Cerita Fiksi Tentang Juli Teman Imajinasi Novi (Bagian 1) / Fictional Story About Juli, Novi's Imaginary Friend (Part 1)

in #indonesia6 years ago (edited)

Siang itu Novi janjian bertemu dengan Juli di teras musholla yang sudah tidak terurus. Banyaknya tempat ibadah di dalam satu kampung membuat musholla tersebut terbengkalai dan dibiarkan begitu saja oleh para jama'ah yang dulu pernah aktif mengisi dan meramaikan musholla dengan kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaan.

Novi pergi dari rumah tanpa berpamitan dengan orang tuanya karena khawatir orang tuanya tidak akan mengizinkannya bertemu dengan teman pria yang baru dikenalnya tersebut. Novi terlihat sangat senang saat melihat Juli sudah duduk menunggunya sedari tadi. Mereka berdua pun berbincang-bincang sebentar sekedar melepas kangen. Novi memang baru satu Minggu mengenal Juli tetapi Novi merasa sudah lama mengenal Juli. Tak ada rasa canggung Novi bercerita kepada Juli tentang semua kegiatannya dan semua rahasianya. Keakraban Novi dan Juli sudah seperti persahabatan yang terjalin selama bertahun-tahun.
Ilustrasi teman imajinasi Novi

Novi pun diajak Juli bermain ke rumahnya. Khawatir kedua orang tua Novi mencarinya. Novi pulang sebentar dan pamit kepada kedua orang tuanya bahwa Novi ingin bermain ke rumah Lili teman mengajinya. Novi terpaksa berbohong pada orang tuanya karena Novi ingin bermain lebih lama di rumah Juli. Mereka berdua pun berjalan melewati kebun, pinggiran kali dan jembatan. Kurang lebih 30 menit berjalan sampailah mereka di rumah Juli. Rumahnya cukup besar namun terlihat sepi dan kurang terawat karena tidak ada siapapun di dalamnya hanya mereka berdua. Juli segera mengajaknya masuk ke dalam rumahnya.

Ilustrasi gitar usang milik Juli
Novi masuk ke dalam rumah Juli dengan perasaan ragu. Juli segera ke dapur untuk mengambil air minum sementara Novi duduk di kursi bambu sambil melihat-lihat sekeliling ruangan. Terdapat satu buah gitar usang di sudut ruang tamu, terdapat dua bingkai kaligrafi terpasang di dinding ruang tamu, ada juga satu bingkai foto Juli terpasang di dinding. Sebuah kalender yang sudah usang masih menempel di dinding, entah tahun berapa karena tulisan angkanya sudah pudar. Satu perangkat pajangan dari keramik berbentuk aneka satwa yang sudah berdebu terlihat menghiasi dinding. Tidak ada lampu listrik di rumah itu, hanya ada beberapa lampu sentir yang menggunakan bahan bakar minyak tanah terpasang di beberapa ruangan. Novi keheranan memandangi perabot rumah yang ada di dalam rumah Juli. Novi berpikir Juli adalah orang yang malas membersihkan rumah terlihat dari banyak debu dan sarang laba-laba di setiap dinding dan perabot rumah. Untuk duduk di kursi bambu saja Novi harus menepis debu yang menempel dengan menggunakan tisu yang ada di saku bajunya.
Ilustrasi lampu sentir di rumah Juli

Juli muncul membawa dua gelas air dan sepiring biskuit. Segelas berisi air putih dan segelas berisi susu cokelat. Novi heran darimana Juli tahu kalau Novi suka sekali biskuit dan susu cokelat? Padahal Novi belum pernah bercerita kalau dia suka susu cokelat dan biskuit. Juli bercerita tentang keadaan rumahnya seolah tahu pertanyaan yang ada di pikiran Novi. Juli berkata bahwa dia jarang pulang ke rumah karena dia mondok (tinggal) di sebuah pesantren di daerah Jawa Timur. Wajar saja rumahnya tidak terawat. Seorang tetangganya yang baik hati selalu rutin mengisi minyak tanah ke dalam lampu sentir yang ada di dinding luar rumahnya agar di malam hari rumah Juli tidak terlalu gelap. Sebelum bertemu dengan Novi, Juli bercerita menyempatkan diri ke warung dekat rumahnya untuk membeli susu,biskuit dan mengisi tabung gasnya yang sudah kosong untuk memasak air. Keheranan Novi akan suasana di rumah Juli sejenak sirna.

Tetapi masih ada satu pertanyaan lagi di kepala Novi yang belum terjawab, di manakah orang tua Juli? Kenapa Juli hanya sendirian di rumah yang cukup besar ini?

  • Juli akan menjawab pertanyaan Novi di postingan berikutnya,hehehe...

Ilustrasi teman imajinasi Novi
Terima kasih sahabat Steemian sudah membaca cerita fiksi ini. Mungkin di lain waktu akan aku lanjutkan ceritanya. Selamat siang dan selamat tahun baru 1440 Hijriyah.

  • English Version :

That afternoon Novi made a pact to meet July on the terrace of the little mosque which had been neglected. The number of places of worship in one village made the little mosque abandoned and left alone by the pilgrims who had previously actively filled and enlivened the little mosque with religious activities.

Novi left home without saying goodbye to her parents for fear that her parents would not allow her to meet the friend of the man she had just known. Novi looks very happy when she sees Juli sitting there waiting for her since. The two of them talked for a while just to release the miss. Novi was only one week to know July but Novi felt that she had known Juli for a long time. There was no awkwardness Novi told Juli about all her activities and all her secrets. The intimacy of Novi and July has been like friendship that has been for years.
illustration of Novi's imaginary friend

Novi was invited by Juli to play at her house. Worried that Novi's parents would look for him. Novi went home for a moment and said goodbye to her parents that Novi wanted to play to the house of Lili, a friend who taught her. Novi was forced to lie to her parents because Novi wanted to play longer at the house in July. The two of them walked past the garden, the edge of the river and the bridge. Approximately 30 minutes walk they arrived at the house in July. The house is big enough but looks quiet and poorly maintained because there is no one in it just the two of them. July immediately invited him into his house.

Obsolete guitar illustrations belonging to July
Novi entered the house in July with a feeling of doubt. July immediately goes to the kitchen to take drinking water while Novi sits on a bamboo chair while looking around the room. There is one old guitar in the corner of the living room, there are two calligraphy frames mounted on the living room wall, there is also a July photo frame mounted on the wall. An old calendar is still stuck on the wall, no matter what year because the writing number has faded. A display device of ceramics in the form of various animals that are already dusty is seen adorning the walls. There were no electric lights in the house, there were only a few light lamps that used kerosene fuel installed in some rooms. Novi wondered at the furniture in the house in July. Novi thinks that July is a lazy person cleaning the house seen from lots of dust and cobwebs on every wall and furniture. To sit on a bamboo chair, Novi had to brush off the dust that was stuck by using a tissue in her shirt pocket.
illustration of the sentir lamp at the July house

July appeared carrying two glasses of water and a plate of biscuits. A glass of water and a glass of chocolate milk. Novi wondered how Juli knew that Nobi loved biscuits and chocolate milk? Even though Novi had never told her that she liked chocolate milk and biscuits. Juli told me about the situation of her house as if she knew the question in Novi's mind. Juli said that he rarely returned home because he stayed at a pesantren (school) in East Java. Naturally, the house is not maintained. A kind-hearted neighbor always routinely fills kerosene into a sentir lamp on the outside wall of his house so that at night the house in July is not too dark. Before meeting Novi, Juli said that she took the time to go to a shop near her house to buy milk, biscuits and fill the empty gas canisters to cook water. Novi's surprise about the atmosphere at home for a moment was gone.

But there is still one more question in Novi's head that hasn't been answered, where is the him parents July? Why is July only alone in this big enough house?

  • July will answer Novi's question in the next post, hehehe ...

illustration of Novi's imaginary friend
Thank you friend Steemian for reading this fiction story. Maybe next time I will continue the story. Good afternoon and happy new year 1440 Hijriyah.

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