Global News Synopsis | Week 23 | 3rd - 9th June 2018

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


Steemians - Check out my synopsis and curation below of significant global happenings during week 23. All sources have been provided in "Reference Links" section at the end of this synopsis.


1. Globalist/Elitist Summits this week - Bilderberg/G7/NATO Defense/ SCO Summit : The political planets have aligned, and the most important meetings of the year are taking place at the same time: The G7 summit in Quebec, the 66th Bilderberg conference in Turin, the NATO Defense Ministers summit in Brussels and the SCO meet in Shanghai.

The 66th Bilderberg Meeting started this week, from 7 - 10 June 2018. Top agenda of Bilderberg 2018 : 3 main streams - Geo-Politics (Populism in Europe, US world leadership, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran) Technology (AI, Quantum Computing), Geo-Economics (The inequality challenge, Free trade) and something strangely worded as "post truth world".

At G7, differences between the members ran amuck over the ongoing trade tariffs amongst NAFTA and EU countries, spearheaded by Trump's USA administration. Russia was suspended from group in 2014 because of its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. On Friday, Mr Trump made a surprise call for Moscow to be readmitted which was supported by Italian PM Conte, but German Chancellor Angela Merkel said other members were against the idea.

2. Just ahead of North Korea’s first summit with the United States next week on June 12, Pyongyang has replaced its top three defense officials, according to South Korea news agency Yonhap. In another shocking development, Kim's uncle Jang Song-thaek (who was reported by western MSM to be "fed to the dogs"), Kim's girlfriend Yong Sol (reportedly ‘executed by a firing squad‘) and top army official Ri Yong Gil (reportedly executed), were all found to be alive and well, with Ri being promoted to Millitary chief.

This is another smoking gun proof of shameless lies and fake news propagated relentlessly by western MSM, which is bankrupt when it comes to credibility and professional ethics.

3. Kim is on a meeting frenzy - russian news reported Putin invited North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to visit Russia in September, while North Korea's state-run KCNA news agency -that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is planning a visit to the DPRK to meet with Kim.

4. Saudi King Salman has threatened to take military action against neighboring Qatar if the nation purchases the Russian made S-400 missile defense system. Saudi Arabia and many of its allies severed ties with Qatar in 2017, based around a false media report claiming the Qatari Emir wasn’t sufficiently hostile toward Iran. The Saudis have since suggested they’d channel out the entire Qatari border, turning it into an island, and dumping nuclear waste in the area.

5. As I reported in last week's synopsis, Nicaragua is burning with internal protests since April, and now RT analysis finds US deep state fingerprints all over it. Stating that Ortega's administration had little to gain from mother's day shooting on civillians and might be a false flag, RT reports:

The so-called marea rosa, or ‘pink tide’, of allied leftist governments which held sway across Latin America in previous years is being rolled back. Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff was removed from power in a right-wing coup, co-conspirators of which have now managed to imprison the current presidential frontrunner, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Ecuador’s Lenin Moreno has stabbed his former leader Rafael Correa in the back by barring him from seeking re-election, while seemingly purging his cabinet of remaining Correa loyalists and beginning the process of allowing the US military back into the country. Alongside other democratic and not-so-democratic removals of leftist governments from power, NATO has nabbed itself a foothold in the region, now that Colombia has joined the obsolete yet aggressively expanding Cold War alliance, in a thinly veiled threat to neighboring Venezuela.

And now it’s Nicaragua’s turn under the boot.
Among the leading Nicaraguan student activists currently touring Europe to garner support for the anti-government movement is Jessica Cisneros. Cisneros is a member of the Movimiento Civico de Juventudes, which is funded by Madeline Albright’s National Democratic Institute (NDI). You remember Albright, right? She’s the former US Secretary of State that said that 500,000 Iraqi Children dying as a result of US sanctions against Saddam Hussein was "worth it".

6. War of words break out between Italy's anti immigrant League party (in power currently) and the notorious George Soros. The League's economics policy chief, Claudio Borghi said "The wind has changed for [Soros] and for all those who have profited from the deaths of hundreds of people", while responding to Soros' remarks "I do not know if Salvini was funded by Moscow, but the public has a right to know".

Important to note here that the new Italian government has taken a strong anti immigrant stance which can be described as antithesis of the "Kalergi Plan" and Soros' "Open Society Initiative".


1. Seen as a retalliatory move against Washington's incessant sanctions, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law stipulating implementation of counter-sanctions against the US and its allies. However, contrary to domestic concerns, the countersanctions do not apply to imported essential items, for which no replacements are produced in Russia or other countries, although in case of escalating trade wars, those are precisely the products which trading partners will limit their exports.

2. At least 6 European energy companies, including France's Total, Italy's Eni and Saras, Spain's Repsol and Sepsa and Greece's Hellenic Petroleum have begun curtailing their purchases of Iranian oil, stating hopelessly "We cannot defy the United States." Interesting to note here that India jumped on the bandwagon like fellow BRICS members China and Russia, and will continue to buy oil from Iran – its third top supplier – and is willing to pay in rupees via state bank UCO, which is not exposed to the US. Indian Foreign minister Sushma Swaraj said this regarding Iran trade -

“Our foreign policy is not made under pressure from other countries … We recognize UN sanctions and not country-specific sanctions. We didn’t follow US sanctions on previous occasions either.”

3. Russia has been agressively selling off US treasury and hoarding up on gold. To up the ante, major Russian gold mining companies are planning to double production; such an increase would make Russia the world's second largest producer of the precious metal.

4. The CEO of Russian Railways Alexander Misharin, the state-backed leader in this industry, announced his company’s intent in participating in the Trans-Arabian Railway during last week’s Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). This project is seen as something that will help to accelerate the Russian-Saudi rapprochement. Moscow’s deepening all-around involvement in Arab affairs, especially with the influential GCC, will enable it to gain wider respect and acceptance as a Mideast power as well.

5. Analysts predict 2018 will see record number of defaults in China's Corporate Bond market, amid tightening policies enacted as part of Beijing’s deleveraging campaign. The market has already seen 14 corporate bond defaults thus far this year, and additional bond defaults are especially likely among those property developers and local-government financing vehicles which have relied on shadow banking vehicles, reports Bloomberg.


1. Microsoft buys coding platform Github for USD 7.5 Billion. GitHub, founded in 2008, hosts open-source software. It currently has more than 28 million users and hosts over 85 million code archives known as repositories, and is particularly known for hosting Cryptocurrency related algorithms and mining applications.

2. Leading Crypto trading platform Coinbase moves to become SEC regulated broker dealer through acquisition of securities dealer Keystone Capital Corp. in addition to Venovate Marketplace, Inc., and Digital Wealth LLC.

Miscellanoeus/ Of Note

1. In the latest privacy related uproar, Facebook has once again been accused of :
a. granting unprecedented access of user data, without approval, to Apple, Amazon, BlackBerry, Microsoft and Samsung - as part of a data-sharing partnership program
b. sharing content publicly of 14 million users who thought they were sharing to only a small private group
c. giving private access of 'some' user data to Huawei, a telecommunications equipment company that has been flagged by American intelligence officials as a national security threat

2. At least 25 people have been killed and dozens injured, after the Volcan de Fuego in Guatemala erupted, shooting smoke and rocks 10 km into the air and forcing a mass exodus from nearby villages blanketed by ash, reported RT.

3. Similar to the sonic attacks reported in Havana,Cuba, several US citizens have fallen ill with various neurological symptoms from mysterious "sonic attacks"and have been evacuated from the US consulate in Guangzhou, China.

4. Israeli-based consumer genealogy website, MyHeritage had been hacked, and that the email addresses and password information linked to more than 92 million user accounts have been "compromised", reported Bloomberg. The website currently has 96 million users of whom 1.4 million users have taken the DNA test.

Cartoon of the week :

Source : Unknown (Twitter Share)

My Pick of the week : Reading

Climate Change has run its course

My Pick of the week : Video

My Pick of the week : Interview

Reference Links





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Glad you liked it @splendorhub. I’ll flip you a link of next weeks synopsis

@amit86 Great information. Best wishes to you :)

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