Information Finding Championship - Season 1: Round 15 (Kryptocek's journey to eternal glory)

in #informationfinding7 years ago (edited)





Want to thank you guys all for the upvotes, resteems, sincere comments! I think its awesome what we've made here and at the end of the day it's a team effort from everyone to keep it growing! With all the contestants, judges, sponsors, and of course the man with the idea @apolymask!!

It's safe to say I think we got IFC mostly figured out now with the quest, levelling, relics, and everything else. Now all we need is to keep spreading the word and getting more contestants since it's still so early in the contest. I just reached level 1 so very easy for anyone to catch up!



It's been a long journey through the past few weeks. The weather hasn't been great and the journey has been long for the riders and their horses. They've travelled far to spread to word preaching about the beautiful city of Cryptopia to farmers, miners, and everyone in between.

"Come and become a pioneer of this beautiful city that we're building"
"I promise you've never seen anything as breathtaking as the view when you ride over the ridge and see the Digital Castle"
"Bring your children and your family there is room for all"

Was preached all throughout the lands. Men and Women were recruited, but it was only the first of many journeys that would be made.

Now it was time to go home and celebrate the council. The council is a group of members that essentially keep the city in tact.

"We consider them the pillars of this city, they were there from the beginning and they are the foundation of what we are building"

So a party was to be hosted to celebrate the few who were brave enough to step up and help guide the city to where it is today.

Kryptocek was in charge of reciting a poem infant of the city and the council. Something he heard immensely.

I've never done this before @bashadow, I'm nervous what if they don't like it. You know me I can farm...I know how to do that but this..ughh I've never done this before. I can't.. I just can't.

Bashadow looked down at the young satoshi farmer and with his soft yet powerful voice

We all have some sort of fear, it's emotion inside of us. We're human and the beauty of it is that every single one of us possess some sort of fear. Today though you go out there and conquer it. I've been there before and understand how you feel, but I know that once you let it out there will be no better feeling Kryptocek.

The night was a night to remember!


I wanted to share two things! The first will be a mini poem or whatever you wanna call it about each of the initial judges, and secondly I'd like to add a week for each judge that we will really try to upvote and resteem there content. I think that if a bunch of people get together and upvote,comment, resteem an individuals work for a period at a time it can really help them get recognized which will lead to IFC also getting more recognized! What do you say??

Oh @apolymask
We could say you're IFC's quarterback, you're practically an insomniac
Always resteeming, commenting and even upvoting
You're the man behind the mask, its safe to say you don't only have one task

I know you're thinking of mythology or even psychology
hey who knows maybe even technology
but deep down we know its all about generosity

Let's light the ignition, you're a man with a mission
So lets embrace that IFC is going to space!!

When I think of Charisma all I can smell is vanila
Lets stop with the stigma and be just a bit more like charisma

You willingness to help just can't be compared
You're here to guide but you do way more then just provide
Creativity, electricity...ok lets be serious I could go on for infinity..
So for simplicity lets just go with the bombdigity!!


Lets stop for a second
Who else is aware that rare just came from thin air
If you go back and look at history we can see you're a man of mystery
What can I say you're a sleuth practically bulletproof
One in a million, and you like to read books
maybe to help you catch the crooks,
but thats just my guess so you get them to confess

The tree of luck, oh wait I'm starstruck
Maybe a little shy like a cocoon before it turns into a butterfly
Who knows you may even be a samurai
No need to modify or simplify you're the tree of life
Anything else I need to clarify?

"We all follow the Arsenal"
It's phenomenal I could practically write an article
two strangers, but one connection
All I see is a reflection heres my suggestion, we SING
"1-0 to the arsenal"

Oh wait I got you mixed up with the terminator
No need to panic you're our mechanic
With a name like deliberator you're probably the best curator
Who knows you may even be magic, shut up dom you're being over dramatic
Tell that to our Gladiator, you procrastinator

I hope I could give you at least a bit of a laugh at my attempt to write a few poems! Also here I made the dates where we could try and help out the judges with upvotes and resteems! I know we do it anyways but if everyone could try and focus extra hard on a certain judge each week and help them get noticed on Steemit!

@apolymask: March19th - May 25th

@charisma777 March 26th - April 1st

@rarebooksleuth: April 2nd - April 8th

@luckysteem April 9th - April 15th

@addempsea April 16th - April 22nd

@deliberator April 23rd - April 29th

Thank you guys for taking the time to read the post, for now GOODNIGHT!!


I liked it, my favorite line of all "Let's light the ignition, you're a man with a mission So lets embrace that IFC is going to space!!" That I think pretty much sums it up. And thank you for the mention. I will gladly support as you suggested, give us all a reminder though in the chat of what week is for who.

Will do! I will keep everyone updated when it's each judges week! I quite enjoyed that line too. I thought it woulda been a bit easier but it sure is hard to make decent rhymes come together!

Even though you have such a lead.. And there were some good entries, I was especially touched by kenneth1's words about charisma777 and deliberator.. And I liked the way bengy put a bunch of effort into helping us focus or clear or alter our minds better. And bashadow had a good idea to help as well.. All of the entries were very good and I think great sentiments coming from the heart. Though.. I pick you again kryptocek! Heh. No one has ever made a poem about me before, and that was super awesome of you.. Plus.. You also offered to help the judges and I think your entry was the best one, I vote for you this round.

Great entry @kryptocek!

Isn't it wonderful how this world of ours brings us out of our comfort zones? I applaud you stepping up and crushing it with these poems! Well done my friend!

Thank you sir! I think that's what its all about! Trying something new and just embracing it!

That was such an awesome post! I think that was the first time anyone has ever made a poem about me, it literally made me a lil emotional. So.. Thank you. I will treasure this poem. :) The helping to bring attention to the judges is cool too, but for me the poem is like priceless, you can't put a value or tag on it. And I really appreciate that man. Thank you for gifting me with this. :)

Also I like your council idea! Maybe we can do something with that, and sort of have a core group of people who are very active regardless of whether they are player judge sponsor or just a regular commentator and observer or whatever.. I'm not sure how it would work! But it sounds like a really interesting idea! I was actually thinking of something a similar the other day and I was thinking "inner circle" but.. I don't like that, it sounds too exclusionary.. Council sounds a lot better!

Anyways.. Another awesome entry, well done! :D

Thanks man! I was trying to make it work somehow with my story and also my entry and it ended up coming together. For a few judges I haven't spoken much too so it was a bit more difficult to figure what to rhyme about but it worked so all was good!

Thanks man I thought it sorta suited what you believe in and who you are so I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I mean for the judges its a small thing we can all do to help and I think if we can all give a little in that way it'll at least turn into something a bit more substantial!
I will add @deliberators tomorrow I wasn't aware he was a full time judge(which is awesome)! And the date I went back to edit it and must have forgot! Thanks :)

Oh, also. I think you made a mistake with the dates and you said May instead of March?

Sure thing.. But really. Thank you!
Also yeah, your poem was great in my opinion. :) And I've created poetry for many years so I'm no novice at the subject, it was great! :D

Also I tend to agree.. I think the more we all work together the more we'll all benefit, and while it is a competition when it comes to the actual rounds, outside of that.. I think we all appreciate each other and want to see each other do well for the most part! :) Which is another reason this community is so awesome, it really genuinely seems like many of the people involved really truly care about others and not just themselves, which is another reason this IFC community gives me more hope back in humanity in general, lol.. You all are showing me that maybe my alien people shouldn't wipe out this planet and start over.. Just kidding. :D That was totally a joke.. But.. You guys and gals are giving me a lot of hope back in humanity, maybe in time we really can repair a lot of these problems in the world and make things better for future generations yet to come. :)

Oh and.. Agreed! Deliberator seems like a really good dude! Glad to have him here. :) I think the IFC will be well served. He seems like one of those "genuine" people. Anyways.. bed time for me. Peace and talk to you later kryptocek!

This is really awesome @kryptocek you are the BOMBDIGGITY! Love it!

hehe thanks @charisma777!! makes two of us then ;)

The week you picked for me has my birthday in it, April 17th. That would be the best birthday present. Thanks.
2 - 0 to the arsenal

Ahh thats awesome man! Well happy early birthday haha. Yup hopefully quarter final in Europa after tonight. Need to win the whole thing to get back into champions league!

I hope we win the Europa league so we can play in the Champions League next season. Thursday night football ain't rosy.

Haha it sure isn't I miss being in the top stage. It is where we belong..even though the football we've been playing this year sorta disagrees with that. Hopefully the men can get the job done at home tonight!

That's awesome! My son's birthday is April 20th we will blow out a candle for you also our fellow councilman!

With these, you should be a top singer 😀 . I like the upvote idea for the judges. It sure will increase their popularity. How about my friend deliberator.

haha I wish man! I was thinking the same and I hope it can since they definitely deserve it! Ahh it was more for temporary judges..unless @deliberator is a full time judge now I will update my post!

I think he is now. please do. Nice piece bro.

Deliberator is a full time judge, though he has only judged I think two rounds so far and then he unfortunately lost his friend so he's been absent, but he said he's going to be back soon.

You have my vote for this round.

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