and their agents.

Personal arms are of little effect except in concert with our fellows in the form of militias. Americans can scarcely scrounge up the balls to muster a mob, and militias properly effecting the will of the people seem to be beyond our ability presently, due to various propaganda and material depredations that deprive us of the ability to agree on and act to achieve our lawful aims.

Given this circumstance, I formally withdraw my delegation of authority to govern to any representative, and retain it personally, that I act therefore in full authority as imbued with that right to govern me and mine. Should you, and my brethren in America mutually agree to do the same, we then might lawfully effect such government as seems right to us. Failing our mutual accord, we must each do as seems best.

It is my desire presently to provide a development infrastructure than enables Americans, and people everywhere, to have the requisite power to effect their wills as autocrats (rulers of themselves) that gangs of thugs are unable to constrain. Should I succeed, I reckon many people will, rather than devolving into rampaging criminals, seek to conduct their affairs lawfully, respecting the rights of others, and undertaking industrious commerce and production as they see fit.

We'll see how things shake out.

I greatly appreciate what I think is your intent to inform folks that they are philosophically the basis of governmental authority; that their personal rights are the basis for the very theory of government, and that given appropriate technology, are lawfully and justly able to act without fear as they see fit.


I agree with the following exception.

"You state we are representatives of government, and even in the rhetoric this isn't true. Representatives are specifically referred to as elected to office, and neither you nor I have been elected to office. We do not represent government, we are what is represented (theoretically). It is our authority to govern that is delegated to representatives."

Source : @valued-customer

Committee's of safety are the organizer's for We The People. They gather the will of the people and put it forth with numbers on their side. The following explanation in your comment has been and always was the case.

"Given this circumstance, I formally withdraw my delegation of authority to govern to any representative, and retain it personally, that I act therefore in full authority as imbued with that right to govern me and mine. Should you, and my brethren in America mutually agree to do the same, we then might lawfully effect such government as seems right to us. Failing our mutual accord, we must each do as seems best."

Source : @valued-customer

To have liberty and freedom a person must also be responsible and govern themselves. Freedom was never economical, but a plane of existence and has always had the minimum cost of self education. Liberty and Freedom can be expressed as the attitude of being in a state of responsibility for the consequences of your actions and is why you own your sweat equity. I'd shake your hand and welcome you to the plane of the free, but I am not sure that you would comprehend and thus be able to understand. However I congratulate you, as your comment proves you are aware and thinking. Rather well I might add. I ask one boon of you however. That is that you look at what Thomas Jefferson said in light of what Antonin Scalia in (1992) said. There in is the individuals power.

"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education."

The Grand Jury Belongs to The People–Antonin Scalia (1992)

As proof: Supreme Court UNITED STATES, Petitioner v. John H. WILLIAMS, Jr.

Thanks for the superb response =) I first thought the Scalia quote was written by me LOL. It's something I agree with strongly.

I just don't agree that I represent anything. I simply am that repository of the ultimate powers of society insofar as I am one member of society. I speak for me, and no one else does, nor do I speak for others. That's not representation, but exertion.

One of my favorite points made by Jefferson is that he preferred the polity of the tribes native to the Americas because there was the least of it. In other words, less government is more freedom.

Representation has failed me, and I don't see how it can do better.

That is the point about representation. It is re-presentation. Between the re and the presentation there is that magic dash. That to me is where the fraud begins. The fact that you get "I speak for me and no one else" is awesome.

Welcome to that plane of existence called liberty and freedom.

For me the only thing left to do is to die so I can be safe. LOL

Hi there.

Dropped by to say thanks for curating my vaccine related post today.

It is appreciated.


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