Information Finding Championship - Season 1: Round 3 (Kryptocek's journey to eternal glory)

in #informationfinding6 years ago (edited)

Holy @apolymask is truly showing no mercy to his contestants early on! Feels like I'm writing a 1st year Eng exam where the sole purpose is to root out everyone whose not fully dedicated to the program.

I respect it though.. it gets the ball rolling and it really gets the word out for the competition. The more competition the funner it is and the more bragging rights for the ICF CHAMP later on!

So Resteem, upvote, share do what you gotta do and lets make this huge!

If you haven't read my last post you can check it out here 2nd Quest and the rest of the entries #informationfinding .

Hey if you're reading this Smile you're apart of the best social media platform and one of the best communities out there!

Enough garbage talk from me, lets get at it! Dom out!!



Well after the journey down to New Zealand using the lightning network it's time for Kryptocek to get the chest back home and in the hands of APOLY. To make things even more difficult there are a handful of other CBots attempting to get the chest back to APOLY as he promised strenght and power in exchange for the chest.

Knowing full well that all the other CBots would be following his blockchain Kryptocek decided to switch it up and take the long way home through Canada where he was born before moving to Cryptopia with his family to build up their satoshi farm that had so much promise. Yet after 9 years the family still has nothing to show besides the beautiful piece of land the farm lays on.

Back to Canada, Kryptocek decided to stay on the down low for the next few days while trying to divert the other CBots elsewhere before getting the chest back in the hands of APOLY. Having time to finally relax and reflect for a few days Krypto looked back at his roots and his childhood with the nostalgia of being back in Canada where he lived many years ago.

Back to his roots he goes...


Feels good to be back. Even though its been 9 years since we've left it still feels like yesterday sometimes. I feel like laying low here for the next few days before heding back to the farm. Being back I've had time to reflect and be thankful for being raised in such a great place surrounded by awesome people!

So finally having a bit of free time I am going to create a challenge that I will hopefully share with other CBots in the future! Here it goes!

Back to your Roots

This is a contest that goes back to your childhood and brings back good memories :

• Post 1-4 photos of when you were a child.

• Your favourite food you'd like to snack on or have friday evenings for dinner.

• Your favourite game you used to play ( card,video,outdoor, any type of game )

• A random memory that makes you happy about being a kid.

• Your favourite TV show as a little kid.

• Something you did that you wouldn't want your parents ever knowing about. ( Hope they're not on Steemit )

• Nominate someone or multiple people, but anyone can join in on the fun and take part! Find that nostalgia :)

• Use the tag - #back2roots - as one of your five tags. ( Just so we can see them all searching that tag ) Easier for me to upvote all participants

Of course we look at the future and what it hold but sometimes its nice to reminisce about our past and where we came from!


• Me when I was just a little guy
Dom baby 4.jpgDom baby 3.jpgDom baby 2.jpgDom 1 baby.jpg

• My favourite food as a kid ahh not gonna lie I used to love a good slice of toast with butter and honey. Or those large chocolate chip muffins, those were an absolute treat! You'd get em at costco and Id absolutely demolish them then chugging a huge glass of milk.

• My favourite game as a kid without a doubt has to be Spyro The Dragon I have so many good memories playing that game on PS1!

• Ahh its hard to pick just one but I remember when I was like 6 we were winning our soccer game like 10-2 and the coach asked me to not play the rest of the game and give the other kids some time to play and after the game he drove me home because he lived just a few streets away and on the way home he bought me and his son a DQ cone haha! I don't know why but I always laugh looking back at that.

• Hands down Whats new Scooby Doo I watched it every day. Probably seen the same episodes over and over. Great show that was.

• I was a trouble maker thats for sure. I usually got caught though. My parents once went looking for me when I was 3 and apparently I ran away to the local gas station and was looking at cartoon magazines! Scary stuff for my parents thats for sure. Something I'd never want them to know. We got locked out of our house once so me and my brother tried climbing through the window and we didn't make it to the alarm in time. So the police came and I think there was some sort of fee and my parents had to leave work as well (or at least one of them did). We lived in the ghetto so they were quite worried and to this day I still think they thought someone tried breaking in. Something me and my brother will probably never tell them. I was 5 and he was 14 at the time. So shhh don't tell Mom and Pop Kropacek.

So thats my challenge #back2roots and I will challenge @boatsports90 @josefinemk @braveboat @sevinwilson If any of you are up for the challenge.

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I've liked sharing my roots with you guys while I lay low here for the next few days. I'll have to figure out what my next move is. For now I best get hiding I can't let Sortiarius's Chest get in the wrong hands. For now my fellow friends GOODNIGHT.


Haha, you haven't even told me that story! I though you were gonna write about the one with orange juice ;-)

Shhh that doesn’t make its way to the Internet!

hahaha, you getting locked out and setting off the alarm definitely made me laugh. I'll see what I can do for the challenge! Need to scrounge up some old photos from somewhere

I couldn’t believe man we were in such a panic. I think 2-3 cops showed up and were there for a while figuring things out. Must have made me and my brother closer for sure.

Haha I’m excited to hear some good stories!

Hahaha that's hilarious. A good memory to have with him for sure. You hell raiser you!

Awesome entry and idea!! I really like the childhood nostalgia thing and I have some good old pictures of myself and stories as well.


Me and my amazing dog friend Tara. She saved my life numerous times no joke. From a rattle snake once and a psycho pitbull that was attacking me. She was a beautiful soul.. Is.. She is.

I used to be bucktoothed back then. Heh.. But I was climbing around trees and slipped and fell and hit my teeth on a branch and it straightened them up! Lol! Ended up working much quicker than bracers ever could have. Glad it didn't break my teeth or anything like that, it just ever so slightly moved them into proper position.. Was crazy!

Thanks for sharing your childhood memories and the contest idea!
You and others mentioned being tired from the pace I'm going at, I am as well. I'm not sure if I'll get to your next entry tonight or not, and there might be a few other peoples I don't get to.. But i will get to them tomorrow and right now I need to focus on getting tomorrows challenge ready.. There's still 2 more days of this before I slow down.

And on the cool side, we're only a couple days away from seeing who won the first round! :) I'm eager to find out!

Dogs always a boys bestfriend! I’ll have to get my mom to send me a picture we me and Maxi.

Awesome pic though. Sometimes feels like they’re more then just a pet! In your case seems like she was a besfriend, Super hero, and dentist all in one haha!

I’m totally just playing man, the pace is fine and like you said we don’t have to enter all of them. I like the idea of a lot at the start to get people involved and who knows you may think of some idea half way trough to get people involved as well who haven’t joined at the beginning.

Exciting times ahead!!

Word, that would be cool. And.. Yeah she was a great friend. :) Her nickname was horse dog and she could climb up mountains with me my friends couldn't even do and she could jump huge fences like 6 ft high. Amazing dog. :) That's an interesting idea about allowing newer people to get in later in the game somehow. Not sure how that would work, but it's something to consider and think about!

Thanks for the idea and for continually making me smile with your entries. :) I like your style and I hope more people start role playing like you have been doing!

Ahh dang seems like a special dog thats definitely made a positive impact on your life!
Defintiely if not they can always get in next season!
Thanks a bunch!

hat a fun great post

this is very funny post and the baby are very cute

Thanks that was me when I was a little troublemaker

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