Google Turns a Massive Monopolistic Eye in the Direction of Privacy Search Engines

"Google dominates search. But the real problem is its monopoly on data."

"The wider problem is that Google has become the ultimate monopolist of the information age. Information is a source of power, and nothing in the EU’s case does anything significant to touch that power."



Part 3 of the Google Information War Series

If you read Part 1 and part 2 you’ve almost certainly recognized a pattern – most of the established Tech companies (part of the MSM) have lost the public’s trust. The honourable old business practice of providing the very best customer satisfaction has been replaced with the wholesale collection and sale of your personal information. Alphabet Inc and Google are some of the worst offenders, with litigation already paid out for antitrust and anti-competitive practices. After acquiring a whopping 218 companies (on record) since 2001, the conglomerate has also been accused of monopoly, patent infringement, and of course – privacy issues. You’re about to find out why!

Note: Due to the unfortunate number of repetitions you’ll necessarily be subjected to throughout this article, the names Google – and its multi-national conglomerate parent company, Alphabet, when used together – will be affectionately referred to as AG. We'll add that to the Glossary, below.

Glossary of terms:
SE = Search Engine
OS = Operating Systems
WB = Web Browser
AG = Alphabet Inc & Google

Google is much more than a Search Engine. It serves as a vital component of an interchangeable collection of hardware and software, which, when combined form a monopoly so powerful, even Apple has been forced to integrate it into their products. For the year of 2017, Android and IOS combined for 99% of the Mobile OS Market Share. Since Apple (iphone) renewed their deal in 2017 to remain the default Search Engine on the IOS, it’s easy to see how the SE market share is potentially higher than the reported 93%. The next highest of the big former Search Engine challengers is Microsoft’s Bing, at just over 1%!


Now that Google has relegated its former competitors – Bing and Yahoo - to insignificant single digits, they’re concentrating their attention in a completely different direction. Privacy Search Engines are a true existential threat to Google, since they mostly don’t collect or retain data. That is Google’s bread and butter. Google has recently embedded itself into one of the most successful alternative SE choices – Start Page. Very few even know that Start Page is Ixquick’s North American cousin. Fewer still know about SP’s agreement with Google. It’s not in bold type anywhere. Instead, it is cleverly spun by top Word-Smiths – on the right-side of the page, in small print, is the innocuous term: “Enhanced by Google.” Hovering over this term tells you nothing about how this incredible “enhancement” benefits the user – never a good sign. The rationale is that Start Page is expanding your access to information. While that may be true in certain instances, after Google’s algorithmic filters are applied, the content returned from searches may actually lead to narrowed or decreased sources and content.

You can avoid worrying about this at all by instead just using

Google also recently finagled its way into being the default Search Engine on the incredibly popular Firefox, which is known for its Open Source Add-Ons. Out of the blue one day, after doing an update, all of the other SE choices just disappeared for many of Firefox’s customers – with no explanation whatsoever - on the phones using the Android (owned by Google) platform. There were no longer any "suggested searches," just Google! This was a bit of a dirty trick to play on consumers - after dealing with the inconvenience of losing their farvourite SE's, customers would then have to research the issue and learn how to manually add each additional SE back in. What role Google played in Firefox’s early termination with Yahoo to become the default SE is not known, but it probably starts with m and ends with y.

Oh, yeah…almost forgot…Google is now Apple’s default search engine…again. It is the default Search Engine on Iphones, Ipads and whatever those Voice Activated spying devices are called. There are so many components to AG (218 companies that we know of, and counting!), and the issue is so complex that it could not possibly all be covered in this one article. So stay tuned


See this post on google’s companies:

List of Google/Alphabet Acquisitions:

Google + Apple
Google’s Market Share

Google Chart from Black Pigeon Speaks


Awesome post. I always knew google was only generating the search lists from “benifet them” down to “really what I’m looking for”. You mentioned there any other truly private/non Google related search engines? What do you recommend?
: )

Thank you for the kind words. From the research completed there appear to be a growing number. Try these:

You might like the other parts of that series. They spell it all out, I hope:)They are linked as Part 1 and Part 2 at the top of the article you read. But also here --

@tinylayla, I wrote this post because it was in the works. But, you helped light a fire to get it done in a prompt manner. The content will provide solutions to your question. Hope you'll find it of some use.

@canusapatriots I’m glad my ignorance and cluelessness went to a worthy cause. Lol.
No really. Thanks for the effort to get something like this for people like me who are looking for alternatives but not sure where to begin. : )

I certainly wasn't implying that at all, lol. People on this platform are a bit higher on the intellect scale, as a whole. Yourself included. I had other less savy people in mind when I wrote it. People often have so much going on that it's hard to get a clear picture on certain subject matter. And, the big companies running things are averse to talking about it. Writing about topics can also be a crutch sometimes for organizing thoughts in the writer's mind. So, while the intent is to help others, the biggest benefactor is often me:) But, your welcome. Thanks for reading and commenting!

I didn’t take it that way silly. : )
I really WAS clueless on finding an alternative though. And you genuinely helped me. I’m not tech savvy but know and can see through the corporate/data capturing nonsense.
If you helped me...I’m sure you helped others. Pat yourself on the back.
Great job!!!

Thanks, @tinylayla. That really means a lot. Happy trails.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Google is inside steemit too!!!

I genuinely appreciate the reminder, @openparadigm, as well as the curation. Has there been any talk of using other, more secure platforms?

will look for you on chat plat to catch up ....

cool. I was off web from Friday to today, but I should be mostly on now, both here and Discord

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