Sweden and other EU countries speak out on assault and rapes with no protection from their Leftist governments! The information War!

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In this article you will find a video showing first hand what has been happening for some time across Europe do to the open borders policy. An infiltration supported by the EU and welcomed by leaders like Merkel. It's is interesting to hear from citizens living there what the atmosphere , actions and reactions are of people and the government.

You will also find links to the Tommy Robinson story. He has been imprisoned due to speaking out against rapists. In the UK freedom of speech has bee suppressed and if you try to help victims, you are targeted. The government protects the culture of the people who have been welcomed due to it's open border policies. People all over Europe have been trying to warn us of how crimes are allowed to proliferate and the citizens in these countries are suffering.

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MSM in America and in many other countries try to suppress these stories and do not tell the truth about what is happening due to this global initiative of invading countries and forcing people under first the control of a different culture, not just mixing and acceptance, but as can be seen in a video clip. ..control and jihad are being shouted in the streets!

This is just a photo, but see link below for the clip!
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Why doesn't MSM tell All of the News? Is there an agenda for orchestrating chaos, then the savior method of coming in, saving the people then taking complete control as a one world government system under the UN. Who has always been complicit with these goals? Who has their eye on the UN?

In addition see evidence of a pedophile culture which is known to be worldwide, but has been talked about by 60 minutes Australia who also suffers from a pedophile problem many times protected by the hierarchy of the Catholic church.

Following you will find an exchange on a Facebook post showing how people's views of what political parties stand for opposed to what they Actually Do, can differ world wide. I found it interesting because if we all just discuss, in spite of our inferred differences, good people find out they have a great deal in common.

This was the clip and original post with a clip showing what is happening in Sweden from a first hand account of a young citizen who has to endure daily abuse. Abusers protected over victims!

Post preface,
How progressives and leftists defend this is beyond me. They pretend it doesn't exist as if them just saying that makes it go away, but if anyone in Hollywood says they were abused they are appalled. Why aren't they as appalled for these people? Same problem with the child abuse. Very sad.

Here is where the clip came from,
Young Swedish girl tells of HORRIBLE sexual assaults she has to experience everyday.
The gangs even STONED HER DOG when she was out walking.
She says "I don't dare let my brothers and sisters play outside anymore"
Credits : PeterSweden (Twitter)


Here is the exchange under the post from a concerned commenter, who I found out later is from Australia and I find there comments very relevant and appreciate their efforts to communicate and discuss.

"As a progressive and a leftist how am I defending this? Please don't speak for me."

My response,

This is in reference to their progressive, leftist government. It is a known fact those governing in Sweden and across Europe belong to the EU and Want open borders. These are not conservatives. I have a friend who lives there that has told me they target anyone who speaks up. Just as they do under other EU leaders like Merkel and Macron. They target people, including my friend if they try to speak out against these atrocities. In the UK they arrested Tommy Robinson for calling out two rapists who were grooming young girls and trafficking them. That's pretty messed up and it is due to the open borders policy then allowing people to break laws the country's citizens abide by, the progressive leaders claim it is their culture and no one should interfere. Diabolical! No one is blaming the people or saying all condone this, but they should do their best to elect leaders who will not allow this.

This is the commenter's response,

"That is completely in contradiction to a progressive leftist government. You are thinking of fascism and claiming that sweden is a dictatorship."

"If this is is true I agree it's frightening"

My response,

They list themselves as a Social Democratic Party. Wikipedia does also. Socialism has been proven to never work throughout history. The government pretends they are doing good, but they are causing citizens to suffer for their globalist agenda. I don't think for one moment people like you nor the good people there want this. That is why I am trying to open people's eyes that this group in gov. telling people they are For the people are Lying. What this video here is telling us has been happening all across Europe for years now.

MSM does not show us what is going on, but that is purposeful as it is owned by about 6 corporations who consistently voted democrat. It is the leaders in the democrat party who are for open borders here in the U.S. Many of us are trying to tell people the truth and we are banned on many sites at times.

This is how bad it got in the UK, to where you no longer have free speech to tell of the bad deeds these democrat leaders have allowed by bringing these people in and allowing it or you will be jailed. Jail for this man is like a death sentence because this has happened before and the rapists kill the one trying to defend the kids and women. It sounds preposterous, but I assure you it is happening as I have friends there in the UK warning us of what is going on and to beware because they have tried to infiltrate this globalist agenda here in the U.S.

Link of Tommy Robinson speaking out for rape and trafficked victims many are just minors. https://www.therebel.media/ezra_levant_show_may_25_2018

I then shared with this concerned commenter this info,

I saw this before the election. If I wasn't convinced before that Trump was the awake candidate, this solidified as he spoke out against this and tried to tell us, but the elitists, entertainment industry and corrupt politicians tried to tell us he was exaggerating or it wasn't true. When I hear it from my friends and see testimony and witnesses like this telling us the truth the globalists try to downplay, I can see there is a real problem.

I have heard and watched many other videos taken from regular people living in these countries and the UK with similar stories of going back to their home country and it wasn't even the same. As you can see from this video the leftists, who in the case of the government are really globalists hoping to cause destruction so they can instill a one world gov. to save everyone, these governments tried to get people to openly embrace the idea of sharing their country.

The diabolical part is of course good humans want to help others, but the globalists didn't tell them the other people coming in would be allowed to insist on their culture and infringing on other's rights even if it meant harming them. The government chooses not to interfere with the other culture and in so doing puts it's people at risk. Very sad as the police are afraid to interfere because they are so hostile and the government ultimately protects them. I pray for these people all the time. I pray more start seeing the truth so it doesn't keep spreading here. . .the ideology because they are tricking people. Excellent video here, real eye opener as I knew things were bad, but this says it all!


I also told her,
I agree with you that the people do not want this, but yes, the gov. officials pose it as good, but it is more like a dictatorship. They got this through with people's consent initially because as you can see in the last link they hoodwinked people into believing it would be a good thing. They had no idea the gov. would not protect them when they people insisted on their culture. Just as in Tommy Robinson and the people being preyed upon in the UK, these gov. protect the perpetrators rather than the victims. It is a part of pedogate as they are using children then indicting those who seek to protect them.

I shared another video of these people shouting that they want jihad in America,
This takes place in London not Tehran. With the ISIS flag on streets of London, muslims calling for jihad against America, Jews and "crusaders".
This is not in Taheran, this is in London!
The results of the islamization project of the regressive-left giving its fruits now in the West. (I didn't write this part, this written by people experiencing it, once again a gov. construct fooling the people).


This is what the commenter says,

"That is truly terrible but that is not what being left wing is about. It's a desire in your heart that no matter how down the ladder you are you get to live an equal life. I am from Australia so I am not talking about democrats I am talking most power hungry politicians are right wing. The right wing Christians just staged a huge media stunt so sexual abuse gets to be dealt with within the church. This is beyond what we have been told is liberal or democrat. This is the people against the 1 percent. That is as left wing as you can get.

Everyone who knows what is going on is an anarchist. We will not succeed to the one world government!"

I respond with,

I am sorry to hear that! The catholic church hierarchy is Very corrupt. Many good catholics here in our country who do not condone what that hierarchy has done in abuse of the children. Christians run on a spectrum here, many are good, but not all who claim to know the Creator does what He says. The hierarchy of the catholic church is very luciferian. You can tell in their artwork and in looking at overhead shots of the vatican, not to mention the severe child abuse that is constantly covered up. There is a group here trying to bring it to light.

Here it is flipped for who runs the media. It is the Democratic party here who used to tell people they stood for the ideas which you talk of and people believe in, but sadly it is that party here that has fooled the people. The majority of them didn't vote to abolish slavery, it was the conservatives or right wing here that got rid of it. It is also the leftists here who condone abortion and protect cultures that allow pedophilia. At least many in a position of authority. Not meaning to say all who are leftists are even aware this is going on, so I do not believe people who have been duped into thinking this party stands for good condones their evil. I know good people do not condone it. We have been trying to tell people the truth here. The white hats are trying to shed a light on all the evil.

Very sorry for what you all go through in Australia. I did a couple of reports done in your country on the PIE group. wow! I have seen some of the pedophile problems them. Very sorry. You can see, not many people take this stuff seriously. Thankful for those who do. This is part 1 and there should be a link to part 2, but you may already have seen this info on this in your country years ago.

A Pedophile Ring for the Privileged and Powerful Biggest Political Scandal Establishment cover-ups

You can find part part 2 here
Children can give consent for sexual relationship at age of 4 according to PIE. REALLY?

Her response as I know other people around the world probably only hear one side from the left leaning Mainstream Media and it makes me sad they don't have a chance to hear both sides,

"I just think that the left and right terminology is the most obvious way do devide us. I am sorry being a non racist socialist minded person usually gets me attacked in this group. I really care about the issue and you are a good person. I am sorry I judged you. I find it extremely hard to believe in trump. I really think he is part of it especially with all the immigrant children being separated and taken from their parents. He is a puppet being used to cause racial division in your country so no one will look for the real problems."

My response,
Sadly the democrat party leaders in our country promote illegals who are not always good and even prey upon the immigrants here and their children with gang violence through MS-13's which Trump has been trying to put a stop to. Sadly, the Dems in power allowed them to proliferate and keep telling everyone Trump is divisive.

The leftist leaders have the advantage because they have the entertainment industry on their side and heavily fund them so they and their owned mainstream media are the only mouth pieces and information the mass public hears. There are others like me who have seen all the pedophile rings Trump has brought down and how he signed an Executive order to confiscate funds through these democrat wealthy people like Soros who have crippled and crumbled economies like in Venezuela. Soros was even kicked out of Hungary for his society's which ultimately wreak havoc called Open Societies.

Many people here don't understand it is ultimately a globalist agenda masked in doing good that will lead to their demise just as it harmed these other countries. Trump is the one who stopped funding for some of these traffickers. About 1/3 possibly more of our government officials are involved in the trafficking and make a great deal off of it including organ harvesting and drug running.

This is why they are for open borders to allow less checks allowing them to continue their illegal crimes as Obama orchestrated in Fast and Furious. Obama had another program which was instrumental in allowing school shooters here to not have consequences when they broke rules and the law. I will put a link to a story on that. Basically here, many of the democrat leaders are against Trump because he has been exposing their corruption. It is the light being shown on their darkness and they have already attempted his life, threatened his children and grandchildren many times and will do anything to end him starting their diabolical money train.

These Dems have people even defending these MS-13 gangs who have raped and killed children numerous times. It is horrible to watch and sounds similar to what you are experiencing there in your country. I am sorry for you and all others. I am sorry for those here fooled by an evil agenda. Here is the Soros link,


Here is where I covered Obama's programs this was part 3 of a school shooting here that happened in the U.S. Just days ago. A shooting and bomb threat just happened in my daughter's school 2 days ago and I live in a very small town. They are trying to turn those who voted for Trump and scare us into giving up our protection.

Here is a steemit article that also covers this https://steemit.com/schoolshooting/@artistiquejewels/texas-school-shooting-on-last-day-of-school-for-parkland-students-from-florida-shooting-the-drumbeat-is-stronger

Here is an article of Democrat leaders defending MS-13 gangs titled,

The left defending MS-13 is this the DNC desperately trying to hang onto their torn dignity? Pelosi the spokesperson, really?

And this one titled,
Sarah Sanders addresses the left's defense of MS-13. Believes Animal is not a strong enough word for their evil!

I meant to address that the immigration issue and extreme problems which were going on well before Trump and he has been trying to fix it. There are sanctuary cities in our country where people are afraid to walk the streets because criminals are among these immigrants and have killed and harmed the citizens while the democrat governors defend them and do nothing except release them back into society.

It is bad here and the left is doing what they were told to do by a book they follow called Rules for Radicals written by Saul Alinsky. Just one of the rules states, "whatever you are doing blame the other side." This is why people here and around the globe who aren't aware of their evil plot, believe it is Trump doing this, when it is not. Obama caused a huge problem and left it in Trump's court to fix it. Trump has stated he does not want families separated and would target criminals first who should not be allowed to freely live here and keep perpetuating their crimes on children.

The left keeps defending these criminals and then blaming the conservatives if they don't just allow them to stay. They lie about what is really going on and have all the mouthpieces to do so. It's a really bad situation so those of us who are patriots are fighting to end the corruption and many times we are banned on here and other sites because the owners, CEO's and those in charge are all left leaning and fund these politicians.

I am very sorry if people have been rude to you. Many don't want to take the time like you and I have to sort through it because as you can see, it is a tangled web of deceit and disinformation everywhere. That is intentional and at the head of it all is the globalist agenda. They pay for and fund these dems.

As a matter of fact, Trump had a publicized fight with that Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal in Saudi Arabia and it was Trump who took him down. That Prince was an orchestrator in the Las Vegas Shooting. The left doesn't give any of the correct information on their media which they own most of. They even own a percentage of Fox news which does have some conservative reporters, but they are partially owned by leftists. We only have 1 non state run media company called One America News and they tell us what is happening around the world.

Them and independent media people on youtube, that is why I have a channel, to tell people what is Really going on and the side of the story they don't hear on their tell a vision box that is literally telling the vision the democrats want them to hear and they are funded by the globalists.

Here is a link about that executive order and it is Trump who has arrested and taken down more pedophiles and rings than any other President, but the Mainstream Media, funded by the globalists and leftists (Democrats) won't give him credit and refuse to talk about it. They want him gone so they can continue making their money on their corruption.

Executive Order The Big ONE! The storm is here loopholes closed

So what are your thoughts? Do you see the globalist agenda and are you aware who has been orchestrating it or is it difficult to see through the maze of disinformation? It is understandable as that is intentional. They own much of the media, entertainment industry and music industry. Please let me know in the comments below. Godspeed!


Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)

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