The proper comprehension of Faith / Qanon

I have made a mistake and the funny thing is I am not sure which way I made the mistake. If it sounds confusing you would be right. So let me explain and please be patient with me as I am just coming to terms with it myself. You see. I know that common sense is not common, but I have always felt and noticed factually that I have at least my share of it. So to be clear, I am not claiming to be better or know better nor be smarter or more intelligent than average. It is kind of funny to me, because I think everyone has the potential to be Arnold Schwarzenegger when it comes to body building and truthfully have found this to be the case when talking about intelligence. That is why I define the Dunning Kruger Effect as :

 Thus the Dunning-Kruger effect is a behavioral habit illusion of thinking one's self's opinion are facts. 

Source : Dunning-Kruger effect / Remove the cause and the effect will cease. / Self examination is the key!"

Author : @aconsciousness

So what do I mean when I say I think I have made a mistake, but am unsure as to which idea I have perceived is wrong.

In the past I have run into Qanon and dismissed it as UN-provable. I don't always get things right and so I am very aware that this is merely my opinion. Now I have also been examining myself for the express purpose of self improvement. At the very beginning of this process I determined that most of my problems in thinking and analysis of things could be improved by remedying my ignorance about things. There are so many things that I have taken on unfounded faith. Meaning I didn't have a logical condition for reasoning things are true. Such is the incorrect use of Faith. In the past the sun has risen so many times that it is the correct use of faith to believe that it will rise again.

In this manner Faith is actually a technology for determining and having motivation for actions in now moments of time to change the future. To use this properly there are other principles that must be incorporated to comprehend and than understand. Really in life we have three planes of existence and Faith is the term applied to a principle that allows us to change what will happen in the future plane with some degree of certainty. The other planes of existence I am talking about are. Past and Future. Past and Future do not actually exist. The only things that actually exist is now.

How the principle of faith is supposed to be used and why it is uncertain in its production becomes clear when one examines how a farmer uses faith to grow food. The farmer fist has to Plan, which requires faith that planning works, which means that he has seen or done planning in the past and got the results he was looking for or his planning was not based on faith. The farmer knows from the Past (Which does not exist), that if he plant's his crop to early the frost will destroy his crop. So the tool of faith must have past conditions in order to have faith that planting the crops later in the season will mean that frost does not kill his crop. 

However several volcanoes go off and changes the weather, so frost comes much later in the season.

Killing his crop and proving once again, that there is no certainty about the future. Faith is therefore a technical word that provides logical reasons for actions in the now moments of time, but will not always yield what is intended because of the fact that we can't know when something is going to happen to mess up our faithful actions. Thinking that faith is believing in something for which one has no evidence for is factitious, ridiculousness and really not even the most religious nut case could think so.

One of the things I have also learned is that when you look up these principles in ancient history you will find that Faith was not defined as belief with no evidence. In fact I couldn't find any ancient references that defined faith in this way until around the 1500 hundreds. When Copernicus came up with the Sun centered model and the hijacking of science into religion was begun by the Pope and Galileo Galilei. I can actually find several references to faith being defined as knowing that the sun will come up tomorrow, because it has come up all of a persons life. Thus to me one who believes that faith is believing in something without evidence is really kind of stuck misusing a principle to argue against what someone believes.

Why is this important?

What does it have to do with one of my ideas being a mistake?

You see I have faith in my experience with people. If I have a source for information and I discover that they have deliberately Lied to me about something than I have faith that the person who did this is a liar. Which means that I know that just because they lied to me in the past doesn't mean that they will always LY, but having had the experience of catching them at it means in my mind that faith they will do so again is not a wrong comprehension. Thus the person as a source is corrupt and I cannot use them as such anymore. 

The same kind of faith applies, when I have used a source and been able to verify, confirm for myself what they are saying is true. In such a case, I can have faith, that what they are sharing, they believe to be true. Once of course you have the proper comprehension about the word faith it becomes appropriate to use it, as intention only changes what you the user of the word meant and not the meaning of the word itself. So this is why it is important to comprehend what I say when I say I have faith about something. So that you comprehend and can understand that :

  1. I am not certain about anything.
  2. This is why we really cannot know anything.
  3. The future doesn't exist and no one knows how it will turn out.

Many of you know that I use National Liberty Alliance as a source for many ancient documents and books in PDF form.

I am fairly sure that some of you have checked and found that they also have documents of a much more recent origin. Now I have to tell you my reader, that I have spent an extreme amount of effort and time on trying to prove them wrong or looking for that point of a LY, so I could dismiss them and move on. In over 2 years of doing so I couldn't find one out of thousands of facts that could be used to deceive. This doesn't mean that I agree with every principle nor does it mean that I agree with every fact or what those fact mean. What it does mean is that I do have Faith that the people operating this site are truthful in there presentments. This doesn't mean that anyone should just believe what they say, because that would be the improper use of faith.

However when I say that the following video comes from National Liberty Alliance

I am saying it with the faith that they are being truthful, which means that after checking as much as is possible one can focus on the facts and principles for interpretation as to what is actually going on. So the following video is from this National Liberty Alliance webpage : so you can check me if I am wrong and see why it has confused me.

All photos are from Screen shots are mine. I am not responsible for if you think, how you think, what you think or do. You Are!. If you like my content consider a up vote and follow! Peace!

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