Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 17 entry - Make Money Online

There are many ways to make money online. Let me share with you the one that made me a success.

Earning Money Online

When I lost my first job, I started looking for ways to make money from home. Since I was using my computer a lot, it was an obvious choice to search for online opportunities.

My journey started with PTC (Paid To Click) sites, where you would earn a couple of cents by clicking ads or links in emails. After a while I realized this was not worth the effort. I expanded my horizon, and tried all the ‘make money online’ tricks in the book.

I don’t remember how I got there, but at one point I found myself making good money through affiliate marketing.


What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Basically, an affiliate marketer promotes other people’s products, in exchange for a commission. When a new product or website is launched, the affiliate marketer spreads the word about it.

Commissions are variable. Depending on the niche, the affiliate marketer earns from 2% up to 100% of each sale he refers. (Yes, 100%, that’s not a typo)


The Internet Marketing Niche

Since I wanted to learn as much as a could about internet marketing, I read loads of guides and tutorials about how to become successful.

That’s how I ended up in the internet marketing niche: I started to promote products that showed people how to make money online.


100% commission


A couple of years ago, someone came up with the idea to reward affiliates with 100% commission on the front end sale, and a trend was started.

When I left the scene, a little over a year ago, new products were launched daily, all offering affiliates at least 50% - but often 75% or 100% - commission.

Let me give you an idea of the potential profits:

A person who has built up a reputation releases a new guide on how to drive viral traffic to your site.

The front end offer - the guide - is sold for $7.97 and the affiliate gets 100% commission.

The first upsell offer - a video course that shows you how to implement the tips given in the guide - is sold for $14.97. The affiliate gets 50% commission on every sale he refers.

The second upsell offer is a piece of software that will automate the entire process. It sells for $24.97, and again the affiliate will receive 50% commission.

Now, let’s do the math...

Let’s say you promote the front end offer, and you manage to refer 15 sales.

15 x $9.97 = $149.55
You get 100% commission, so all that money is paid to you.

From the 15 buyers, there are 4 that buy the first upsell.

4 x $14.97 = $59.88
You get 50% commission, so half of that ($29.94) is paid to you.

2 people buy the 2nd upsell offer.

2 x $24,97 = $49,94, of which 50% ($24.97) is yours.

If we add it all up, in this scenario you would earn $204,46 from one single promo campaign.

Multiple products are being launched every day. If you have the audience to promote to, you can earn big bucks.


How To Become An Affiliate Marketer

I hate to break it to you, but you don’t become a successful affiliate marketer overnight. It took me years to get where I was and to earn good money.

The first thing you need to start with is building an audience. You need people who are interested in the products you want to promote. You can do this by building a targeted audience on social media and/or get people to sign up for your email list.

To do this successfully, you need to bribe them with a freebie.

If you scroll down this page, you’ll find a signup link for my mailing list below my signature.

Screenshot (1).png
There is no bribe, so it doesn’t work. None of you have ever clicked that link.

Now imagine I would put something like this at the bottom of my posts:


How many of you would click and sign up?

Right! You get it...

(Now, I’ve only added a download button to the ad, but it could also say: ‘Follow me on Facebook/Twitter etc.)


(DISCLAIMER: This paragraph contains affiliate links. I will receive a small commission when you sign up through these links)

First of all, you need a free product you can give away. There are loads of free membership sites in the internet marketing niche that provide you with new products with giveaway rights every month again. One of them is ResellRightsWeekly, of which I have been a premium member for years.

When you have built your audience, you can start promoting products. To find good affiliate deals, you can go to affiliate networks like WarriorPlus or JVZoo.

You choose the offer of which you think your audience might be intrerested in, and launch your promotion campaign.

No need to say that the bigger your audience, and the more promotion tricks you’ve got up your sleeve, the more money you will make...

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The article above is just a quick overview. Becoming a successful affiliate marketer has a bit more to it than I described.

When I signed up for SteemIt, I thought I could be doing an article series on internet marketing, but soon I discovered this niche was really undervalued - maybe even non-existent - on SteemIt.

You can imagine I was happy when I saw @apolymask post the ‘Make Money Online’ round in the #informationfinding championship.

Finally I could join the IFC, writing about a topic I knew something about.

I quit internet/affiliate marketing because after 15 years, I was tired of making the same ads, sales pitches and promo email series over and over again. Now, almost 2 years have passed, and by writing this article and creating the example ad above, I realized the passion is still there...

Maybe this can be the start of something new...


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Image Sources:

This post contains affiliate links to Bitsfarm and Mannabase. I will receive a compensation if you use these links to sign up


Resteemed and upvoted by the MAP-AAKOM community.
Will be included in the next "Resteems" post.

Yes, affiliate marketing has a long online history. Unfortunately, all the things I enjoy writing about have close to zero financial value! Hence their value is in the writing itself. Thanks for the post.

I hear what you’re saying.
The niches that are profitable are limited. Good to hear you can find hhe value in the writing itself ;0)

Ok I have a vote have me ea bg

I have to say @simplymike you can definitely see the passion you hold here! Thank you for the entry, it is definitely a great post!! Hope to see you continue on in the IFC!!

I was so happy to finally see a topic I could work with - lol

Great entry @simplymike! As I was reading I was waiting for the spark for you to think about getting back into it, with the passion that you have for affiliate marketing. I have always been fascinated by the Make Money at Home and get Rich Quick themes! You have done you homework and really worked hard and that hard work paid off! Maybe you are able to turn this into a Passive Income stream and try to make the business more automated where you can devote more time into other areas.

I have a big part automated - there is still money coming in.
Unfortunately I lost my main website, because I was spending all my time on SteemIt and missed the domain expiration messages. I should take some time to re-activate my mailing list (20.000 subscribers), but SteemIt is so addictive... lol

Ahh!! I understand!! I'm sure you are able to adapt your skills and knowledge to this platform pretty well. I always thought the passive income is the future. Uber everything!

Oh yes, you need to take advantage of that number. I still have fewer than 100 on my list so 20,000 sounds like heaven!

A lot of them are dead followers, and most of them are freebie-seekers, because I got the major part to subscribe through JV Giveaway events, but still...
You’re right.
Once I’m back up on my feet and can use my laptop again, I think I’m going to step back in. It’ll be hard to find a balance between my business and SteemIt. Oh, how I wish I would still have my website...

Great article simplymike! Thanks! I learned a lot. I've heard about affiliate marketing a number of times, but never felt like my audience was big enough or that I had the right item to sell so I never pursued it, however.. I think maybe in the future with the IFC we could find some items that we might be able to do some affiliate marketing with!

I'm not sure what yet, and maybe we could have a contest to have people think of ideas, heh.. But.. In time this contest may have a decent audience and I could include some affiliate links to some kind of.. Umm.. I dunno, maybe books? Or some kind of learning or research aides. It's definitely an interesting possibility to consider! This might be a good chance to finally get in on that niche and if I did I could help fund the IFC so much more!

Also I'm happy to hear that this sparked something within yourself as well to re look at an area you used to be passionate and see there's still something there. :) Sounds like we both benefited from this!
Anyways.. Glad to see you make an entry! And it's an excellent one too. Thanks for being a part of the contest and for sharing your knowledge with us! :D

I haven’t really followed up on the entries, so I have no idea how good they are (I will follow up from now on, though), but I think you could even take it a step further and create an ebook/a report, with the best entries you can then sell. (I’m just thinking out loud here) Internally, you could for example do a round in which you ask people for their best tips for minnows. You then choose the 5 or 10 best entries, and bundle them into a report called ‘IFC’s Top 10 Tips For Newbies’.
Sell it for, I don’t know. 1 SBD or Steem.

A round in which you ask for the best resources can be a way to add affiliate links. (What I did in the last part of my post)

Using affiliate links on SteemIt is still kinda risky, though. My very first posts here were promotional posts. They all got flagged. When I did some research, I found out there has been a lot of discussion between the whales whether to allow them or not.
When you add an obvious disclaimer (which I did not do in my first posts), most of the time you can get away with it. But SteemIt has no real policy about it, for as far as I know, so I’m not sure what’ll happen if one of those whales who are opposed to the idea wakes up on the wrong side of the bed...

That ebook thing is a really interesting idea! I'm going to copy that and save it and mention it to the others. Thank you for the information! :) Also..
I had no idea there was an issue with affiliate marketing on here..? Thanks for the heads up!

I recently started writing PLR products and doing the affiliate marketing you talked about. You're right, it's not an overnight way to make money but I can see the potential for long term. Cool to hear your story.

Cool! What do you write about? And where are you launching what you wrote?

It’s a long and winding road, but if you manage to build an audience of potential buyers and you pick the right products to promote to that audience, there’s some good money to be made. (Depending in the niche there can be a lot of competition, though)

I am a blogger so your tips are really helpful.. I always feel like affiliate marketing does not really work.. I guess it takes time & patience

You’ve got to build your audience, and then pick the right products to promote...
I think it also depends on your niche a bit: I’m not earning as much from my gardening blog than I was when I was into b2b marketing

Wow, I had no idea you could earn a living like that! Seems like a lot of work to build the audience though...

Here on SteemIt, you háve the audience. You can use affilizte marketing on SteemIt too. I just found a great article about it. You can read it here

Huh, just read that article. Something to keep in mind!

I think there was a bunch of good ideas this round and it's been really tough judging a lot of these, but.. This one in my opinion of yours helped the IFC the most this round because it inspired me into a whole slew of ideas in regards to the IFC.. And I didn't necessarily start out thinking of this as a business, but I think I knew that in time that would likely happen if this grew enough, and.. Whether right or wrong I'm more and more thinking of ways to make money with this because of your affiliate marketing idea.. I started thinking.. What could we sell here in terms of affiliate marketing? And I'm still not sure! Lol.. Maybe books, or something related to education.. Like computers? I dunno.. BUT.. I did come to the next idea also that we should probably start doing some kind of merchandise soon.. Like hats and shirts and stuff.. So regardless of if we find something to affiliate market, I DO think we will at least start doing some merchandise like hats and shirts and maybe toys or more, who knows!

I think ultimately though, I want to plan on putting whatever profits it makes back into the IFC for the foreseeable future and using it as a way to help grow the IFC. Not my pocket, even though my pocket does need it as well, heh. But.. Ultimately.. I think some kind of affiliate marketing or line of merchandise in regards to the IFC and having whatever money collected pooled together to be put back into the competition would be a wise thing to do! Thanks for the awesome inspiration! And excellent entry for a first round! You got my vote for this round! Nice work!

Thanks. Glad I could give you some ideas :0)
I’ll put my thinking cap up and see what I can come up with. If I think of something, you’ll be the first to know!

Great work!
I liked the detailed explaination and it looks like a lot of people are doing it because of you .you really explained a lot with examples and tips which really helps this was an easy one for me you got my vote

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