Love Story : Roki is very happy with her love [Indo-Eng]

in #indonesia6 years ago (edited)

Hai para sahabat esteemian semuanya...

Ini adalah lanjutan kisah Roki dalam mencari cinta sejatinya, bagaimana Roki mempeetahankan cintanya yang baru saja tumbuh.


Setelah kejadian itu, Roki sangat bahagia, sehingga terkadang Roki seyum-seyum sendiri dan sering melamun, hal ini dusebabkan oleh cintanya yang sudah diterima. Semenjak hari itu, Roki sudah sering singgah kerumah sang kekasih hatinya, bahkan dia hampir lupa pulang kerumah sebab asik ngobrol dengan calon keluarga barunya.

Hal ini terus berjalan dan Roki merasa hidupnya lebih berarti dan merasa bahwa cinta sejatinya telah dia temukan. Hati Roki terasa selalu rindu untuk sekedar melihat wajah cantik wanita idamannya, swhingga hal ini membuat Roki mencari jalan agar bisa sesering mungkin bertemu dengan pujaannya.

Sehingga Roki mengambil kesimpulan untuk merapatkan hubungannya dengan saudar laki-laki cewek tersebut, agar dia punya alasan untuk bisa sering kerumah bahkan bisa tidur dirumah itu, tentunyan dengan saudara laki-laki ceweknya.

Dan ternyata Roki berhasil dengan sempurna, sehingga rumah itu sudah bagai rumah sendiri, dan sangat sering Roki makan siang dirumah gadis pujaannya, dan Roki sangat senang sebab hampir setiap hari dia bisa bertemu dengan pujaan hatinya, walaupun dia tidak ngobrol, bagi Roki sekedar bisa melihat seyuman manis di wajahnya itu membuat Roki sangat bahagia.

Kisah selanjutnya adalah musibah yang menimpa cinta Roki.



All the esteemian friends ...

This is a continuation of Roki's story in finding his true love, how Roki holds his love that has just grown.

After the incident, Roki was very happy, so sometimes Roki was as alone as he was and often daydreamed, this was caused by his love that had been received. Since that day, Roki has often stopped at his lover's house, even he almost forgot to go home because it was cool to chat with his new prospective family.

This continues and Roki feels his life is more meaningful and feels that his true love has been found. Roki's heart always longs to just see the beautiful face of her ideal woman, so this makes Roki look for a way to meet her idol as often as possible.

So Roki draws conclusions to strengthen his relationship with the girl's brother, so he has reason to be able to often his house even to be able to sleep in that house.

And it turned out that Roki had succeeded perfectly, so that the house was like his own house, and very often Roki had lunch at the house of his idol girl, and Roki was very happy because almost every day he could meet his idol, even though he didn't talk, Roki could only see the sweet smile on his face made Roki very happy.

The next story is the disaster that befell Roki's love.

Best Regards @albuluhi


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