The introduction of cryptocurrencies in the social network using the Social Wallet!

in #ico6 years ago

Снимок экрана 2018-04-19 в 17.19.45.png

Humanity does not stand still, and is constantly evolving, so every year we are available to new technologies and innovations. If you delve into the past, we can recall a lot of bright discoveries that man came up with. And all of them are more focused on improving the quality of life. For example, when people invented the Internet and social media, it opened up tremendous opportunities for all of us to communicate with each other. It does not matter wherever you're located geographically, you can chat with your friends and acquaintances with ease. People are constantly striving to do new things or upgrade existing ones, making them faster, more accessible and safer.
This is exactly what the blockchain technology was designed to become. Blockchain technology is designed to make the financial technology sector fast, secure and transparent, and accessible to all. Blockchain technology has limitless potential and can be used in different industries.
On the basis of all this, the Social Wallet team decided to combine these two modern innovations, social networks and blockchain technology. The idea of this concept is very simple, thanks to the "social wallet" anyone can send and receive cryptocurrencies through existing social networks.
Not many people know, but social networks is a thriving market at the moment, which is increasing every day from newly joined users. According to experts, there are currently more than 2.46 billion users on the network, and by 2019 this figure will increase to 2.77 billion. Nevertheless, only 1% of the total number of users know what cryptocurrency is. Therefore, Social Wallet wants to become a global platform that will be able to convert all users of social networks into the world of cryptocurrencies, and I will remind you about 2.77 billion people.
There is no doubt that social networks have become a part of our lives, and due to their popularization we can use them from almost any mobile device. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with adding to their functionality another interesting feature that will allow users to start interacting in a new way more meaningful.
Let's look at how it will look in practice. Social Wallet is a kind of unique platform that allows individuals to send and receive cryptocurrencies directly through social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Email, etc.), without any additional knowledge and settings. All you need is to choose the right person for you, in any social network and send him cryptocurrency. Thanks to a simple and convenient scheme of interaction, the social Wallet platform plans to overtake such popular Western connections as Venmo, PayPal and WeChat.

For clarity, let's look at a small example of how users can interact with each other using this platform Social Wallet.

Option number 1: Take as a basis the two classmates Jill and James, who communicate with each other by means of the social network Facebook. Every day they browse each other's news feed to stay up-to-date with all the latest news. And once James puts the photo of the damage to your car that the tree fell. Jill, sympathizing with the trouble James, decides with the help of Social Wallet to send him a cryptocurrency so that he can pay for the repair of his car. At the same time, common friends Jill and James see through the Social Wallet a transaction made and they also decide to send tokens to help James raise the necessary amount of funds for the repair of the car.

Option number 2: On Twitter, there is Jack, who on the basis of technical analysis makes good recommendations and is very popular. One of these recommendations Amy buys a pickup truck, which she had so long wanted. As a token of appreciation for the good recommendation, she wants to thank Jack. Thanks to Social Wallet, Amy has the ability to directly send cryptocurrency to Jack via Twitter. Meanwhile, Jack can give his expert advice on Social Wallet and its capabilities on Twitter.
On fact options can be thousands of and tell about them now there is no sense, I think you themselves soon all see and you try.
The most important thing here is the ambitious plans of Social Wallet, which seek to change life for the better. Where the platform can become a kind of ramp for new blockchain users around the world.
The Social Wallet team will create a WIRE token that will feed the Social Wallet platform itself. Once the WIRE enters the token to the purse of the recipient, it has many options for its use. This token can be bought through any available cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC). The minimum purchase amount is $ 100. This obzirom Social Wallet shows that they value each and every investor, even with little capital.
In General, I find this project very interesting. Therefore, I will take note of it and will continue to monitor the progress of this platform. So if you are interested in Social Wallet, and you want to understand in more detail what is how, I recommend you to study all the necessary information on these links:




Very interesting? Good progect

Thank you very much!

yes blockchan quietky changing the world and most of people aren't even know that

Projects on the blockchain - this is our future!

I'm following the project, I'm thinking of investing in it.

The project is very promising! Be sure to buy tokens!

one more great blockchain usage!

Consonant! An interesting project on the blockchain

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