The power of influence vs human reactions. Find out how it works

in #influence6 years ago (edited)

It’s said that influencing people involves having control over their own will. Some others describe the power of influence as an attractive way of s particular person to do or say something that can be followed by a number of people. Most leaders are viewed as influential and others do not really mean something big to the community, simply because they are not influential. Influential leaders are those winning elections or having more higher chances of being vetted in a certain raw or run. These people have a strong background or else have certain characteristics that make them being loved and admired by the society.

Moreover, some may have different information and sometimes not accurate. I mean not portraying their own personality as leaders. Many leaders are said to have stated well and along the way they felt short of their principles. Most of them are political leaders starting with a good work and then after give up on their ways. If we try looking at former Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe, we shall see that he did really start well and was able to bring some development at first with massive industrial growth, as he did continue on his way, I believe the world saw what happened to Zimbabwe and judge when the country couldn’t value their own currency and using other currencies.

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Well, it is not our responsibility to judge but to correct. Looking at the good and the wrong ones. Anyways, people do express their rights of expressing their needs which is sometimes allowed by the governments. Whereas, governments looking serious about critics do not actually perform their Daly duties. They make people’s life hard and compress their liberty which actually brings the whole truth out. Still, Governments looking negligent to critics do it the simple way, when each one does what he \she fells is right.

This is called a postmodernism era where there is no universal truth, the people or governments to know various ways of responding in those critics.

The first way may be through conversion


in this case one side admits that it is wrong and join the other side. It happens most in religions as Christian’s around the word engage in missionary works to bring some souls to Jesus Christ. Well, governments also do the same, they do chose to bring enough evidence so as they can really convince people that what they are doing is right as they change people’s way of doing things.

Secondly, mutual understanding

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here the two sides chose to mix their own perspectives by either taking the good of each side. This method works for some especially in politics where the Democrats and Republicans chose to challenge their ideas so as to come up with something worth able to support or bring positive change to the community. It may not also apply in some perspective as religion among others.

Thirdly, Mutual separation

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this looks more different from others where by no one is ready to understand someone’s view or perspectives and their chose to simply separate. One side goes on it’s side and an other one to it’s side with their own way of seeing things. There is no cooperation between ideas and people just to say”be on your side having your principles and I will be on my side doing my own principles” Religion does find place in this, let’s say between Christianity or Buddhism, which can also be applied in other cases.

The forth one is Violence

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This is the worse perspectives and I choose to make it the worse. The reason is that it’s involved the use of force to convince someone to accept someone else view. The idea is that you either do it or you do it. Period. There is no negotiation which may cause some clash between people, tribes, ideas and even causing hatred and hardness among the people. It bring s a hard challenge as no side is willing to keep quiet but forcing some other side to accept it’s principles either willingly or unwillingness.

The question is, how would you use your ideas, thoughts or principles to sell your ideas to someone. Will you synergize with him or use force. Will you think of a win-win scenario or just ignore his views as he ignores yours? Will you add something into your life perception by learning something from others or else shall try a level best to convince someone but then not being convinced for the right cause.

These are just few questions and hope that you’ll take sometimes as reflecting on them
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In such a world with diverse opinions of people, it will be a bit difficult to satisfy all peoples desires, therefore as a leader, opting for mutual understanding between parties may lessen on the conflicts around and give a win-win situation. However, as leaders, a good leader must be a servant and must be transparent in all he or she dose. Thanks man, good Post

great...i really appreciate your contribution as we all try to advocate for a win win perspective so as to always give a chance to the other side as he/she tries to express him/herself

Jona love your work and I agree. Power equals influence equals subjection.

ahahah....true. Actually subjevtion makes it better as we all try to hear each other's ideas or opinions.

@jona12 let me thank you for this great work.My opinion
I prefer win win scenario. But It can not be applied for every society because some people don't know what is best to them(ignorance) and sometimes these people really need more than influence. And I'll NEITHER use violence.
Above all win win, if people don't know what is best to them I'll BOOST them to understand instead of PUSH or VIOLENCE

yeah...i do also prefer that. i do treasure listening and always considering other people's ideas. Thus, this couldn't mean that they should be the ones taking decision on our behalf

Thus, this couldn't mean that they should be the ones taking decision on our behalf

Yeah, very true!

I will employ a win-win principle where i value others thoughts and views and seek to learn and understand their beliefs. If there is some thing great in them then why not apply such in my life as well but if it is some thing i don't agree with, i opt to ignore and may be correct in love.

Thanks for sharing.

True. In fact we are all learners and no one should believe as being perfect. If only the world would master this art, then i believe we could be better off

Great post. I don’t believe in violently trying to make people believe in the same concept, besides that will never work because people have their own beliefs. I do believe in respecting each other's right to believe what we want as long as it’s not imposed on others. I suppose am the type that believes in mutual understanding and cooperation to work together because unity has more to offer than separation.

I suppose am the type that believes in mutual understanding and cooperation to work together because unity has more to offer than separation.

I'm also on your side as we all try our level best to make the world a better place.

Natural influence is merely having your message understood.

Seems simple but never to be taken lightly, people will follow a cause, it is in the articulation of said cause that gets followers.

Those that are naturally influential may have no idea why that is so. Being a skilled communicator is half the battle.

Being a skilled communicator is half the battle.

well said. we should know how to use our views to persuade others.

Thanks vote me :)

This post has received a 10.19 % upvote from @boomerang.

Hey! Africa should better watch out there comes a great person ahhh @jona12 you are great there is no power that is not knowledge

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