International List of Countries Who Own Their Central Banks & The Ongoing Wars to Neutralize Them

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


In 1835, in response to the unbridled actions of the growing international banking establishment and its negative impact on America, President Trump’s favourite former president exclaimed, "You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning."


Andrew Jackson had indeed spoken extensively on the subject of currency manipulation and economic abuse of the USA by foreign powers. He had forewarned Americans throughout his presidency and in his historic and prescient farewell speech. Yet, even he could never have imagined just how far his beloved country would stray from the path of economic freedom for the people into the dark and twisted abyss that is today’s near-complete Rothschild-domination of the world’s central banking systems. At present, only 4 countries – out of a total of 8, from a highly circulated list dating back to the year 2000 – remain free from the lecherous control of this monolithic cartel. Your country is not one of them.


To understand the staggering complexity of the geopolitical associations that are at once nefariously controlling our economies and undermining any chance for peace in our time, one must first come to know that there are only two Super-Banks in the world with the capacity to lend money on a large scale, such as providing loans to “developing countries.” Of these two organizations, Rothschild owns the International Monetary Fund outright, and is a controlling partner in the World Bank. He works closely with “The Four Horsemen of Banking" (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo), a cartel which owns the “Four Horsemen of Oil” (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); along with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European elites. Together they are known as “The Eight Families.”

Protecting US Foreign Interests in Sryia:

Wonder exactly why the US military is still in Syria? Let’s just say there are some very powerful men advising on it. These men each contribute their own substantial sphere of influence – and when combined, it is easy to see just why they are in these positions.

The Top Echelon of Strategic Advisory Board of Genie Energy:

Jacob Rothschild – has a controlling interest in Genie Oil, the New Jersey-based oil company collecting all of that black gold in Syria’s Golan Heights – still illegally occupied by Israel; has multitude of other oil and banking control, some other deep connections to the region, and a very helpful contact list

Rupert Murdoch – Media Magnate; owns Fox News, 20th Century Fox, New York Post, Wall Street Journal, owns massive collection of international newsprint, TV and other media formats

Dick Cheney – Former US Vice President under GW Bush; massive political contacts

James Woolsey – former CIA Director; clandestine contacts in every level of military & gov’t, media and corporations worldwide; member of the International Advisory Board of NGO Monitor, a Zionist/Pro Israel Watcher of other NGO’s; Co-founded United States Energy Security Council in 2011; On Board of Advisors for the Fuel Freedom Foundation; member of Project for the New American Century (PNAC); Senior VP at Booz Allen Hamilton (cyber spying)

Larry Summer – Resume includes role of Treasury Secretary under Clinton; former Chief Economist of the World Bank; played significant role in banking deregulation; Director of the National Economic Council under Obama

Bill Richardson– Resume includes former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; Energy Secretary under Clinton; former U.S. Congressman

Rothschild Central Bank Free in 2000:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Iraq
  3. Sudan
  4. Libya
  5. Cuba
  6. North Korea
  7. Iran
  8. Syria

General Wesley Clark Famously Divulges 7 Countries in 5 Years War Plan: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran (Afghanistan was already happening)

Afghanistan and Iraq 2003-2004

Highway of Death, Iraq


The CIA moved with amazing speed, unbelievably landing a team of para-military operatives on the ground in Afghanistan, just 15 days after the Sept 11 2001 attack. US Intel and military forces brought with them suitcases of money and orders to kill Taliban and Al Qaeda. The “War On Terror,” expanded to Iraq in March of 2003. Between 2003 and 2004 Iraq and Afghanistan became the next nations whose banks and oil resources were “centralized.”

For those who question Afghanistan's lack of oil resources, look up Bridas Corporation of Argentina, who had reached an agreement for regional licensing and exploration and a strategic pipeline, in November of 1996, that would stretch across Afghanistan. Both the Taliban leadership and General Dostum of the Northern Alliance had signed this agreement. A feud resulted in the years that led up to 2001, as a US company wanted that contract. NA leader, General Dostum, was conveniently killed by a "journalist" a day before 9/11 in 2001*. CIA assets had been on the ground in the area for over a year and had repeatedly met a Taliban informant, disguised as journalists.

Rothschild Central Bank Free in 2004:

  1. Sudan
  2. Libya
  3. Cuba
  4. North Korea
  5. Iran
  6. Syria

2011 was a fantastic year – if you happened to be inside the In Rothschild banking cartel. They managed to dupe Western Military forces into securing two new additions to their Central Banking club.


In 2011 Libya’s government was overthrown in a deadly coup led by France, Britain and the USA. Amazingly, even before Gaddafi was dead, France’s President Sarkozy had inked a deal with “opposition leaders,” forcing control of the oil and central banks into the hands of Rothschild and his agents. A civilized country with no debt , which was so prosperous that its citizens enjoyed free university, free health care, and had the highest living standard in Africa, is now a war-torn wasteland of terror.

There are numerous troubling issues revolving around the murder of Gaddafi and outright theft of a free country’s vast precious metal stocks, current and future oil reserves, and their monetary system, via privatization of their central bank. Whether France’s former president takes the fall for the rest of the corrupt cabal, his criminal indictment at least proves there is much more to the story than what we’ve been told. If you want proof the West has still not delivered on its promised humanitarian aid, just look at the current state of that country and take a good hard look at the suffering Libya’s people are still forced to endure. For more on Libya click here

by Elizabeth Lea Vos Sat, 03/24/2018

"So, in addition to their joint efforts to destroy Libya for economic and political gain, the Clintons and Sarkozy both intervened on behalf of accused child traffickers who were exposed while working in the guise of humanitarian aid. As Disobedient Media related, leaders of both respective affected countries specifically cited pedophilia and organ trafficking networks as motivations for the illegal activity.”

01 South Sudan Slaughter - Rothschild.jpg

Sudan itself has had foreign controlled central banking since 1960. But, apparently it wasn’t enough for the banksters. They wanted more access to the south of Sudan, where 75% of the oil was – hence the civil wars that have ravaged the region for decades. Out of that nightmare scenario imposed on the citizens of Sudan by Western-backed forces, South Sudan was formed. Yet, even after this was supposed to have ended the war and satisfied the bankers, a UN convoy was reportedly caught ferrying weapons to the Rothschild-funded rebels, in what was marked as a food convoy. Classic divide and conquer of the people; classic balkanization of territory by the multi-national Establishment.


“On July 9, 2011, South Sudan became the world’s 193rd nation. Less than a week later violence has erupted in South Kordofan – an area on the new border between Sudan and South Sudan which is controlled by Sudan and rich in oil.

Within days of declaring itself a sovereign nation, South Sudan’s state oil company, Nilepet formed a joint venture with Glencore International Plc to market its oil.

Glencore is controlled by the Rothschilds. The PetroNile joint venture will be 51 percent controlled by Nilepet and 49 percent by Glencore.

Within days of declaring independence South Sudan’s new President Salva Kiir Mayardit signed a law formally establishing the Central Bank of South Sudan.”

Rothschild Central Bank Free in 2018:

  1. Cuba (curiously barely even talked about – why do you suppose that is?)
  2. North Korea (attempt in progress – Vegas odds on negotiations to establish new Central Banking structure for reconstruction, growth & prosperity!)
  3. Iran (attempt in progress – MSM demonization campaign in full-swing)
  4. Syria (attempt in progress – boots on the ground, new false flags imminent)
  5. Russia
  6. Iceland
  7. Hungary

A few countries have admirably bucked the system and re-nationalized their central banking structure, resulting in a list that has stubbornly grown, instead of continuing to shrink. This is the core reason why certain politicians and MSM are so hateful towards these free nations – which are more than friendly in every way towards Western countries. Although poorly researched articles continue to use the old list, it was important that a new one be formulated for an accurate picture of reality.


With new oil and central banking deals raining down on the cabal in 2011 from Sudan and Libya, the Western-planners used their momentum to initiate what they thought would be a trifecta, with a third win in Syria. With the help of regional and Western Intel agencies, they quickly implemented the same devious formula they had employed with such great success in deposing other “brutal dictators” in the region. The Syrian uprising began in March, 2011 – the same month they’d frozen stolen the assets of Libya’s leader, Gaddafi and ironically installed up an oppressive hardcore Islamist government – many times worse than Gaddafi had ever been.

Around that same time, Qatar was not only providing weapons and funding for terrorists – purchased from the good ole USA – they were paying Syrians in migrant camps to leave the country and go to the West. This was to become a considerable factor in what turned out to be a surprisingly lucrative new cash-crop for the globalist cabal – the “European Migrant Crisis,” – an industry of immense fraud that is still thriving due to the numerous and far-reaching tentacles of the globalists.

smoloko russia image.jpg

Incredulous after witnessing the repeated pattern of brazen criminality and rapid success of US-backed Al Qaeda, ISIS and Al Nusra forces – and other “moderate” rebels – as they leveled and plundered Middle Eastern and African countries, and correctly surmising that Syria could no longer hold out on its own, Putin was finally compelled to act in 2015. He sent in his military and efficiently went about finishing the job the corrupt leaders in the US would not let its own very capable military complete. Russia effectively ended ISIS control in Syria in a fraction of the time – and with a fraction of the budget – the US forces possessed.

As noted by several independent media sources, Russia has also already been attempting to draw attention to yet another impending False Flag Chemical Weapon attack to be blamed on pro-Assad forces. The Russian military correctly predicted the last false flag chemical attack in East Ghouta. It didn’t kill or even injure anyone – and was quickly proven to be a pathetic charade set up by the White Helmets – an apparent front organization for the known Intel agencies. The White Helmets have been thoroughly exposed as the group in charge of producing propagandist false flag videos, magically at the same time the events are occurring, to dupe the public into an emotional response – giving the CIA, Mossad and other bad actors all the reason they need to quickly coordinate the raining down of even more bombs on innocent civilians and blameless Syrian military forces and allies. In every case these psy-ops happen before the incident can be properly investigated by real journalists on the ground.

New False Flag on the Horizon

And, just when we thought at least President Trump would put an end to this Deep State activity, a US CIA/State Dept talking head, Heather Nauert, has issued a press release stating that the apparent USAID freeze (which never even took place) that had been issued on funds to the White Helmets has been lifted. The terror-group is to receive a lofty $6.6 million USD – ostensibly to follow around the US-backed terrorist organizations and help the people they claim pro-Assad forces are targeting. Yet, we all now know they and their terrorist pals are the ones doing the targeting. Keep your eyes peeled for these “Humanitarian Forces” in the days, weeks and months to follow.

Follow this important story at these excellent Independent Media sites:

Mint Press News
The Last American Vagabond

President Andrew Jackson did an outstanding job of controlling the Deep State cabal in his time. We cannot say the same of the current US president, as much as he may yearn for the ability to do so. However, the den of vipers has been exposed to the light. There is great hope, as is evidenced by the growing Nationalist movement in Europe. Europeans in Hungary, Italy, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Slovenia and Poland have elected Nationalist parties, who are returning stolen power to the people. We know the strategy of the vipers – they’re perfectly content living in the shadows and playing the long game. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Everywhere, we must draw back the shades and illuminate every crack, nook and crevice and fill it with the truth. And with that, they will have not a pebble to hide under. And we will take back what is ours.

Patriot Disclaimer: when referring to any country by name, it is not the people, its military - or even the whole government - of that country being referenced, but corrupt individuals, factions and cabals that exist in each nation's society who use their considerable influence to consolidate power and money into the greedy hands of their select elite networks.

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Additional Sources: (main image 1) (image 2) (image 3&4) (image 5) (image 6) (image 7) Syria (image 8) Russia (image 9)
The Federal Reserve cartel: The Eight Families



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This was an excellent piece. I have resteemed it. I have little hope for Trump, and have suspected he may be misdirection to let off steam as they go on business as usual. I believe the deep state (code for soldiers of the bankers) would have him murdered if they felt threatened by him. They have shown in the past they do not mind assassinating U.S. presidents. I do suspect they will toss some of their followers under the bus to make it appear Trump is cleaning house before the next election however.

Thanks, @practicalthought. Just got done cleaning up an inferior editing job and was about to log...saw your comment. I believe you are correct in your assessment. Good points. Though, many are still hoping for Trump to do an end-around before the Deep State does a reach-around.

Great piece, it's indeed the Banks that have been instrumental in wreaking havoc across our world and they always fund both sides to every contrived war. The sterile breeding of fiat currency is the cornerstone of both the New World Order and the old one. Nothing has changed in 6,000 years (of known history).
As long as fiat currency and fractional reserve banking exist and the same people are allowed to manipulate it, we will never see balance on this earth.

Thanks, @mindszai. Did you happen to check out the video they showed at the Singapore Summit? Just after the Trump/Kim deal on Jun 12, I believe. They mentioned the New World at least 3x that I can remember. Obvious they know people will fill in the other word. That deal, if it ever goes through is sure to have the Central Bank fraudsters involved.

My concern is that they are setting up the dominoes just to knock them down. This is a game to them, a real life version of RISK the board game

You may very well be right about that, @mindszai. The worst part may be that he is leaving the walrus (Bolton) and his SES pal to handle upcoming meetings....few ideas but let's see where this goes.

And to answer your question, yes, I caught several minutes of it. Funny how Trump gave Kim the plan to denuclearize with no timeline, nothing

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Very interesting.

But could you please specify how Russia regained control of their central bank? Not convinced of this "assertion". It would be nice to see some evidence behind this.


Thanks for the comment @libertyacademy. It seems you've also experienced the lack of information available on the subject of Russia and their central bank. Your are correct that it does appear to still be owned by an outside organization. However, Putin has been nationalizing all of Russia's private-owned banks, and these in turn being state-run do not require that they draw foreign funds. He's also paid off the Rothschilds and cleared Russia's debt, and kicked out Rothschild's agent - Khodorkovsky. This makes my "assertion" that at least Russia's central bank is not Rothschild controlled. This was the point all along. So, in that vein, I will leave the list unchanged. (edit: replaced "Foreign" with "Rothschild") Some of the sources are below.

Putin’s Purge Of The Rothschild Money Changers
"The nation owed $16.6 billion to the Rothschild-run International Monetary Fund while its foreign debt to the Rothschild-controlled Paris & London Club Of Creditors was over 36 billion dollars.
By 2006 Putin had paid off Russia’s debt to the Rothschilds. Russia’s financial dependence on the Jewish financiers was now over."

"Early in his presidency he made a priority of uniting Russia socially, spiritually, and economically. He ordered the arrest of the Rothschild backed oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky who had made Rothschild, Henry Kissinger and Arthur Hartman directors of the Open Russia foundation."

“The Central Bank is buying gold because it is profitable. We are a country that is third in the world in terms of gold production, and we have the ability to buy it using our national currency, in contrast to other countries, which do not have such an opportunity,” the banker concluded."

“The Russian central bank reports that the state’s share of banking assets hasn’t increased, even though it has been taking over and closing private lenders for the past year. The Russian banking system is on a path toward almost total nationalization, and the central bank is pushing it along.”

Believe me, I was startled to read this, the whole world need a cure.

You're right about that, @botefarm.

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