The Death of The Narrative (Friday Poets' Poetry Exchange)

in #imaginarium6 years ago (edited)

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The Disembodied Poetics of Perception and The Disinherited Mind. All being is ungrounded. That central assertion of existentialism — that existence precedes essence — is not one that we’d like to challenge. Much of Jean Baudrillard’s book seems to react directly with today’s headlines, of the collapse of ‘consensus reality’ (or the sense that there is one), into the event horizon. Consider this passage of Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation,

…even the Pendulum is a false prophet. You look at it, you think it’s the only fixed point in the cosmos. but if you detach it from the ceiling of the Conservatoire and hang it in a brothel, it works just the same. And there are other pendulums: there’s one in New York, in the UN building, there’s one in the science museum in San Francisco, and God knows how many others. Wherever you put it, Foucault’s Pendulum swings from a motionless point while the earth rotates beneath it. Every point of the universe is a fixed point: all you have to do is hang the Pendulum from it.

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Each torpid turn of the world has
such disinherited children,
to whom no longer what's been,
and not yet what's coming, belongs

This Is Not A Game, Reality is A False Flag,
The Alternate Reality Game Of The Real

We Have Weaponize Fiction,
But How Do We Monetize Truth?


(Note: Updated, Remastered for 24hrImaginarium and Friday Poets' Poetry Exchange)

The Death of The Narrative

This is The Death of The Narrative!
Because there are moments in history,
When things become fluid,
When patterns change,
And in these moments,
The actions of even a single person,
can make a huge difference.

Change the course of Human History
This is Evolution, Not Revolution.

What's Wrong with us?
I mean each and everyone of us, fucking Humanity

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It's the Artist task to save the soul of mankind.
Because if the Artist cannot find the way,
then the way cannot be found.

This is The Death of The Narrative,
Because for far too long, We have been leaded by
the least among us, the dull, uninspiring, the fake ass minds.
Only talking about the bullshit reality

For far too long, The Artists that have had the loudest Mic,
have said nothing truly deep, nothing fucking Real

So I gotta say this, Fuck You Kanye
You once said "I am Warhol. I am the No.1, Most impactful artist
of our generation. I am Shakespeare in the flesh" Yeezus please...

You can't hold a candle to Saul who said
"Kanye wishes he can make an album like mines"
and once told me in a dream
"Why can't you say something deep and have a dope ass beat"

You once proclaimed "I AM GOD", So I got to say this,
I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time.
Beside have you ever read Nietzsche?
God is fucking Dead! Myth Is Dead; Long Live Myth!

Jay-Z once said "I dumbed down my lyrics and doubled my sales"
This is the moment when our artist dropped the Mic,
and we all lost our way.

It's a false equivalent to think album sales equals
the impact, relevance and importance

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This is the Death of The Narrative
Because haven't you heard,
The Artist's task is to save the soul of humanity,
Anything else is dithering while America Burns

Because self-proclamations, selling white T-shirts
at 150 bucks a pop in the streets, and over produced confusion,
dumbing down of lyrics to boost sales,
is in direct odds against this, against US, against Humanity!

Because sometimes people don't want to hear the truth,
Because they don't want their illusions destroyed.


I’m looking at lyricism as coding.
I’m looking for an algorithm.
I’m looking to streamline ideas
and be able to express them in ways
that speak directly to the core
and essence of something that we all already know
and that we are already connected to

I’m trying to push buttons at times,
and when things turn so ugly, that becomes crucial.
It becomes urgent to be able to speak
right to the core of something.
To be able to shape words or
ideas into lance-like bullets that punctures
and punctuates a moment, that can
inspire or insight something in someone.
And allows them to flip that switch and go,
‘You know what? This is bullshit.
What the fuck am I participating in? What the fuck is going on here?’


I'm not upset that you(America) lied to me,
I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you(America)

Once In a dream, Saul Williams told me
Why can't you say something deep and have a dope ass beat?
So Am digging up All the Dead Philosophers
And dragging their Ideas thru the streets.

Because whoever fights the monster, has to make sure
that they don't become the monster in the process
If you gaze long enough into the abyss,
The abyss will gaze back into you.

You must have chaos within you, to give birth to a dancing star.
And those who were seen dancing, were thought to be insane
by those who could not hear the music

Because we should considers everyday lost,
on which we have not dance at least once


This is The Death of Narrative
Fuck what Obama said, Fuck what Trump did
Am digging up All the Dead Philosophers,
And dragging their Ideas thru the streets.

Because the Man of Knowledge must be able
not only to love his enemies, but also to hate his friends.

The surest way to corrupt the youth is to instruct them
to hold in higher esteem those who think alike
than those who think differently.

The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die.
As well the minds which are prevented from changing
their opinions, they cease to be mind.

That which does not kill us, only makes us stronger.
We are attacked by ideas, that have dead long, long ago.

Every deep thinker is more afraid being understood
then of being misunderstood

Thoughts are the shadows of feelings,
always darker, emptier and simpler.


This is The Death of The Narrative
Fuck what Obama said, Fuck what Trump did
And find your Warrior Spirit and get here
Beyond Good and Evil, Beyond all Ideology, Beyond Individuality

If you're a Human Being you belong to this earth,
stand up for your Mother, and with Humanity
If you can't make it, sing for them, pay attention everyday,
spread the truth and dance for them wherever you are.
The Powers that be, have the money, the government and police.
But we have the truth, love, poetry and the numbers.

This is The Death of The Narrative
Fuck what Obama said, Fuck what Trump Did.
Art, Poetry and Resistance
It is Art that will set you free....

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The Death of The Narrative, written and performed by Satorid (OG Version)
Set to Jidenna "Long Live the Chief" instrumental.


Wow ... El ritmo de tu poema me deja sin aliento. La voz tiene un tono aplastante con verdades crudas que, normalmente, la humanidad evade. Me encanta este tipo de poesía de carácter fuerte, cumple su objetivo: sacudirnos. Buen trabajo, @satorid .

gracias mi amigo

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