Politicians in the House Think they have the upper hand! Do they? The truth about Elitists like Pelosi and who and what she Really protects!

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Oh boy! They really Think they have the upper hand.

Should they really be saying this after all we know about Pelosi?

I mean, after all she has told us Herself? Demonstrated All by Herself?

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No, sorry Nancy, the asleep will play along, they May have already forgotten or not even heard what you said. . .but those who are awake, those citizens you put down, despise and compare our more take home pay, "breadcrumbs," We Remember!

BTW, if they are mere breadcrumbs. . .Why are You fighting so hard to have our said, "Breadcrumbs?"

Speaking of taxes why Does the IRS who by the way began same year as FED under another name, how did they get their start?

Well, they are tied to the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave these rich private bankers control over the reserves in the non-federal banks.
In 1914, a year after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, Senator Aldrich (one of the 7 at the Jekyll Island
meeting) said, "Before the passage of this act, the New York bankers could only dominate the reserves of New
York. Now we are able to dominate the bank reserves of the entire country."

As you have just learned, it's private, not 'federal' and because of the greed involved in their irresponsible over lending practices, there are no 'reserves'. The name 'Federal Reserve' is to deceive and mislead the public. And by
coupling the Federal Reserve Banks with the US government by the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the taxpayers could be responsible to bail out any banks that over extended themselves with bad banking practices.

The stated objective of the Federal Reserve System was to stabilize the economy, which it has not done. The
behind-the-scenes objective was to get the control of money and credit into the hands of the richest men who
wanted to control the economies of the entire world. Mater Amschel Rothschild's famous quote exposes their
motive, "Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws."
What has happened to America since the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel has taken control of the U.S. economy in
1913?... The IRS was established (1913), WWI (1914),
Bureau of Prohibition, BATF (1920), The Great Depression (1929), Gold Confiscation (1933), US declared to be in
bankruptcy (1933), WWII (1944), Military Industrial Complex (exposed in 1961), the Korean War (1950), Viet
Nam War (1964-1973), The dollar removed from the gold standard (1971), Persian Gulf War (1980),
Deindustrialization of America using NAFTA and GATT treaties, (1994), Bosnian War (1995), The Gulf War
(1996), the Middle East Wars (2002-present), Banker Bailout and Banker Bonuses (2008), War with Pakistan and
Libya (2010-present), Record amount of debt, unemployment and foreclosures (2008-present).

They attempted the unconstitutional tax a few times historically. This is what happened in 1894

The Civil War may have been over, but the foundations for taxes in America – and the foundations of the IRS – had already been laid.

In 1894, America was facing enormous deficits. A new income tax was seen as an easy way to fix those deficits. Congress revived income tax later that year. However, the Supreme Court quickly ruled it unconstitutional.

Specifically, the 1894 income tax failed to meet the constitutional requirement that laws be charged proportionally by population. The income tax was repealed – and income tax disappeared for nearly 20 years.

1913 and the 16th Amendment

The 1894 income tax was unconstitutional. The best way to fix that problem, understandably, was to change the constitution. That’s exactly what Woodrow Wilson did by ratifying the 16th Amendment.

The 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution gave Congress the authority to enact an income tax on the American people.

The new amendment carried some important wording. Here’s the most pertinent part of the amendment:

“Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration.”

Wyoming gets credit for being the state to officially ratify the amendment. They were the 36th and final state to ratify the 16th Amendment, giving the amendment the three-quarter majority needed to amend the Constitution.

Later in 1913, Congress created a 1% tax on all net personal incomes above $3,000, including a 6% “surtax” on incomes higher than $500,000. These amounts may not seem like much today. However, due to inflation, fewer than 10% of Americans were affected by the tax at the time.

1913 marked an important milestone in the history of the Internal Revenue Service (even though it would not be called the IRS for decades). In 1913, Americans filed a Form 1040 for the first time in history.

To help manage all of these changes, the United States government established the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

So who wants to amend the Constitution again? Who wants to ban guns even though the IRS according to the Government Accountability Office Had 4,487 Guns; 5,062,006 Rounds of Ammunition as of late 2017.

Now think about this, the same bureaucratic office. . .(what do you think of when you hear bureaucracy? How about too big for their britches!) So same bureaucratic entity that is Unconstitutionally taking money You earned without any oversight from We the People. . .is loaded and ready for What Exactly?

Yet the same politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer want You to give up your weapons and ammo though the criminals and over inflated government entities have them. Does that sound like someone wants control?

Now think about what was the Start or who laid the foundation for the IRS. Who were the controllers for the Central Banking Scandal? Which agencies in the United States help sway public opinion, drug running, Wars, rumors of Wars, Wishes of Wars. . .who couldn't get rid of ISIS? Who did?

With that in mind why do the compromised leaders in the DOJ and FBI have Everything to lose while Trump stays in office? Who makes money on all that he threatens to upend?

Those corrupt intelligence agencies and all those working with them and for them!

See some of the background of the CIA, what they have been called in the past and how they Always have an agenda aimed at keeping them employed and their pockets filled to overflowing!


Mad World News reports it like this,

Senator Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), whose net worth is about $196 million, recently ripped into President Donald Trump’s tax cut bonuses, calling them “breadcrumbs.” Now, a video clip of one Ohio woman has gone viral after she dropped an epic truth bomb on the demon-hag from California.

Politicians never seem to be short on words or hypocrisy, and that is exactly what one Ohio woman proved when she responded to Pelosi’s recent attempt to disparage Trump and the bonuses announced after his Tax Reform Bill was signed into law.

Maybe one or two thousand dollars is just chump-change to elites like Nancy Pelosi, but for many Americans, a bonus that size can provide a significant resource for day to day life. Pelosi should be ashamed of herself.

According to The Gateway Pundit, FOX News contributor Pete Hegseth visited Mama’s West Main Cafe in Hillsboro, Ohio, on Wednesday, January 17, 2018, and conducted a few interviews with the locals. One woman, in particular, had an epic truth bomb for Nancy Pelosi, who has in the past been very outspoken about income equality but can’t seem to understand the lives of middle-class Americans.

Notably, the cafe is located in the region of Ohio that voted 76% for Donald Trump in 2016, so it wasn’t hard for Hegseth to rustle up a few Trump supporters for his interviews. One woman whom Hegseth interviewed aimed her comment at Pelosi for her recent “breadcrumb” dig. Pelosi also called the bonuses being handed out by U.S. corporations in response to Trump’s tax cuts “pathetic.”

When Hegseth asked the woman, identified only as Sue, “What does a thousand dollar bonus mean to real people?” she replied, “Well, for one thing, it’s a very, very big deal. When you work for a company and they want to give you a thousand dollar check just because our president gave us a tax break, to me, it’s a big deal. We’ve been called deplorables and everything. But, this deplorable appreciates those breadcrumbs.”

Almost instantly the entire restaurant full of customers cheered for Sue’s response and for President Donald Trump. How dare Nancy Pelosi preach to Americans about “breadcrumbs.” According to Investment Watch, Pelosi’s net worth as of May 2017 was approximately $196 million, so perhaps Pelosi needs to answer a few important questions about where she’s been getting her own “breadcrumbs.”

The House Minority Leader reportedly makes $193,400 per year. How has she turned that ridiculous salary into a staggering $193 million fortune?

Great question!

Did a report on this last December titled,

Sifting through Q's Breadcrumbs on Nancy Pelosi, McCain, North Korea, Intelligence

Here is an article on her blatant abuse of tax payer money. Perhaps this sheds a light on why the amount she has to herself is Never enough and she wants to use Your money for her trips, fun, luxurious, over paid lifestyle and never ending drinks on "government trips." Pretty convenient scam!


Here is where Judicial Watch Uncovers New Documents Detailing Pelosi’s Use of Air Force Aircraft


According to Business Insider,

Documents uncovered via a FOIA request show that Pelosi racked up over $101,000 of taxpayer dollars for "in-flight services."

And by "services," she clearly meant alcohol. Look at all the booze on this receipt pictured right!

WND: But that single receipt makes up just part of the more than $101,000 taxpayers paid for "in-flight services" - including food and liquor, for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's trips on Air Force jets over the last two years. That's almost $1,000 per week.

Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Judicial Watch, which investigates and prosecutes government corruption, show Pelosi incurred expenses of some $2.1 million for her use of Air Force jets for travel over that time.

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And let's not forget when she said you have to "pass the bill so we can find out what's in it!"


This is whom they choose for their "Queen!"

This sounds exactly like one of the reasons why lifelong former Democrat Brandon Straka started the #WalkAway Movement


Now why is Nancy continuing her career as a lifelong politician fighting against Protection for us as this goes on?

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When I see this, I ask myself, why do people like Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, Schumer and Many others in congress advocate and try to protect these criminals Above those who are here legally and Contributing to society rather than preying upon citizens and bringing great men down like this heroic police officer from Fiji?

Does it make sense to you? Is there instead an agenda afoot that benefits Them and their globalist friends rather than We the People?

Pelosi, Schumer and the democrat political leaders ways definitely benefited This criminal over this contributing Legal Citizen!

See more here where we find President Trump working on New Year's Eve as those who work Against We the People continue to support Illegals.

As in the case of a police officer killed after Christmas. He was a legal immigrant who wanted people to understand him better so took classes to learn English. Proved he Wanted to assimilate rather than demand we all change to fit His country of origin. Killed by an Illegal Immigrant Democrat and compromised Republican leaders continue to catch and release even with a criminal history!

Read more here,


I guess these corrupt politicians figure enough people aren't caring or paying attention. They believe we will forget they support criminals like this. Are you paying attention?

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Just think, we went out of the old year with the Best unemployment numbers in decades and my New Year's gift to you is a reminder of how CNN had No Choice but to report. And Boy were there Sour and dour faces. Great for a laugh to watch them trudge through this!


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