Texas School Shooting on last day of school for Parkland students from Florida shooting the drumbeat is stronger!

in #schoolshooting6 years ago (edited)

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There seems to be a ramping up of trying to Force their way of taking the guns away from those who want to protect themselves from would be criminals.

I have seen evidence of this while researching various sources while seeing people's responses and comments about the Santa Fe, Texas school shooting. This earlier article can be found here

The fact that criminals always have and will always have access to weapons just as they did in Fast and Furious.

Accordking to Wikipedia,
Weapons recovered by Mexican military in Naco, Sonora, Mexico on November 20, 2009. They include weapons bought two weeks earlier by Operation Fast and Furious suspect Uriel Patino, who bought 723 guns during the operation.[1]
"Gunwalking", or "letting guns walk", was a tactic of the Arizona Field Office of the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which ran a series of sting operations[2][3] between 2006[4] and 2011[2][5] in the Tucson and Phoenix area where the ATF "purposely allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers, hoping to track the guns to Mexican drug cartel leaders and arrest them".[6] These operations were done under the umbrella of Project Gunrunner, a project intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico by interdicting straw purchasers and gun traffickers within the United States.[7] The Jacob Chambers Case began in October 2009 and eventually became known in February 2010 as "Operation Fast and Furious" after agents discovered Chambers and the other suspects under investigation belonged to a car club.[1]

It's interesting to note Obama's hand in this as Wikipedia goes on to say, "As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012.[19][20] Earlier that month, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency over the same documents."

Seems to be a perfect umbrella to ensure weapons are in the hands of criminals while working with a globalist agenda of disarming the general public. All while getting groups of people to attempt to dismantle the Constitution in which are forefathers set up amendments so a totalitarian group like this would not be able to dangerously control innocent citizens nor leave them without the ability to protect themselves.

In searching through various sources addressing the shooting just today, Friday, May 18, 2018 I came upon a certain drum beat that has been reverberating for quite some time.

Did it start with someone chosen as the best poster person to further a progressive agenda? In taking a look at Emma Gonzalez who was consistently placed front and center during the Parkland School shooting Broward Count Florida.

If you just do a search in duckduckgo or most likely any search engine you get a feel for what "the powers that be" or those who control the information flow want you to know and think about Ms. Gonzalez.
Here is a screenshot of part of the first page.
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It's interesting that Gonzalez contradicts herself. For all of her "get rid of guns" rhetoric because apparently only allowing criminals or even authority figures (whom the left has called out many times as being too aggressive and violent) should be the only ones with access to weapons, she angrily spouts this. Her exact wording, "Since he was in middle school, it was no surprise to anyone who knew him, to hear that he was the shooter. Those talking about how we should have not ostracized him. " She shouts with even more vehemence and anger, "you didn't know this kid! Okay, We did!"

You can see a short clip of this right here for yourself.

Obvious points shown by Louder with Crowder include,

  1. Just because a student is bullied doesn’t mean that student is justified in shooting up a school.

  2. Emma admitting she bullied the shooter is a tantamount admission the shooter, not the gun, is responsible for the shooting.

  3. Yet Emma participated in a march against guns, suggesting it’s the guns that are the problem, not the individual who pulled the trigger.

  4. Typically school shooters are young men, ostracized and bullied by their peers.

  5. Perhaps Emma and her peers who ostracized the Parkland shooter since middle school should have a march against bullying.

  6. Emma suggests no one was surprised the Parkland shooter turned out to be the shooter. She’s not alone, as it was also recommended by Scot Peterson (and others) the shooter be involuntarily committed.

  7. Had the shooter been committed, it’s unlikely he’d have been able to purchase a gun for the shooting.

A portion of the summary on Louder with Crowder states,
"The Parkland shooting had less to do with guns and more to do with governmental failure and, now according to Emma, the continued bullying of an unstable young man. Again, bullying doesn’t excuse or justify shooting up a school. Okay? Okay. But I think less bullying of students is certainly better than “We bullied him and he deserved it.” Fair?"

One of the comments under that article is quite apt in which the commenter states,
"If parents went back to teaching children how to handle bullies and quit catering to all the "feelz" for every single stupid thing that happens, schools would be a lot saner and safer places... "He said my sandwich was ugly" --"There there, he's hurt your feelz, he's just a bully, your sandwich is the best sandwich in the entire world and you are the best kid in the entire world for having that sandwich, do you feelz better now? Here's a sandwich trophy and a new iPhone."

Then the commenter goes on to defend her analogy when another points feels many won't understand the depth of the emotional problems of the shooter where she states this time, "It's an analogy for children and parenting today. Parents cater to "emotions" instead o teaching children how to survive in the world that surprisingly doesn't care one bit about their feelings. Why are there so many bullies today? Because no one has been taught how to shut them down by standing up to them. Bullies are fundamentally cowards and stop when someone stands up to them. It's a simple part of growing up and being prepared to become a responsible adult that can survive in the real world where Mommy and Daddy aren't there to refresh the bubble wrap 24/7."

To see more go here https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/parkland-survivor-admits-to-bullying-the-shooter-and-shes-not-sorry/

Emma Gonzalez was conveniently great friends with the other "guns bad" or "guns cause criminals to make other people dead" globalist agenda poster boy, David Hogg.

This is the same David Hogg who documented his friend Emma's documentary on sending a school made weather balloon to the edge of space. This was under Project Aquila.

The same David Hogg who had visited CNN prior to the shooting. The same David Hogg who has made it known that "the kids will just do it for us," in the same manner he would cuss at a parent or authority figure about helping them figure out their iphone by just doing it for them.

Wouldn't that work out perfect for the controllers? Have the younger, more easily manipulated population (at least the ones not willing to think for themselves) fall under their influence and overpower the wiser, common sense people above them who are not so easily manipulated.

You can hear him for yourself here,

The drum beat began with a dramatic speech of " I call B.S." The same speech she started with shaking it her papers to the crowd and various MSM camera stating, "I know this looks like a lot, but these are my AP Gov notes. Isn't that interesting?

Both Gonzalez and Hogg were taught by the same AP Government teacher. This teacher told the kids the morning of the shooting they might be having a more severe drill soon because they were talking about code reds and code blacks. He even states his students told him later on when they were exiting they thought, "oh this is no big deal, this is a drill."

Jeff Foster gave an interview about a month later. In the same interview where NBC posted the interview, they feature kids giving their account of the shooting while making posters for Change.

Also highlighted in the video are people blaming the gun laws for students having dead friends. No mention that authorities and school personnel were informed Cruz was a threat, yet the FBI nor local authorities never took any action. This is discussed here in another article.
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Gonzalez also made it a point not to blame the FBI, even though they are the ones who allowed this shooter to fall through the cracks. He was reported to them at least twice, yet they did nothing. Was that intentional? Would even more gun laws motivate them to do their job and then adhere to those gun laws already in place?

This Jeff Foster who surely had influence over students had three who have been heralded by MSM and put up by all forms of media as poster children with that drum beat the cabal has been marching to for many years now. If you have been watching, that drum beat has reached a level such a high pitched frequency, it has become demanding. Incessantly these "get rid of the guns" poster children chant and rant the same speech.

This NBC interview shows the AP Government teacher sitting and watching at least one of his proteges, David Hogg. He then has flowing words to say about Delaney who as luck would have it, is also part of the school's tv production team and dreams of being a journalist. What a coincidence as Hogg has made it known several times he would love to work for CNN.

Not sure if any of the MSM has mentioned that his mother worked for CNN for many years and also organized the March for Gun Control. Is it the hand of providence to have so many ready made individuals perfect for these roles. Surely they didn't have to apply and one such as Hogg, could easily be hand picked as the apple can't fall far from the tree.

He taught AP Government for 19 years so far. He talks about a kid he claims was against their "movement" who asked what the goal of the movement was. Foster told him, "Let me summarize if for ya, we just want to make sure that there isn't another mass shooting in a school, and at concerts, in a mall." Then he says the student said, oh okay, Foster asks, "how hard is that to get behind."

Sounds like a pitch that's relatable right?

What he failed to tell these students was how the FBI in a Texas church shooting, had dropped the ball and also allowed that shooter to have access to weapons he was not allowed to obtain. Why isn't the school and media asking the FBI and local authorities tasked and paid to do a job to simply Do Their Job? Rather than blame guns? It takes someone to shoot the gun.

Why did these shooters have them in the first place? Doesn't that signify that criminals, in spite of the gun laws always find ways to obtain weapons? Who will protect us the next time a sheriff like Sheriff Israel gives a stand down order to those who do have the guns and are supposed to protect us?

What happens when their response time is not quick enough and one of our children or family members is killed?

Why blame guns rather than the Real Issue? Why should good people be punished and defenseless when the authorities and media are not addressing the actual underlying issue of authorities consistently dropping the ball or poor programs like Fast and Furious under the Obama administration.
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Obama also started the PROMISE program, the policy, implemented by Obama, was offered up as a way to help combat “systemic racism” in the public school system – a government response to the supposedly disproportionate number of “minority” students compared to “non-minority” students who were being arrested on school campuses.

As a Jewish student with a Hispanic last name, Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz was reportedly admitted to Obama’s PROMISE program after an incident in which he committed vandalism at his former school, Westglades Middle School.

InvestmentWatchBlog claims officials lied about Cruz being part of the program, then had to confess later they had lied.
You can read the rest of the article here

He ends talking about how all of a sudden all of these kids want to become poli-sci majors and go into lobbying and politics. Of course they are also getting these kids registered to vote. You will recall the push to lower the voting age. Perhaps Hogg can just "take it from us" all while cussing us out as he said he handles helping the older generation with their iphones.

This is very good news for the DNC with a mountain of corruption still being exposed and many turning since the days of Hillary stealing the nomination from Bernie Sanders. The never again Dem movement is quite large as many have turned and run full speed in another direction as libertarians with eyes now wide open!

If you want to see this video complete with background music meant to fit each segment go here,

In referring back to the Santa Fe Texas shooting, here is a student talking about it "being for real THIS time." Interesting wording.

I believe this was in one of my earlier reports, but here is a clip of doctors talking about drills at their hospital prior to shooting.

So what is that incessant drum beat clearly becoming more frequent?

It started with Emma who continues to state they don't need thoughts and prayers, but rather action and reform. Now this is rather catchy for a group who has been in an all out war against the Creator and those who call themselves Christians. It is also interesting to note she said in her speech that they were the group of kids who would go down in the history books.

Who writes those history books? What agenda is pushed forward in the public school system? One has to ask, who told her she would be in the history books? This seems to imply she has been given indication she and the others have a job to do and if they do it. . .will be heralded as heroes for making it into the books of students who come behind them.

The other part of the beat is the obvious hatred coming from an agenda backed by the globalists and those supporting the very corrupt DNC. They lay blame at Trump's feet anytime they can. No blame for those who were not doing their job to begin with filled with Obama appointees who let the American people and these schools down time after time.

Rather they attempt to deflect and make those inclined to join in the hatred to blame President Trump. After all President Trump is the one actively exposing the many crimes of the cabal. It's like killing two birds with one stone. Get the guns away from the citizenry so they are defenseless and under the total control of the globalists and UN, plus blame President Trump for the decline in society, breakdown of family and lack of the FBI and local authorities doing their job. It's diabolical and that is exactly what evil thrives upon!

Also interesting to note Gonzalez made it onto the Ellen show. Ellen is the one who also used her platform to to instruct us on what we needed to understand about the Las Vegas shooting. Odd for an "entertainment show" isn't it? She did this complete with a pointer stick where she tapped out locations on a presentation. Something seemed off.

For this Santa Fe, Texas shooting Emma Gonzalez once again reiterates the beat in a tweet,
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Rolling Stone states this,

"With each passing school shooting, comments like the ones delivered by the president and vice president, as well as the "thoughts and prayers" that will be expressed on politicians' Twitter feeds throughout the day, are further winnowed of sincerity. No action has been taken, and it seems nothing is capable of inspiring any meaningful measure to prevent future shootings."

Isn't it interesting that this was Parkland's last day of school? This was acknowledged by one of the poster children in a tweet.
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What a coincidence! Or is it? Now people can be reminded in case they forgot how this group feels guns are the culprits. Don't focus on all the other red flags, the bullying issue, lack of authorities doing their job, but rather as far as they can tell, "guns are killing and Trump is to blame."

After all, they haven't taken everyone's guns away yet, so more coverage is needed to keep the drum beat fresh and alive.

CNN reported,
"The Democratic mayor of Dallas slammed Congress: "Spare us your thoughts and prayers and do your job."
"History will not look kindly upon those elected officials who failed to act in the face of repeated mass murders of our children," Mayor Mike Rawlings said."

As the globalist continue reinforce this drum beat in every way they can, "guns bad, Trump bad," one must pan out of the bird's eye view and realize, the two party system still exists. Those awake understand there is corruption on both sides. Though not a proponent of the cabal playing the parties against one another, there is an obvious push for the DNC to disarm innocent citizens which would leave them vulnerable to controlling factions.

It would literally leave our fate, all of our fate whether Democrat, Republican or Libertarian in the hands of ultimately the UN. A UN which has been influential in the EU disarming it's citizens yet dealing with criminal behavior daily with no way to protect themselves. Criminals always find ways to be armed, who will protect us? Criminals in many European countries with the most stringent gun laws usurp the law. Citizens are abused, raped and killed. There is generally no recourse.

Who wants control of the House and Senate? Who is a proponent of gun control laws even though the ones which already exist are not being enforced?

I leave you with a verse found in I Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

What happened in September of 2017? The Revelation 12 sign in which those stars were aligned for the prophecy the way the Bible tells us they would be. The alignment of the stars in this particular configuration, only happened one other time. . .the foretelling of the birth of Jesus!

What was the theme of the UN's International Day of Peace which always falls on Sept. 21? for 2017 it was, "Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All."

Please beware of those who want to take Your safety, security and protection away! Do you trust it in the hands of the UN? Look up their history. They cannot be trusted!

So what are your thoughts on the drum beat? Do you think we need even more gun control laws? Please let me know in the comments below.

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