Using Intellectual Fanatics to Discover the Flaws in any Ideology, Idea or Concept | Part 2 of 2


We need to remember that most ideologies and worldviews rest on the interdependence of their own assumptions and arguments.

Catch up on part 1 of this series

Ideologies are built on unstable foundations

For our aforementioned example, an "interdependance of arguments and assumptions" would mean:

IF the theory of biological evolution is true, the Earth cannot be 6000 years old. Were we somehow able to satisfactorily prove to ourselves that it WAS 6000 years old then the whole idea of biological evolution would go down the drain - because there hasn't been enough time for it to work as the theory requires enormous amounts of time to justify how one species evolved to another.

And while there could be many more arguments to consider, you will see that you often need to find the catch in merely a few of them - sometimes only in one of them that the whole theory rests on - and the whole worldview will fall apart all by itself, like a row of dominos.

A mighty timesaver if you want to get a decent overview about all these topics that move and intrigue you.


I also want to remind everyone that there are way more options of seeing reality than either of the two I have mentioned here and that we are constantly presented with: Falling into the trap of either being an Atheist OR a Christian is not the answer unless you really think it is. In my view these dichotomies are precisely where the people that set up these ideologies want us to get lost in once more. If you're unsure still - don't subscribe to a whole new package, no matter how shiny it is.

Finding the catch can take years, even if you look where the critics are pointing. Even the best case against something can manage to overlook essential flaws, so it can only be a starting point for your research, never the last word - especially when we are exploring complex models.

In my studies I have found both Atheism and Christianity to be gravely flawed and insufficient to explain or even describe what reality is or how it came to be, though the study of both sides gave me lots of 'aha' moments and hints to a more likely version of what might be going on.

But that's not the point of this article ;)

The point is to show you how useful it can be to listen to the opponents of an idea with an open mind and take from them what you can use, instead of blindly following anyone's preconceived systems of concepts.

Debates are exceptionally well-suited for this task because not only will you get a feel for the people involved, the people on both sides will also have to try and counter the "best arguments" of the other side live and in front of an audience! Which surprisingly fails so often that you start to wonder why anybody actually believes all this jazz uncritically if the "expert" cannot even give a single solid argument, apart from the age-old "but the majority agrees that it is so" :)

Which is a political argument at best, not a scientific one. It could merely prove that the brainwashing for the matter in question has been hugely successful, and not that the majority got it right.

It seldomly does, because the majority is pretty much always led by someone or something.


Make use of people's fanaticism which they hold to be virtuous

So today, when I want to be kept up to date with the latest 'official' news from, say, the Vatican and their shenanigans... do I go look for it? Do I read the papers? Do I search youtube aimlessly? Do i ask around in my local church?


I check a few of my favorite channels of totally devout atheists who made it their mission to present any current developments in institutions and groups they consider to be hopelessly flawed, stupid and absolutely false - despite my having ditched atheism years ago. Most atheists laugh at the very idea of "god", magic, exorcisms, spirits and all these concepts that are frankly absurd and outrageous to them. And I have once seen it exactly like them before experience and discernment taught me otherwise. But every one of us has to make his own discoveries or else we are led by other people again, which is what got us into the confusion in the first place.

You gotta lead yourself. Nobody knows the truth, especially not the ones who claim they do. At least thats my current working dogma ;)

The same goes for many devout bible believers I have met and talked to in my life that would often disregard glaring inconsistencies within their worldview just to be able to hang on to it, and try to convert me regardless of my valid objections. Not to mention the underlying energetics and deeply rooted concepts that make a "good christian" - many of these concepts being absolutely poisonous for a good life (like the concept of "original sin" for example).


Static fronts invite you to stay in the middle to get somewhere

Ideological battles are the worst. And this is probably the only downside to sitting through hours of watching a number of people deride and ridicule something they think is outrageous: You have to deal with endless self-agrandizement and SMIRK MARATHONS of an ego-ridden human being who is deeply convinced to totally know the truth of it all.

But it's a price worth paying if you want to avoid an eternity of studying merely one field of inquiry, and you will quickly find fair and less-arrogant people who just try their best to talk about concrete arguments despite their conviction that they are right. It's not so much about what we think we know, but about learning where we can find out whether it is likely or not.

And why.

There is no need to be angry at people who hold a different truth to be reality than yourself - if you consider them your allies while remaining neutral you can not only build bridges amongst the rival factions, but you will also get to the actual truth of any matter much more quickly than the advocates of either side.


For that reason, I always bookmark the champions that I jive with who are advocating anything strongly - because they constantly act as my lookouts for any new developments in the area they have sworn to fight against. And even if I disagree with their own stance on reality and truth completely, I surely can be appreciative of all their hard work they are doing FOR me in keeping me up to date about what is going on inside their ideological battlefield.

Timesavers indeed, and they are always good for a giggle when they present their own unrecognized assumptions as "the truth" with a glorious smirk of naiveté ;) Ahahahaha

You will find out anything you need to know as long as you trust yourself and as long as you keep the connection open to those who you disagree but jive with. Among them there will be many great allies for your own search for the truth. Everyone moves at their own tempo and there is no point in criticizing them for it when we could make use of their... limited scope and tireless efforts ;)

And looking back through your own worldviews and ideas you have already left behind you you will feel genuine compassion for those who still see it that way, instead of hating them for their 'stupid beliefs'.

We all thought Santa was real... for a while.
Don't hate the kids for not knowing any better <3


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Thanks for stopping by <3


Any story needs conflicting beliefs. People make stories about right and wrong based on things they can't explain without theology or theory. Time creates an opportunity for trial and error as humanity tries to "figure it out" their whole lives. Like being marooned on an island, we solidify our beliefs and shut our hearts to opinions who desire to shatter our work.

I think it's awesome that your articles make me think less about good vs bad, or right vs wrong. Every side has both. It is definitely better to pick and choose from every side and become proficient in listening to who the universe sends our way, because ultimately there are lessons to every encounter if we're observing and learning. I missed reading your articles as somehow they disappeared from my feed, so I looked you up and Im glad I did! Hope you have a great day!

Thanks my friend! I am putting a lot of my time into making music lately and incidentally my spirit for wiritng got restarted recently, as I accepted that I better talk about what's in my view today instead of constantly talking about old stories in some ego-ridden mission to retell my whole story.
It's been months and many of the things I wanted to write about I have. Now it's all going forward and universe responded instantly <3

I keep checking your feed regularly as well and always enjoy it. Much love to you my friend!

I have been pondering these exact same things.
My "absolute" theory stands here as well, theologians and atheists are both right and wrong. Both ideologies have truths in their argument, yet are perceived opposites.

Great to meet you @darkpurplelight and thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I agree completely. And I am totally willing to change my mind - if only somebody could make a convincing case to me. But it's always either this or that, and since both sides have so many holes it seemed essential to take from each side what works and discard the rest - for now.

What happened?

Was it my words about you being undervalued ( or did I just think that? ) that got heard? Or did you go bak to being you again? ;>)

No matter what it was, I'm glad to see that you finally got some recognition, financials success again on here.

You deserve it ❤

Much like you I got presented with a cosmic offer to reconsider and I said YES. So one day later here we are ;)
The moment I get back in writing to what is really important to me the universe responded. <3
Nope I didn't think about being undervalued, just wanting to get back to what is important to me and getting off my ego mission to talk about stories long past.^^

That's awesome buddy!

I get you with the "Ego mission of talking about stories long past".

I've been there, done that. Feel good about it at times. Not to brag just to help others out when I can by sharing my experience. I'm sure you're like that too.

I feel there are other ways though to make use of the past and am still figuring out the details ( responding to other people's questions, starting conversations or doing interviews for instance - more interaction and more audio perhaps? ). Would love to brainstorm with you on this one day...

P.S. I talked about the past today but it was the recent past and definitely with good intentions :>)

Congratulations on the selection by @curie for a fine article.
"You gotta lead yourself" (A worthwhile suggestion) and an idea of which I too find great value within.

Have a happy day.

Many regards, @averageoutsider

I feel so grateful that the article contained some ideas of value to the community. And I greatly appreciate your continued attention and support, thank you so much <3
A happy day to you as well

Well, I enjoy a lot of your writing, but sometimes forget to check my feed for 'new' posts...or they get buried too quickly requiring a long 'scrolling' effort.

Best Regards,

In regards to atheism, I think that some distinction must be made between the people who would say "I don't believe in a god" and the ones who would say "I believe there is no god." It is a small difference but it is an important one. The former doesn't make any claim while the latter does. Neither the first or second or anyone else can say to a certainty what the reality is so all claims have to be seen as dubious. The first atheist has no belief to speak of they just aren't going to take anyone's word for it. The second, on the other hand, actively disbelieves and that can be viewed as a belief in itself.

I do agree that most people seem to be blind to the flaws in their own view of the world. It is painful to be wrong for a lot of people and admitting fault to the self takes a level of intellectual honesty that has to be cultivated. One has to learn that it is okay to be wrong and changing a flawed position is a sign of strength and not a weakness.

Religious people I have met for the most part know they are religious - christians, moslems, etc. They might belief so strongly in their view that they handle it as truth but they are keenly aware that it is their FAITH.
Most atheists I encountered however claimed to not belief anything but to simply know the truth.

So what you have written here ("Neither the first or second or anyone else can say to a certainty what the reality is so all claims have to be seen as dubious.") is already at a high and neutral level of discernment in my book and I often wish atheists I meet would be fair like that. I myself wasn't, I was a fanatic in my atheist times ;)

I mainly stumbled upon the idea that atheism in itself can be considered a religious faith when I dared to test the basic assumptions of modern science for their validity. And it turns out most things that atheists' argumentation rests on are not certain at all, but metaphysical and theoretical in nature, which turned my world upside down and made me consider other options.

I also think the image of "a god" leads to many confusions and rightful rejection. We are not forced to simply take the christian's image of "a god" for the proposition in question, but as a linearly oriented society we always do that. So I am fully with the atheist who doubts the existence of A god (as in a personalised entity with an agenda). The idea of god may be something totally else than what we in the West generally assume. So I tend to avoid the word in conversations because it conjures up more confusion than clarity, namely a fixed image of what god supposedly is.

Actively disbelieving has always served me well, but the shift came when I dared to apply the same methodology to what I an as atheist held to be absolutely certain. And everything changed for me.

I have always said that people who claim to know these types of things to a certainty are either misinformed or lairs lol.

There are bad actors on all sides of this issue. Some non-believers can be quite forceful. I have lived in some deeply Christian areas and have seen them be rather aggressive and confrontational as though someone not believing is a personal insult to them. There was once a big "to do" in a class I took. The professor pointed out that many stories in the bible are very clearly adapted from other mythologies which is not incorrect (the nativity story borrows heavily from the birth of Hercules, for example)but a student took this statement as an "attack" and went as far as to demand an apology because someone made an accurate statement. In some parts of the world one can be killed for not believing or believing the wrong thing.

The way I view this is that it doesn't really matter. In practice, whatever god someone does or doesn't think is real changes very little in his or her day to day life. The important thing (to me anyway) is that people don't force things on others and that is a lesson both believers and non-believers need to learn.

I agree completely!
I love the argument that whoever tends to defend his own position recklessly may deep down not be sure about his convictions at all ;)

Have said it before and I'll say it again: Nobody knows what's up on Earth ;9

Where can we speak?

Discord this afternoon? Will go on in an hour or so. Today is music day here but I will always take some time out for ya brother

Definitely. Add me there when you can :) I need to tell you something

Not sure if you got my request.
"Your message could not be delivered because you don't share a server with the recipient or you disabled direct messages on your shared server, recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends, or you were blocked by the recipient."

Try with enjoyinglife #0655 :)

Did and I got ya, it just will not let me connect.
Send me an invite to one of your servers here?

Maybe we go the other way around?^^
Paradigm Prospector#5671

Yeah definitely. I'll add you soon as I get there ;)

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Thank you so much <3 <3

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