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RE: Information Finding Championship - Season 1: Round 15 (Kryptocek's journey to eternal glory)

That was such an awesome post! I think that was the first time anyone has ever made a poem about me, it literally made me a lil emotional. So.. Thank you. I will treasure this poem. :) The helping to bring attention to the judges is cool too, but for me the poem is like priceless, you can't put a value or tag on it. And I really appreciate that man. Thank you for gifting me with this. :)

Also I like your council idea! Maybe we can do something with that, and sort of have a core group of people who are very active regardless of whether they are player judge sponsor or just a regular commentator and observer or whatever.. I'm not sure how it would work! But it sounds like a really interesting idea! I was actually thinking of something a similar the other day and I was thinking "inner circle" but.. I don't like that, it sounds too exclusionary.. Council sounds a lot better!

Anyways.. Another awesome entry, well done! :D


Thanks man! I was trying to make it work somehow with my story and also my entry and it ended up coming together. For a few judges I haven't spoken much too so it was a bit more difficult to figure what to rhyme about but it worked so all was good!

Thanks man I thought it sorta suited what you believe in and who you are so I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I mean for the judges its a small thing we can all do to help and I think if we can all give a little in that way it'll at least turn into something a bit more substantial!
I will add @deliberators tomorrow I wasn't aware he was a full time judge(which is awesome)! And the date I went back to edit it and must have forgot! Thanks :)

Oh, also. I think you made a mistake with the dates and you said May instead of March?

Sure thing.. But really. Thank you!
Also yeah, your poem was great in my opinion. :) And I've created poetry for many years so I'm no novice at the subject, it was great! :D

Also I tend to agree.. I think the more we all work together the more we'll all benefit, and while it is a competition when it comes to the actual rounds, outside of that.. I think we all appreciate each other and want to see each other do well for the most part! :) Which is another reason this community is so awesome, it really genuinely seems like many of the people involved really truly care about others and not just themselves, which is another reason this IFC community gives me more hope back in humanity in general, lol.. You all are showing me that maybe my alien people shouldn't wipe out this planet and start over.. Just kidding. :D That was totally a joke.. But.. You guys and gals are giving me a lot of hope back in humanity, maybe in time we really can repair a lot of these problems in the world and make things better for future generations yet to come. :)

Oh and.. Agreed! Deliberator seems like a really good dude! Glad to have him here. :) I think the IFC will be well served. He seems like one of those "genuine" people. Anyways.. bed time for me. Peace and talk to you later kryptocek!

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