Cerita Fiksi Tentang Juli Teman Imajinasi Novi (bagian 3) / Fiction Stories About Juli, Novi's Imagination Friends (Part 3)

in #indonesia6 years ago (edited)

Cerita sebelumnya silahkan baca di sini :

Cerita Juli Teman Imajinasi Novi bagian 1

Cerita Juli Teman Imajinasi Novi bagian 2

Dalam tidurnya Novi bermimpi bertemu Juli di sebuah rumah, tepatnya KUA (Kantor Urusan Agama). Juli memakai kemeja lengan panjang warna putih, berdasi, memakai peci hitam dan bersepatu terlihat rapi sekali, aura ketampanan Juli semakin terpancar dari wajahnya yang mulus tanpa sebutir jerawat menempel di pipinya, sedangkan Novi menggunakan kebaya pengantin berwarna putih, berkain batik berwarna cokelat tua, meskipun sederhana tetapi tetap indah dan anggun. Hanya ada sekitar sepuluh orang yang ada di dalam ruangan KUA tersebut. Juli, Novi, ayah Juli yang katanya sudah meninggal, ayah Novi, penghulu, dua orang adik Juli, dua orang tetangga Novi dan satu orang lagi entah siapa mungkin photographer sewaan karena selalu memegang kamera.

Novi tersenyum malu-malu ketika Juli duduk di sampingnya dan mengatakan bahwa Juli sangat mencintai Novi dan ingin segera menikahinya. Ijab kabul dilaksanakan dengan satu kali pengulangan karena Juli sempat lupa menyebutkan nama ayah Novi. Ijab kabul kedua lancar diucapkan oleh Juli dan mereka berdua resmi menjadi sepasang suami-istri. Novi tersenyum bahagia meskipun pernikahannya hanya dilakukan di KUA dan tanpa pesta pernikahan serta tanpa dihadiri oleh keluarga besar Novi. Resmi menjadi isteri Juli saja Novi sudah merasa bahagia karena Novi mulai merasakan getaran cinta yang begitu kuat di hati Novi pada Juli saat Juli mengedipkan matanya sewaktu mereka berdua mencuci piring di rumah Juli.

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Selesai acara ijab kabul, dilanjutkan acara pengajian dan selamatan di rumah Juli dengan mengundang bapak RT, bapak RW dan bapak-bapak tetangga Juli. Selesai acara, para tamu pun pulang, ayah Novi pulang karena ayah Novi sudah ditunggu oleh kakak Novi untuk mengantarnya berangkat kerja. Kakak Novi tidak tahu tentang ini. Dia pasti akan sangat marah jika mengetahui adiknya melangkahinya alias menikah lebih dulu tanpa minta izin restu pada kakaknya. Ayah Juli pamit ingin ke Bogor ke rumah keluarga besarnya untuk mengabarkan pernikahan anak pertamanya. Tinggallah Juli dan Novi berdua di rumah Juli.

Juli segera mengunci pintu rumahnya. Memeluk Novi lalu menggendongnya masuk ke dalam kamar pengantin yang sudah dirapikan dan dihias entah oleh siapa. Juli dan Novi duduk di tepi tempat tidur, Juli tersenyum memandangi wajah Novi sambil mengangatakan dia merasa bahagia dan bersyukur karena bisa menjadi teman hidup Novi meskipun mungkin Novi tidak bisa memiliki Juli seutuhnya karena Juli adalah jiwa suci yang tidak memiliki raga. Meskipun keheranan dengan kalimat Juli, tetapi Novi tetap tersenyum sambil berusaha memahami kata-kata Juli.

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Novi memejamkan kedua matanya saat wajah Juli mendekati wajah Novi dan bibir mereka pun bersentuhan. Novi kaget karena bibir Juli terasa kasar dan asin. Novi segera membuka matanya dan terkejut tiba-tiba ibu Novi sudah berada di hadapannya sambil memegang sepotong ikan asin yang tadi menempel di bibir Novi. Ibu Novi mengomel mengatakan bahwa anak gadis tidak pantas tidur sore-sore hingga menjelang Maghrib.
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Ah... Ternyata hanya mimpi! Novi tertawa sambil menahan kesal pada ibunya karena sudah merusak mimpi indahnya dengan Juli. Novi segera mengambil handuk dan bersiap untuk mandi dan sholat Maghrib. Di dalam kamar mandi Novi masih memikirkan kata-kata Juli di dalam mimpinya tadi. Novi tidak mengerti apa maksud perkataan Juli yang mengatakan bahwa Novi tidak bisa memiliki Juli seutuhnya karena Juli adalah jiwa suci yang tidak memiliki raga.

Siapakah sosok Juli sebenarnya ? Rasa penasaran Novi terus mengganggu pikirannya hingga sholat Maghribnya menjadi tidak khusyuk.


  • English Version :

Previous story please read here :

Juli's story, Novi's imaginary friend part 1

Juli's story, Novi's imaginary friend part 2

In her sleep Novi dreamed of meeting Juli in a house, precisely KUA (Office of Religious Affairs). Juli wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, tie, wearing a black cap and shoes in a neat look, July's good looks more and more emanated from her smooth face without an acne sticking on her cheek, while Novi used a white bridal kebaya, dark brown batik, though simple but still beautiful and graceful. There are only about ten people in the KUA room. July, Novi, Juli's father, who he said had died, Novi's father, the headman, two younger siblings in July, two neighbors Novi and one other person who might be a rented photographer because he always held the camera.

Novi smiled shyly when Juli sat beside him and said that Juli loved Novi very much and wanted to marry her soon. I have done this with one repetition because July had forgotten to mention Novi's father's name. The second term was smoothly spoken by July and they both officially became a married couple. Novi smiled happily even though her marriage was only done at KUA and without a wedding party and without being attended by Novi's extended family. Being officially a wife in July Novi has been happy because Novi began to feel the thrill of love that was so strong in Novi's heart in July when she blinked her eyes when they both washed dishes at the house in July.

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After the Ijab Kabul ceremony, the recitation program and the salvation were held at the house in July by inviting Mr. RT, RW and neighboring fathers in July. After the event, the guests came home, Novi's father returned home because Novi's father had been waiting for her to take her to work. Novi's sister didn't know about this. He would be very angry if he found out his sister stepped over or married first without asking permission from his brother. Juli's father said he wanted to go to Bogor to go to a big family home to preach the marriage of his first child. Leave Juli and Novi both at home in July.

July immediately locked the door of his house. Novi embraced and carried her into the bridal room which had been tidied up and decorated by whom. Juli and Novi sat on the edge of the bed, Juli smiled as she looked at Novi's face while saying she was happy and grateful because she could be Novi's spouse even though maybe Novi could not have the whole of July because July was a holy soul that had no body. Although surprised by the July sentence, Novi kept smiling as she tried to understand the words of Juli.

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Novi closed her eyes as Juli's face approached Novi's face and their lips touched. Novi was shocked because Juli's lips felt rough and salty. Novi immediately opened her eyes and was suddenly surprised Novi's mother was in front of her while holding a piece of salted fish that had been attached to Novi's lips. Mrs. Novi complained that girls were not fit to sleep in the afternoons until the evening of Maghrib.
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Ah ... It turns out it's just a dream! Novi laughed while holding back her mother because she had ruined her beautiful dream with July. Novi immediately took a towel and prepared to take a shower and pray Maghrib. In the bathroom Novi was still thinking about Juli's words in her dream. Novi did not understand what the words of July said that Novi could not have a complete July because July was a holy soul that did not have a body.

Who is the real figure of July? Novi's curiosity continued to disturb her mind until her Maghrib prayer was not focus.


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