The 24hr Imaginarium on June 6th.

in #art6 years ago


Two years ago on June 6th Dale 'The Wild Card' and Nikki started the 24hr Imaginarium.

A social experiment... Do thoughts matter? ARE thoughts matter?

How tangible are they?

What happens when imaginations are focused when they're intentional?

What if a handful of minds (or more) got together in an Imaginarium for 24 hours and focused on ideas.... that forward humanity?

A handful of members, participate in a 24 hour Imaginarium. Created an intention, arrange speakers in their environment, turned the volume up and breathe in sync to get creative juices flowing.

After the event, a few core members thought, why not make the Imaginarium Infinite.

In the great tradition of the undying creative spirit of humanity, this June 6th we are carrying on with the 24hr Imaginarium. And bring it to steemit!

To be a part of the 24hr Imaginarium, just simply feed the imagination for 24 hours, or whatever amount of time you can.


Go nuts with whatever your calling is, take the day off or take a long lunch, or find a way at work, school, with family, friends or on a date to create; paint, sing, meditate, write poetry, empty your mind, provoke thoughtful conversations, whatever sparks your imagination.

What are you thinking? What are Great Ideas that get your Imagination to run wild? How do you express authentic self?

We have plenty critics, rather what the world needs now is more visions and different kinds of visions. For its the Artist task to save the soul of humankind. Be a Creator, have some fun, connect, collaborate and create.


Please use #Imaginarium, to share all your creative, inspirational and Imaginarium post.

We will also be having a live stream creative hangout on dlive, please comment below to enjoy the fun.

The Preamble: We The Imaginarium

(A Poetic Vision Statement)

The Infinite Imaginarium Invokes the Power of Three,

unleashing the power of expression, versatility and pure ecstasy of creativity

Pulling from the wisdom of the Past, Present, and Future.

Re-Writing the Story for Humanity.

Re-Programming the Operating System for Society




Our Mantra is

Connect - Collaborate - Create

This is media as art

And art as transformation

This is media as cultural resistance

and a path to social change

This is Media not for revolution

but rather for evolution

We are creating an ecology of ideas,

for inspiration, transformation, and manifestation

Where beauty has a chance to grow

Because at the end of History

it will be beauty that sets consciousness free.


this sounds inexhaustively powerful and awesome......resteemed. I think I'll just focus on imagining THIS concept growing for now.....

awesome thanks! thats what its all about, there is a lot of magic in the collective attention, small and wide... sending ripples throughout consciousnesss

Sounds amazing!

thanks, you tune in, jump in, or do your own thing, create anything really, use the hashtag, and we'll see what beauty leaks out... so far I got @sexdeathrebirth signed up and @adammilwardart, with my partner in crime Nikki for june 6th so already shaping up for some madness

I'm gonna try and join in. See you in a day!

cool i'll make sure you tag you and send you a message. I saw you make these lil videos, I got this collaborative game "The Dead Spoken Word Society", so i'm making video edits of spoken word poems, and making a visual mixtape, that i'll post at the end of 24hr imaginarium or a lil bit after. but if you want to play, link some of your visuals, and music, I can put them into the mix, hey if you got a spoken word poem, that would be cool, if not the visuals and music will be fine, I got some 'dead' poems I can dust off and see what magic leaks out (just a thought, no pressure)

Wait so technically to take part i can do my own thing creatively and report back to you the next day?

yup, actually that's kind of the main thing just spend some time doing something creative, or reflective, by yourself or small group.

So Like Satorid's 24hr imaginarium, is that I'm gonna produce video mashup leading up to 6th to spark people to be creative from past hangouts and shows, remaster our greatest hits. and also I am working on a couple of new poems that I will post, and then have the live streaming creative hangout, which is really open to anyone. I currently have @sexdeathrebirth, @adammilwardart and @megboardman signed up for the 24hr Imaginarium live stream, just creative brainstorming session. Depending on the interest it might be one or two shows for about 2-3 hours.

So that what am planning to do, inviting people to join my fun or they can do there own thing, and report back that day or any day after, and use #imaginarium as one of the tags

and that's it

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