Information Finding Championship - Season 1: Round 2 (Kryptocek's journey to eternal glory)

in #informationfinding7 years ago (edited)

Well well, it feels like I just wrote my first post for the ICF Contest which you can read here 1st Quest. This first part of every text will be my 23 year old self rambling about some random nonsense before I kick into the character of KRYPTOCEK. Again, a quick thanks to @apolymask for hosting this contest and the creativity he’s putting into this. I'm excited for all the challenges ahead and I hope we can get a big turnout for this and make some rad new friends along the way!

Hey! Roger Federer also won his 20th grand slam today. Talk about turning back the clock... Anyways Dom out ! Oh wait... Check out all the entries: #informationfinding :)



Little did you know up until last year Kryptocek was on the global bitball team for planet Digitá, until he lost connection to his right cpu disc which ended his career for good. He had no choice but to go to his fallback and take over the family satoshi farm that's been barely getting by for the past 9 years.

At this point the farm is essentially worthless... The land right on the outskirts of the Digital Castle is the one thing keeping the farm afloat. Suits pestering them daily to sell off but offering only half of what the land is worth. Being on a ridge up in the hills the view is breathtaking and every morning Kryptocek goes out and looks into the valley at the perfect view of the Digital Castle, praying one day he will be able to let the farm go and find his place in the Digital Castle.

...Fast forward 2 years...

Then everything changed forever. One gloomy afternoon while Kryptocek was out in the field checking his blocks, making sure the daily Satoshi count was accurate, the ruler of all the land APOLY came by and offered him the opportunity of a lifetime;

He read him the terms and conditions and said "If you can complete all these task accordingly I myself will give the honour of accepting you into the Digital Castle".

No questions were asked just a simple nod and an agreement to the terms and then the Journey to IFC had started. The young peasant Satoshi farmer had a large task at hand but knowing it was his only way out he got all his things togehter and set off to leave his home and to take on this journey to eternal glory.

The first quest was a challenge but Kryptocek used his past experiences to guide him.

The journey continues next up to find Sortiarius's chest


Lets just say APOLY doesn't believe in rest. I feel like I've barely slept since the last quest, but there was already a script outside on the porch which had been sent from one of APOLY's messengers.
Script challenge .jpeg

This takes us to where we are today; Isolated from the rest of the world lies a small country of New Zealand, tucked away in a small corner of DIGITÁ, where very few CBots have ever explored. With time being limited I was more rushed than ever using the lightning network. I arrived on the South Island to search for the missing artifact "You'll find it where the moon shines brightest" still itching in the back of my head!


MAP 1.jpg

Blue: Cryptopia ( Kryptocek's satoshi farm and Digital Castle are located there.
Yellow: The small Island of New Zealanld

After speaking with some of the locals and gathering all the information I would need, I set of into the deep bushes of the Waitango Forest to be able to find the biggest and brightest moon. Right after the break of dawn the reflection from the clear waters of the Otago waterfall would show me the reflection and hopefully guide me to Sortiarius's Chest (this was a secret from one of the locals).

After hours and hours of trecking through the deep NZ bush I finally found the the waterfall and now I was just waiting for the right moment when the reflection would point me in the right direction...

JO waterfall.jpg
Waiting for the reflection I captured a photo of my beautiful partner @Josefinemk (she's always supported me and was willing to take on this adventure with me).

NEW divider.jpg

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Waiting and waiting... Not knowing what do to do with the moon slowly starting to go down and panic really setting in. It seemed like all hope was gone, and the reflection wasnt giving us anything. Suddenly, I realized that I had to find my inner moon and let myself be free.

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Dom watterfall.jpg

To be continued...

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Thanks for taking the time to read Kryptocek's journey so far guys! The moon photo I have to give credit to @josefinemk for capturing the big bright moon. Woulda been a little tough for me to take that shot ;)
I hope you guys enjoyed the read and little bit of humour at the end!

The second quest has come to an end with the outcome still undecided.. follow along to see if Kryptocek returns the chest back to the Digital Castle.
For now my fellow friends GOODNIGHT


hahaha, I see what you did there...

I voted for you. You have a nice posts.

I absolutely love it! You are a great story teller! Will Kryptocek find SORTIARIUS'S CHEST?? I'm staying tuned!!!!

Hahahahaha! Epic. I did not expect that. Really enjoying your entries so far! I love how you create little RPG like stories around your posts and I want to encourage people to do that more in the future. Thanks for being a part of the challenge! ._.

Appreciate it man! Trying to be a little unique and at the same time I'm really enjoying it! Hopefully i'll have the time to keep doing most of the challenges!

You mean the MOOON??

this is so funny post,,,i am enjoying,,,thanks for shareing

I love this. You've got my vote for Round 2!

Thanks a bunch!

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