in #india7 years ago (edited)

Still related to my last post on the Steemit in Nigeria (S.I.N) Conference, and borrowing some points from that post, let me start this post by saying....

"Why settle for half bread when you can get full bread or even own a bakery?"

This is a limiting belief that positions you to settle for less, and it is a mediocre philosophy.

I love to travel, and I needed extra income, so that I can spend on my travel tours.


It has always been in my mind to go for African Jungle Safari, and so Law of Attraction which states that “positive thought and requesting the heart's desire will cause those things to manifest in your life,” worked for me. So with one click on the Telegram link of a Nigerian community that changed everything for me, from the mediocre thinking of earning, I started my steemit journey.

I joined the telegram based community accidentally. As an introvert by nature, I was skeptical about the Nigerians in the group. But keeping all the biasness aside, I wanted to be in the group so that I can learn from the group and grow on the steemit platform, as I knew it is a social platform with a difference.

So, I am an Indian, who is part of a Nigerian community in steemit. Initially, after registration on steemit, I just followed people as per the instructions of admins on the telegram group. I was very reluctant to write.

I started out with posts of only three or four lines, with a good picture. These lines increased day by day, and I realized that as long as you understood the thought of what to post, then there was no need to worry about anything.

Some people find it winsome and attractive because you are doing your very best to express your perspective, and sharing your knowledge and having an amazing attitude helps them do something positive for you, thus giving you a positive outcome in return.

I have a firm foundation on steemit with the help of the Nigerian community and their guidance, assistance, support, respect and love. I have grown fond of Nigerians through the friendship and association I have built with them. I support the Steemit in Nigeria (S.I.N) initiative because I believe it would help boost Nigerian participation on the steemit platform and help to create a paying and earning opportunity for many creative Nigerians in the country.


This is a small world. For me, if only we could follow similar belief systems in the real world, earth would be a better place to live in, and there would be no opportunity for terrorism and racism.

We are connected heart to heart. There is no age, no gender, no colour, no faith, no nationality in my Inner Chamber Telegram group; we care about each other’s feelings, even though we haven’t met physically. I also have close interaction and bonds with few of the members in the group even though our culture is totally different.

Few of the favourite Nigerian words I’ve learnt from the group community when my group members converse with each other are ‘Boo Boo’, ‘JAJAJA’, ‘Kilode’ and ‘Ma’. Yes, the word Ma is also common in Hindi, and the literal translation is Mother.

A few illustrations wherein I felt our connection was when I posted on the “3 idiots”, and about the Pangong Lake. I got to know that Nigerians are fans of Bollywood, especially the Three idiots movie, which is among their favourite. @kingxy specifically admitted that.

Why do people follow you? Does physical appearance matter or do you have to be extraordinary or supernatural? I think the answer is no, to all these questions. I did just few things in the group and I realized that it’s just too good to be you in life, because your character matters.

Simply being kind could make a difference.
You will attract people who got the same mindset as yours.
There could be times that you have low votes but keep going with your good work.
Being fun loving and optimistic is an icing on the cake.
When you post varieties of things that are beneficial and interesting for all, you can earn loyal followers and friends which will keep the connection going.

All these made me so close to all the Nigerians in the group it would be unfair to quote only some names, but I love each and every one. I try to see things from every ones point of view, so that I can gel with them. I ask for opinion from admins like @dreamchasser, @dorth, @diskorvery, @drepo15, etc. I cannot forget @bitfairy, because pulling my legs in a friendly argument with him about being a vegan and non-vegans, activated the group. I also recall @ceepee complaining late night in the group when she earned less than $5 and about people not upvoting.

For me, patience has always been the ultimate key whenever I didn’t get any upvote from any member. Initially when we were new in the group, I used to keep boundaries; as I was skeptical about new groups and people because I didn’t want any unwanted bug to crawl over me. But now, being on this platform for three months, I don’t feel like that anymore. I feel at home with all of them. Although I appreciated members when they got any whale upvote, but then I often cried secretly like “why not my post….Nigerian whales are too partial.” But I was in culture shock at that time in the virtual world of Nigeria and my real world India. But I love both.

I just tried to be a little coachable. I just tried to submit myself to someone who has acquired more success than you. Among our group were @ceepee (the whale magnet), @datageek with lots of whale upvote and complicated data post, @rickie the great writer and poet.....I am indebted to him, as my special editor too.

This virtual world of mine may not be perfect as in the real world. Amidst our struggles to make a living in life, there are forces that keep us from moving forward. In our group, we learn from our mistakes, like when we get upvotes from cheetah and then we try again. Or when we feel the burden on our shoulders, we find ways to unload the pain. These are the things that wake me up every morning making me feel excited of what is in store for me.

I like knowing other people’s culture and their way of living. I really don’t know how all these experiences can be written in a post. But it is fun to go back to those old memories of three months ago. Sometimes my non-violent, gentle behavior attracted them the most I think.

I want this group to be a happy, motivated place where we are free to engage and say whatever is in our mind. A place where, if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic and distant you may be, you can feel free to speak and not have the fear of being judged.

For us in the group, there was a stage of no profit in steemit. Then with little courage, and with investments, I got to the stage of breaking even and hoping now to get into Profit making.

You know you have fallen in love, when you can’t fall asleep because dream is finally better than reality. I think I am in love with this my Inner Chamber community; as chatting on the group goes on till morning sometimes.

I have people in my Nigerian Telegram community who really care and love me, and that is one of the reason I stayed, other than the financial rewards.

This is a social media technology where we can have freedom of expression, and getting paid with the virtual currency but can be turned to real cash. My English isn’t good and also I am not a writer. I learned how to write when I joined steemit. Even till now, I don’t have so much confidence in writing, but the message I got from the people here, is moving and it helps me stay motivated to write something and help the community even in the smallest possible way.

Thanks for visiting my blog. My posts take a good amount of time to create. So, I would appreciate your feedback.

If you like this post, kindly Upvote it. Thanks.

You can follow me @geetasnani to stay updated with my blog posts.

Please Upvote and Resteem to share with others.


You are a great person, I want to acknowledge your extra effort in making sure the community stand firm, Im thanking you publicly lol for your commitment and dedication. Your attitude and relationship level suits us so well in the community.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, experience and culture with us with you I learnt so much about India and I plan on visiting India, you have been a valuable member of our team. Your commitment to our community and it's project is second to none, I remember the string you pull when we at a centre account crossroad.
I appreciate you supporting and representing us all the time. You have a winner’s attitude
Your commitment to excellence has inspired us all, your attention to detail puts you at the top lol. Namastey with gesture

Thanx DC my efforts will always will be there to make the group lively after all it is my virtual world if it is going dead anytime.. Sorry I am very naughty sometimes

I was caught by the intro, couldn't stop reading till the end. This is a beautiful piece geet.
Remember how pleased you were the day I called you that, was as if we were childhood friends.

Our community really transcends borders, yeah you are Indian but it's funny because I only seemed to remember that when planning our schedule so we don't call on you to post when you should be

We are one big happy family because it's all a matter of understanding the next person. There are no two exact humans, even identical twins exposed to the same environment end up as different personalities. It's all about UNDERSTANDING. We enjoy steemit and have made dear friends in the process.

Growth is never at the same rate but we are all definitely growing on this platform. With the bond amongst us and the help of our gracious whale friends, we'll also get there.

Cheers geet, really enjoyed '3 Idiots' it opened a door into Bollywood for me.

Thank you so much doc for your reply ..i was awaiting your reply.!!1... we are childhood friends indeed..because we are still children here in steemit exploring and enjoying...u watched that movie after my post ?is it?

Love the Idea of still being children, always wish for that carefree and trust filled life.
Actually watched the movie about 7 yrs ago.

This is real wonderful piece of article @geetasnani.

You are indeed a wonderful person.

You added more colour diversity to the group.

Your patience, tolerance and understanding are just outstanding.

I see in you a wonderful team player which I think is a great asset to community building.

Where we are today is as a result of our collective vision, determination, strength and fortitude.

Many thanks also to the unrelenting pursuit of this vision by @dreamchasser.

I'm glad you love the SIN idea which I think is worth of emulation by any growth-expectant community.

Thank you so much m'am.

We are glad to have you.

Wow thank u so much for your good words... I wanted ur commented thank u admin for ur untiring hard work towards the group... The back stage hard workers in our group...

You should come to Nigeria, the people totally rock. Nice write-up. I think you should tag Nigeria so the good people of the country should see this too. Namaste

I think so too.

I will.. Sure

Haha Thanx for your appreciation fairy...

Another master piece from my favourite Indian @geetasnani.
You are an amazing person. Glad to know you.
I await your visit to will probably not want to go back to India...Lolz.

Haha will love to visit but I love my India... Thanx for everything

Good narrative. Good luck in your voyage with Nigerians.

Thank you so much for the wishes

My oh my, i am short of words. What a description of @ceepee. Smiles....i love you girl and you know what i would have done if i could take up all the sp of the whales, i will upvote you at 100%. Glad to know you feel at home. You are sweet and have a good heart.

Thank you....Compliment from the whale magnet I love it.

I am happy to know you have found a home with the Nigerians community connected by steemit. You know, we love you.

Although I appreciated members when they got any whale upvote, but then I often cried secretly like “why not my post….Nigerian whales are too partial.”

Everyone sure has that time they had that thought. Why shouldn't blocktrades visit me The good thing is we're moving closer to the goal.

Wow this post is I don't even know what to say or where to start. But let me start by picking up parts of the post

Law of Attraction which states that “positive thought and requesting the heart's desire will cause those things to manifest in your life,” worked for me

Firstly this is very true! I can personally testify to this

I joined the telegram based community accidentally. As an introvert by nature, I was skeptical about the Nigerians in the group. But keeping all the biasness aside, I wanted to be in the group so that I can learn from the group and grow on the steemit platform, as I knew it is a social platform with a difference.

I gave me immeasurable joy to know that we successfully changed that wrong mindset

Few of the favourite Nigerian words I’ve learnt from the group community when my group members converse with each other are ‘Boo Boo’, ‘JAJAJA’, ‘Kilode’ and ‘Ma’. Yes, the word Ma is also common in Hindi, and the literal translation is Mother

And lastly this cracked me up really hard. We love u @geetasnani and pray the relationship only gets better

Thank you so much for reading and highlighting... Ur favorite lines from my post:)

It was my pleasure:)

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