Taking the Mask Off The Organ Grinders: Compilation of Important Alt-Media Videos and Posts Covering The 2018 Bilderberg Meeting in Turin, Italy

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

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Dan Dicks of Press For Truth has the lowdown on the global elitist attendee's.

TruthStream Media connects the dots on the global elite attendees and the G-7, NATO Conferences in relation to Europe's war games on Russia's border.

We Are Change covers the arrival of Jared Cohen, ex-State Dept; consultant Jigsaw @ Google. Loyal sidekick of Alphabet's Eric Schmidt. Senior Fellow @ Council on Foreign Relations.

A quick Google search shows that the MSM have steered clear of reporting on the Pope sending a Vatican representative to attend the Bilderberg Conference for the first time ever. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, will take part in the Bilderberg Conference, an annual private gathering of global political, business and media leaders, taking place this year in Turin, Italy, June 7–10.

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Luke Radowski of We Are Change decodes what is happening at The Bilderberg Conference 2018, particulary in regards to NATO military and security attendees who have been focused on Russia.

James Corbett of The Corbett Report has an excellent Steemit post up tonight that covers the other geopolitical summits as well as The Bilderberg Conference 2018.


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Charlie Skelton who has been on the ground in Turin has a number of very informative Tweets on his Twitter page that provide more info on individual attendees at the conference. Here are close to a dozen. There are more at his Twitter page.



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https://twitter.com/deYook/status/1005365399834320896 -

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In regards to that last Tweet, it's important to note that Anne Applebaum of the Washington Post is also connected with the WP's roll out of the PropOrNot fake news/censorship agenda in conjunction with Michael Weiss of The Henry Jackson Society, Daily Beast and The Interpreter.

More here on how far Applebaum and Weiss go back with links to Yuko's oil thief Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky and NATO/The Atlantic Council.

Neo-McCarthyism and the US Media
The crusade to ban Russia policy critics


In addition to all of the above information, I wanted to include this excellent post from Caitlin Johnstone from a few days ago. It's not on the 2018 Bilderberg Conference but it is in relation to the same subject matter and fits in quite nicely by explaining what is needed for humanity to break this terrible cycle of warmongering and deceptive, murderous control by the global elite.

Whoever Controls The Narrative Controls The World


More here on exposing the Atlantic Council and Michael Weiss/PropOrNot

Revealing the Links Between Brown Moses, Bellingcat, PropOrNot and the Atlantic Council in Relation to Psy Ops for Syria and Ukraine


Huge Information Drop on Deep State Propaganda Arm: Fact Checking Outfit Snopes Rolls Out The Atlantic Councils Pro-War Armchair Propagandists To Cover For Mass Media And Government Lies About Latest White Helmets False Flag in Syria


Important to note that there is a massive police presence at the Bilderberg 2018 Conference and almost all mainstream media is absent from covering the ongoing meetings. A quick Google search also reveals that the MSM is ignoring this important global elitist conference. Thus, only alternative/truth media reporters are providing real coverage of what these global elitists and their puppets are actually up to.... and they are being harassed and searched by the armed security contingent for doing such. These alternative media reporters really deserve accolades for helping reveal the truth about what the global elite are up to with our world.

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